"Sommerens tining av permafrosten på Svalbard slår alle tidligere rekorder"
#svalbard #permafrost #climatechange
Permafrost Pathways is a collaborative project among the Woodwell Climate Research Center, Harvard Kennedy School Arctic Initiative, and Alaska Institute for Justice to educate and create solutions for permafrost thaw #permafrost
Six years ago, I had the chance to visit and study two amazing #permafrost outcrops in #Siberia, i.e. the #Batagay megaslump and Ulakhan Sular. See impressive drone videos of both sites shot by Alexey Lupachev in July 2023:
#rockfall yesterday in the Maurienne Valley, french #Alps 🇫🇷, causing the cut of roads to Italy 🇮🇹.
The relation to the #permafrost melting, as suggested in the paper, is questionable because of low elevation of the event…
But any impact from the heavy rains of past days?
#rockfall #Alps #permafrost #geomorphology
Ecroulement rocheux hier en vallée de #maurienne entraînant la coupure des voies de communication vers l’Italie.
La relation avec la fonte du #permafrost, comme suggéré dans l’article ci-dessous, me paraît assez douteuse compte tenu de l’altitude de l’événement.
En revanche, une relation avec les précipitations des derniers jours?
#maurienne #permafrost #geomorphology
Grunnen på de høyeste fjelltoppene har ofte #permafrost. Når denne tiner så blir massen ustabil og kan begynne å flytte på seg veldig raskt. Toppen av Mount Fluchthorn raste i sommer #klima
"First, the #fires in #boreal regions become more intense, and, because of the tremendous heat being generated, #peat, which has stored carbon for thousands of years, can start to burn and contribute massive amounts of carbon to the air.
That carbon will take at least another 1,000 years to go back into the peat.
Second, in boreal regions, fires can thaw #permafrost, beginning a cascade of microbial processes that may also generate #GreenhouseGases"
#ClimateChange #fires #boreal #peat #permafrost #greenhousegases
Warum ist eine Geschichte über den in #Kärnten nahe #Salzburg liegenden #Großglockner im ORF-Tirol?
Antwort an mich selbst: Weil er an der Grenze Tirol/Kärnten liegt.
Man lernt nie aus (glaub, das hab ich in der Schule anders gelernt).
#Klima #Klimwandel #Klimakrise #globaleErwärmung #Klimakatastrophe #Hitze #Permafrost
#karnten #salzburg #Großglockner #klima #Klimwandel #KlimaKrise #globaleerwarmung #klimakatastrophe #hitze #permafrost
2006: #ice #soil in #july discontinuous #permafrost #forest #steppe #terelj #ulaanbaatar #mongolia #asia #2006
#ice #soil #july #permafrost #forest #steppe #terelj #ulaanbaatar #mongolia #asia
Happy #FossilFriday from the #Alaska State Museum! In the Lower 48, most #mammoth fossils are Columbian #mammoths, but the colder climates of the Last Frontier favored its hairy cousin. These woolly mammoth #tusks were found in the #permafrost around #Fairbanks, but they're common enough across Alaska that they've been named its state #fossil!
#fossilfriday #alaska #mammoth #mammoths #tusks #permafrost #fairbanks #fossil
Mountains Are Collapsing - A Swiss Mountain Peak Fell Apart, Sending 3.5 Million Cubic Feet Of Rock Into The Valley Below - Scientists Warn Climate Change Could Make More Mountains Crumble.
