@wordshaper @a13cui @Perl @randomgeek @joelle I don’t know what you mean by “actual #Perl6.” Was anyone outside of the echo chamber convinced that #Perl 6 *wasn’t* the next version after #Perl5.x before *or* during its “sister language” period?
Hell, @lizmat *still* has to interject, even after four years have passed, whenever she spots someone deadnaming #RakuLang.
@lizmat @a13cui @Perl @randomgeek @joelle It was necessary to grudgingly accept the #Perl6 “sister language” narrative because Larry had failed to deliver the “next version of #Perl” eight years after the project’s inception.
#Perl5’s Osborning was largely complete by then regardless of whether the Effect does not accurately describe its namesake. (A namesake unfortunately rarely gets to retcon wide interpretation of the past.)
@wh0x3r I’ve been a professional #Perl #developer for sixteen years, which is now over half my #InformationTechnology career. That career started writing #SystemAdministration and #CGI scripts using the last version of #Perl4 and the first releases of #Perl5.
Was Perl core to all my past employers’ products? Not always. But it has been for the last half-dozen or so. I’ve been lucky to find them.
Follow @Perl if you want to network and learn from others like me.
#perl #developer #informationtechnology #systemadministration #cgi #perl4 #perl5
@regehr @PorkBBQ @commodore @dev It’s just “#Perl” to its friends now. #Perl6 was renamed to “Raku” in 2019: https://news.perlfoundation.org/post/tpf-response-raku-rename
@kusuriya @randomgeek #Perl has handled #Unicode since v5.6 released in 2000. #AWS debuted two years after. Heck, Bezos had only been working out of his garage for three months when #Perl5 was released. What the hell is their excuse for using #Perl4?
#perl #unicode #aws #perl5 #perl4
@Perl #Perl version 5.36.1 is out! https://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl5.porters/2023/04/msg266251.html
What’s new? Mainly a handful of bug fixes. https://metacpan.org/release/SHAY/perl-5.36.1/view/pod/perldelta.pod
Also new: Welcome Elvin Aslanov @rwp0 to the list of Perl core #developers! https://github.com/Perl/perl5/commit/ca030d87985ef099b498045b688ee5fbe007c97d
Perl’s next major stable release should appear in the first half of 2023.
#Perl5 #CPAN #ProgrammingLanguages #SoftwareDevelopment #programming #OpenSource #FOSS #coding
#perl #developers #perl5 #cpan #programminglanguages #softwaredevelopment #programming #opensource #foss #coding
@Perl Fun little online poll: Which do you consider as the greatest #Perl5 after 5.0?
It’s also a great highlight summary of the past twenty-nine (‼️) years of core #Perl 5 evolution.
And yes, I submitted the new #inxi release to #TinyCore the same day of release, which is unusual for me. Checking the release notes, I've been packaging this now for 4 1/2 years, time flies. I'm not the best or more reliable packager in the world, but I like the TiinyCore project, what they do in a sense helps keep Linux honest in a way. Sadly the #Perl5 + inxi iinstall is bigger than the base TinyCore install, lol, but that's why TC is cool.
And yes, I submitted the new #inxi release to #TinyCore the same day of release, which is unusual for me. Checking the release notes, I've been packaging this now for 4 1/2 years, time flies. I'm not the best or more reliable packager in the world, but I like the TiinyCore project, what they do in a sense helps keep Linux honest in a way. Sadly the #Perl5 + inxi iinstall is bigger than the base TinyCore install, lol, but that's why TC is cool.
@christian @simon And #Python 2.7 was released in what, 2009? It was supposed to EOL in 2015 but there was just too much unported code out there. https://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0373/
Imagine if #RakuLang had gone with its original plan to be #Perl6, and we had to wait for sufficient #Perl5 code to be ported before sunsetting the latter. (Never mind how that was rendered impossible when the community split.)
#python #rakulang #perl6 #perl5
@ibboard @darkhunter @kagan I favor the @mojolicious framework. Here’s a complete #Perl #Mojolicious web application from https://mojolicious.org :
use Mojolicious::Lite;
get '/' => {text => 'I ♥ Mojolicious!'};
Mojolicious has also been ported to #TypeScript for #JavaScript-based #WebDevelopment: https://mojojs.org
#perl #mojolicious #typescript #javascript #webdevelopment #programming #coding #webdev #softwaredevelopment #perl5
@ibboard @darkhunter @kagan “Compared to bash” 😮
Regarding modern #Perl #WebDevelopment, this short whitepaper from ten years ago is still a good summary: http://modernperlbooks.com/whitepapers/developers/web-application-development.html
“If you still think of Perl web development as a cgi-bin directory full of messy scripts that spew warnings to STDERR, you’re [two decades] out of date. Better yet, you can replace that mess piecemeal, thanks to the new tools and techniques of modern Perl.“
#perl #webdevelopment #programming #coding #webdev #softwaredevelopment #perl5
@Perl Are you working through the #OReilly #book ‘Learning #Perl’? Get extra practice with co-author brian d foy’s ‘Learning Perl Exercises’ #ebook: https://leanpub.com/learning_perl_exercises
Don’t have ‘Learning Perl’ yet? Buy it in paperback or ebook here: https://shop.aer.io/oreilly/p/learning-perl-8th/9781492094951-9149
Prefer #Amazon #Kindle? https://amzn.to/3QZj7t6 (affiliate link)
#books #bookstodon #coding #programming #SoftwareDevelopment #ProgrammingLanguages #Perl5 #RegularExpressions #regexes #regexps #Unicode #CPAN
#oreilly #book #perl #ebook #amazon #kindle #books #bookstodon #coding #programming #softwaredevelopment #programminglanguages #perl5 #regularexpressions #regexes #regexps #unicode #cpan
Wow this are scary stories!
#swiftlang #perl5 #python #scala
@amoroso @leobm That is too close to the original: “What is the sound of #Perl? Is it not the sound of a wall that people have stopped banging their heads against?”
—Larry Wall, the language’s creator, in 1992
Note that at the time, Perl was at version 4.020 or so. #Perl5 changed *everything* in 1994, including the ability to change everything.
more hacking make stuff under #RiscOS
so now that the makefile rules are in the right order...
My quick&dirty #perl5 filename munger crashes pinboard when run from AMU???
An even quicker&dirtier BBC BASIC version runs though, switching the directory seperators and running m4 with the corrected filenames!
and yes AMU can transparently run BBC BASIC programs! So hexpatch works fine as my default hex2bin!
@alexstandiford Roughly 100 days later, #Perl6 announced: https://www.perl.com/pub/2000/10/23/soto2000.html/#:~:text=the%20effort%20to%20write%20Perl%206%20has%20begun%20in%20earnest
5,637 days after that, #Perl 6 shipped: https://perl6advent.wordpress.com/2015/12/25/christmas-is-here/
Water under the bridge at this point; #Perl5 didn’t stand still: https://phoenixtrap.com/2021/05/25/perl-can-do-that-now/
And Perl 6 didn’t remain Perl: https://news.perlfoundation.org/post/tpf-response-raku-rename
… may require deep changes in #Perl5; am more than willing to turn on some "experimental" "features" until the end of time.