Phantom 鬨 · @PhantomGender
1 followers · 7 posts · Server

Ok, I do suppose my best bet for finding kindred spirits here is to make an intro post.

Howdy do, I'm Phantom Gender (they/them). I'm a scorpio, a chronically ill activist, and I like writing fiction that blurs the line between fantasy and sci-fi. Here's a bunch of hashtags:

You can also find me on tumblr as PhantomGender, and I'll also be PhantomGender on bird app probably until it crashes.
I look forward to getting to know this space and getting to know yall ☆

#landback #climateemergency #druidry #astrology #nanowrimo #finishurbookfall #PermacultureRevolution #permaculturecovillage #solarpunk #MutualAid #disabilitytwt #abolitionnow #housingforall #ecology #Anarchisme #abolishcapitalism #fictionwriting

Last updated 2 years ago

Création d’un Écolieu Décroissant d’Habitat Réversible en Bretagne
Sortir du système néolibéral est vital !

#permaculturecovillage #biodiversité #SauvonsLaVie

Last updated 3 years ago

🌱 Rencontres annuelles de permaculture, du 19 au 22 aout
Un évenement autogéré, convivial et très attendu


Last updated 3 years ago