https://www.businessinsider.com/mountains-switzerland-collapsing-from-permafrost-melt-2023-8 <-- shared media article
#GIS #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #prediction #geology #engineeringgeology #massmovement #global #landslide #debrisflow #mudslide #mountain #cryosphere #glacier #snow #ice #permafrost #water #hydrology #rockfall #EuropeanAlps #europe #SouthernAlps #newzealand #andes #peru #indigeneous #firstnation #risk #hazard #publicsafety #climate #melting #snowandicemanagement #climatechange #landforms #change #geomorphology #globalwarming #IPCC #naturalhazard #geologichazards
#gis #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #prediction #geology #engineeringgeology #massmovement #global #landslide #debrisflow #mudslide #mountain #cryosphere #glacier #snow #ice #permafrost #water #hydrology #rockfall #europeanalps #Europe #southernalps #newzealand #Peru #indigeneous #firstnation #risk #hazard #publicsafety #climate #melting #snowandicemanagement #climatechange #landforms #change #geomorphology #globalwarming #ipcc #naturalhazard #geologichazards #andes
A Swiss mountain peak fell apart, sending 3.5 million cubic feet of rock into the valley below. Scientists warn climate change could make more mountains crumble. The collapse was caused by thawing permafrost, a layer of frozen ground that holds the mountain together. #ClimateChange #Permafrost #MountainCollapse https://www.businessinsider.com/mountains-switzerland-collapsing-from-permafrost-melt-2023-8
#climatechange #permafrost #mountaincollapse
Arctic River Channels Changing Due To Climate Change, Scientists Discover
https://earth.stanford.edu/news/arctic-river-channels-changing-due-climate-change-scientists-discover <-- shared technical article
https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-023-01620-9 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #hydrology #water #river #meanders #arctic #erosion #organic #carbon #floodplains #climatechange #permafrost #riverbed #Yukon #Alaska #Canada #atmosphere #warming #gischat #riverbanks #satelliteimagery #history #spatialanalysis #meander #ecosystems #vegetation #greening
#gis #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #hydrology #water #river #meanders #arctic #erosion #organic #carbon #floodplains #climatechange #permafrost #riverbed #Yukon #alaska #Canada #atmosphere #warming #gischat #riverbanks #satelliteimagery #history #spatialanalysis #meander #ecosystems #vegetation #greening
Potentially dangerous #pathogens locked away in #permafrost for thousands of years could be released as the planet warms> https://bit.ly/3CzL6tn
In der Klimawissenschaft ist ein Kipppunkt definiert als "eine kritische Schwelle, jenseits derer sich ein System neu organisiert, oft abrupt und/oder irreversibel" (Lenton et al., 2008). Hier sind 10 #Kipppunkte, die für uns zunehmend an Bedeutung gewonnen haben.
"Einige der im #IPCC-Bericht erörterten abrupten Klimaänderungen und Kipppunkte könnten schwerwiegende lokale Klimareaktionen nach sich ziehen, wie extreme Temperaturen, Dürren, Waldbrände, Verlust der Eisschilde und Zusammenbruch der thermohalinen Zirkulation.
Es gibt Hinweise auf abrupte Veränderungen in der Erdgeschichte, und einige dieser Ereignisse wurden als Kipppunkte interpretiert (Dakos et al., 2008). Einige davon sind mit bedeutenden Veränderungen des globalen Klimas verbunden, wie z. B. die Interglaziale im Quartär (vor 2,5 Millionen Jahren) und die rasche Erwärmung während des thermischen Maximums im Paläozän und Eozän (vor etwa 55,5 Millionen Jahren; Bowen et al., 2015; Hollis et al., 2019).
Solche Ereignisse veränderten das planetare Klima für zehn- bis hunderttausende von Jahren, aber mit einer Geschwindigkeit, die tatsächlich viel langsamer ist als der projizierte anthropogene Klimawandel in diesem Jahrhundert, selbst wenn es keine Kipppunkte gibt" (IPCC, 2021).
#climatescience #tippingpoints #tippingpoint #scientistrebellion #scientistrebelliongermany #climatechange #climatecrisis #forestfires #icesheet #elnino #monsoon #coralreef #permafrost #amazonforest #atlantic #arctic #antarctica #climatesystem.
#kipppunkte #ipcc #ClimateScience #tippingpoints #tippingpoint #ScientistRebellion #scientistrebelliongermany #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Forestfires #icesheet #elnino #monsoon #coralreef #permafrost #amazonforest #atlantic #arctic #antarctica #climatesystem
El permafrost es el suelo permanentemente congelado que se encuentra en las regiones más frías del planeta. A pesar de su importancia ambiental como almacén de carbono, el calentamiento global está provocando el derretimiento del permafrost, lo que libera grandes cantidades de gases de efecto invernadero a la atmósfera y contribuye al cambio climático. La protección del permafrost es vital para preservar el equilibrio natural del planeta y mitigar los efectos del calentamiento global. #Permafrost #CambioClimático #MedioAmbiente
#permafrost #cambioclimatico #medioambiente
Maybe we shouldn't be warming up the #permafrost? Just a thought...
#permafrost #VoteGreen #climatebreakdown
Scientists woke up a 46,000-year-old #roundworm from Siberian #permafrost
#roundworm #permafrost #nopaywall #giftarticle
"Computer simulation shows the release of only 1% of dormant pathogens could cause major environmental damage and the widespread loss of host organisms around the world"
#ecology #permafrost #melt #pathogendata
#ecology #permafrost #melt #pathogendata
If I were the nematode, I'd take a sleeping pill.
#science #nematodes #Siberia #paleontology #permafrost
#science #nematodes #siberia #paleontology #permafrost