Sultmhoor 🔒 · @sultmhoor
113 followers · 1222 posts · Server

Buzzing along with (i've almost reached 0.30!) and still have a long way to go. A tiny bit stuck because my favorite linux distro's build system doesn't have a recent enough version of to go forward in an 'official' way and I don't want to make it too retrograde, since the newer Mojo/Minion stuff is just too nice.

I honestly always install via myself, but if I were going to make a docker/whatever on I'd want for everything.

#perlurl #mojolicious #cpan #slackware #slackbuilds

Last updated 2 years ago

Sultmhoor 🔒 · @sultmhoor
97 followers · 962 posts · Server

I've written a hook in the 'timeline' endpoint that lets you select from a set of custom-written algorithms written in perl.

The first one I came up with: Mute all people who you deem as too 'adult' for work during work hours and when work hours end, all posts they've done float to the top of your timeline. I never had the "Not Worksafe" problem considering I worked for a gay newspaper and regularly rebuilt ads for porn stores, lol.


Last updated 2 years ago

Sultmhoor 🔒 · @sultmhoor
96 followers · 860 posts · Server

I've gotten the microblog app sketched out. Features so far:
Editing posts
Deleting posts
Quoted boosts
Emoji likes
basic rss feed

Venus seems very nice for a lot of reasons!

Built in Perl, with Mojolicious, Minion, SQLite3, Venus.

Kind of annoying that the SQLite3 and Cache::Cache backends for Minion seem abandoned. Might have to rewrite them to update them for the newer Minion calling semantics?


Last updated 2 years ago

Sultmhoor 🔒 · @sultmhoor
96 followers · 860 posts · Server

I'm finally starting to grok the whole ActivityPub structures and methods, but finding kind a lack of any visual representations of how the transactions happen. Other than the (dense, technical, jargonish) w3 spec, are there any good explainers for ActivityPub?

#activitypub #mastodon #perlurl

Last updated 3 years ago