'98 : Début de carrière avec des langages libres
les 3 P : #Perl puis #PHP et enfin au détour d'une pyconfr à Paris en 2012, #Python (et nan pas de #pascal;)
Je partais avec aucun background de DEV,... mais de comptable 🤓
Tout appris all alone, je sais pas ce qui m'a pris, l'engouement pour Linux et le "libre" sûrement 🤣
Et enfin cette semaine, qq décennies plus tard, je suis une formation "pro" sur ... Python krkrkr 👍
Me servira-t-elle ?
#syndromedelimposteur #pascal #python #php #perl
#Perl @PerlWChallenge 234 Common Characters and Unequal Triplets https://wlmb.github.io/2023/09/11/PWC234/
It feels great to finally has a use for ClojureScript, where I got my handle from.
`defn` is the mental image of myself. Just Another fn.
Doing some hacking on https://taustation.space/, a free-to-play narrative MMORPG with a #Perl back end. Of *course* this is the character I'm creating.
If you've never seen/read #TheExpanse, you're missing out.
Whenever it's not related to gameplay, we encourage our developers to release their code as #OpenSource.
#perl #theexpanse #opensource #scifi #science #gaming #gamedev
Ooh! #Fedora has included my MooseX::Entended module for #perl
If you want to write better OO for Perl, but can't wait/upgrade for Corinna, here's a tutorial:
Another new #Perl module - this one to make subroutine signature parameters that are aliases of the caller's value, rather than a copy. Makes it easier to write functions that mutate the caller's arguments
A small #Perl module wrapping the extended sub parser provided by XS::Parse::Sublike. Using this, code can use new experimental features such named parameters to functions.
This is quite useful and shows everything in a nifty format. Makes it easy to locate the underlying issue clear. Building it seems to bu pulling in some additional things, but I didn’t explore that why or further.
In my case, the problem was a REST service starting to redirect PUT in a newer version, so that I had to set “requests_redirectable” in LWP. It didn’t help that the return value of the call was not checked, so the failure was silent.
Very simple but useful idea for code organization: https://www.stormsections.com/assets/videos/demo.mp4 #IntelliJ
Supports #Perl (searching "perl" in the marketpalce made me discover this)
So I started a project to try to bring basic type constraints to #perl. https://github.com/Perl-Apollo/oshun
I named it "Oshun" after a Nigerian Yoruba river goddess who's often depicted as protecting humans. I did that because I wanted to show a world that's more "round," if you will.
It's a given that when you try to do something big in #OpenSource, you get detractors.
Here's a comment from one of mine:
"Oshin" (sic) is named after a pagan river demon/earth mother - speaking of "bizzare".
@deafferret @Perl I was thinking of developing/debugging/testing it separately under XYZ::SeqAlignment while figuring out what needs to be done to get it under BioPerl (ultimate goal).
There is a non public working prototype in both #Python (discontinued due to the disappointing performance of pandas) and #Perl written to support
I am gutting this prototype, which wraps over the CLI of some of these tools, for components now e.g. a performance fastq to fasta parser.
🇺🇸 /🇬🇧 Things I always wished:
I always wished "the Llama" book had at least "one" of its many editions translated into Spanish.
🇦🇷 /🇪🇸 Cosas que siempre deseé:
Siempre deseé que al menos una de las tantas ediciones del libro de "la Llama" tuviera una traducción al Español.
#perl #programming #thellamabook #randalschwartz
Geologist & physical geographer. Works with data analysis, data management and visualization within spatial data, GIS, remote sensing, metadata. Happy outside in Nature.
Likes #geoscience #environmentalscience #remotesensing #gis #FOSS #dataanalysis #geospatial #copernicus #OpenStreetMap #grassgis #qgis #GenericMappingTools #perl #python #gnuplot #imagemagick #spatial #OpenSource #openscience #datamanagement #datavisualization #Linux #amateurastronomy #running #cycling
#presentation #Cycling #Running #amateurastronomy #Linux #datavisualization #datamanagement #openscience #OpenSource #spatial #imagemagick #gnuplot #Python #perl #genericmappingtools #qgis #grassgis #OpenStreetMap #copernicus #geospatial #dataanalysis #FOSS #gis #remotesensing #environmentalscience #geoscience
Geolog & naturgeograf. Arbetar med dataanalys, informationshantering och visualisering inom geodata, gis, fjärranalys, metadata. Gärna ute i naturen på fritiden.
Gillar #geoscience #environmentalscience #remotesensing #gis #FOSS #dataanalysis #geospatial #copernicus #OpenStreetMap #grassgis #qgis #GenericMappingTools #perl #python #gnuplot #imagemagick #spatial #OpenSource #openscience #datavisualization #Linux #amateurastronomy #running #cycling
#presentation #Cycling #Running #amateurastronomy #Linux #datavisualization #openscience #OpenSource #spatial #imagemagick #gnuplot #Python #perl #genericmappingtools #qgis #grassgis #OpenStreetMap #copernicus #geospatial #dataanalysis #FOSS #gis #remotesensing #environmentalscience #geoscience
In short, I received an unsolicited job offer. Of _course_ that's idiotic. No believes unsolicited job offers, right? But honestly, I get them a lot, they're usually genuine, but they're for #perl consulting. This particular one came after someone saw a response of mine regarding colonizing Mars: https://www.reddit.com/r/Colonizemars/comments/15e7xks/do_any_of_you_actually_think_you_or_your_kids/ju8efr2/ 2/12
@remoteperljobs Beware. This employer goes through senior #perl devs like a revolving door for some reason.
It is fascinating that we get a bunch of biological #sequence #aligners to choose from in #bioinformatics , but no standardized terminology of their modes, or API (you can find a bewildering mix of libraries and CLI). This is gap for researchers who want to try different tools, and likely for companies in the #NGS #sequencing space too. The first is the reason I am flexing my #perl skills , leveraging the new lang features to create a standardized API for many of the recent tools. @Perl
#sequence #aligners #bioinformatics #ngs #sequencing #perl