@wordshaper @a13cui @Perl @randomgeek @joelle I don’t know what you mean by “actual #Perl6.” Was anyone outside of the echo chamber convinced that #Perl 6 *wasn’t* the next version after #Perl5.x before *or* during its “sister language” period?
Hell, @lizmat *still* has to interject, even after four years have passed, whenever she spots someone deadnaming #RakuLang.
@lizmat @a13cui @Perl @randomgeek @joelle It was necessary to grudgingly accept the #Perl6 “sister language” narrative because Larry had failed to deliver the “next version of #Perl” eight years after the project’s inception.
#Perl5’s Osborning was largely complete by then regardless of whether the Effect does not accurately describe its namesake. (A namesake unfortunately rarely gets to retcon wide interpretation of the past.)
@lizmat I didn’t take it as a joke. I guess you see it as a dig at #Perl6’s long gestation?
I think an “RCRE” library would be cool. #RakuLang rules and grammars are excellent.
I believe it’s more productive to cheerfully disregard haters and, if possible, redirect the topic to advance a positive message to a friendly audience.
#Trolls hate that. 😁
@alecui Not an organized smear campaign, but over a decade-and-a-half of Osborning by Larry himself and #Perl6 developers that split the #Perl community and gave outsiders air cover to wave the shittiest of fragile novice spaghetti code as exemplars of how Perl inevitably leads to insecure unmaintainable crap
@ssfckdt Bondage-and-discipline #programming languages at which you can throw waves of interchangeable newbies make life easier for business managers.
#Perl’s reputation was spoiled by waves of newbies producing bad code anyway during the early “Web 1.0” years, followed by a splintering of its core community as #Perl6 (now #RakuLang)’s long development Osborned it to outsiders.
It didn’t have much to do with its #metaprogramming capabilities.
#programming #perl #perl6 #rakulang #metaprogramming
@regehr @PorkBBQ @commodore @dev It’s just “#Perl” to its friends now. #Perl6 was renamed to “Raku” in 2019: https://news.perlfoundation.org/post/tpf-response-raku-rename
@sullybiker In general it’s never a bad time to learn something new for its own sake, but I don’t know what “worth it” means to your situation.
As far as #Perl vs. #RakuLang: they are two different languages and ecosystems (with some cross-pollination), as finally recognized by the latter changing its name from #Perl6. Both come with benefits and tradeoffs, some common to both and some unique. Again, without knowing what you want to do I don’t know which to recommend.
@christian @simon And #Python 2.7 was released in what, 2009? It was supposed to EOL in 2015 but there was just too much unported code out there. https://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0373/
Imagine if #RakuLang had gone with its original plan to be #Perl6, and we had to wait for sufficient #Perl5 code to be ported before sunsetting the latter. (Never mind how that was rendered impossible when the community split.)
#python #rakulang #perl6 #perl5
@alexstandiford Well, Jon Orwant (now at https://ai.google) infamously threw coffee mugs to light a spark under #Perl6 development at #YAPC 19100, so yes, it does tend to move the problem elsewhere.
@alexstandiford Roughly 100 days later, #Perl6 announced: https://www.perl.com/pub/2000/10/23/soto2000.html/#:~:text=the%20effort%20to%20write%20Perl%206%20has%20begun%20in%20earnest
5,637 days after that, #Perl 6 shipped: https://perl6advent.wordpress.com/2015/12/25/christmas-is-here/
Water under the bridge at this point; #Perl5 didn’t stand still: https://phoenixtrap.com/2021/05/25/perl-can-do-that-now/
And Perl 6 didn’t remain Perl: https://news.perlfoundation.org/post/tpf-response-raku-rename
@pjcj @kraih @marcus @leonerd @Perigrin @ovid Or as Abigail put it back when #Java was the new hotness: "Let #Perl be Perl." https://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.advocacy/2001/08/msg1258.html
I remember #Perl6 (now #RakuLang) promised to still "be Perl," but they lost that plot somewhere along the way.
#perl is still a great choice! This is a post which I wrote a few months ago, but I didn't share it yet on the Fediverse! https://foo.zone/gemfeed/2022-05-27-perl-is-still-a-great-choice.html #perl5 #perl7 (also includes a small paragraph about #perl6 #raku)
#perl #perl5 #Perl7 #perl6 #raku
@mjgardner @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @sotolf I agree, to me, best practices for #bash is to not use it, use #perl. But this is Larry's fault really, the damage done by the #perl6 error is really massive, people are using the wrong languages all over, python is often wrong tool for job too. The python debugger #inxi had was literally 10x slower at least than the first first raw perl draft I did, embedded into bash inxi. I was stunned. That's what made me decide to use #perl, it was FAST. Is FAST.
@RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @smxi @sotolf You and everyone else got Osborned (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osborne_effect) by #Perl6 (now #RakuLang). I’m not bitter but I haven’t forgotten.
I wrote some Raku. It's a Wordle solver, currently not using a particularly good solver algorithm but I plan to expand it.
I'd really appreciate feedback from anyone who knows Raku - I'm sure there's improvements I can make!
#github #Wordle #perl #perl6 #code #raku
I just spent a couple of hours playing around with #raku (née #perl6) and I've got to say, it's *really* cool.
It has a lot of features that remind me of #apl in the best possible way.
For example, the APL expression
(which evaluates to 55)
can be written in Raku as
which is *almost* as concise, and *just* as powerful.
Any Raku/Perl6 fans out there? I'd love to hear if my first impressions match your experiences