Sorry for posting this constantly. I had to turn down the place that was offered because I won't have any basic furniture or appliances for several months while I try to fundraise. I am currently at 13% on the fundraising meter, which is enough to get maybe a second hand bed and food for now to keep me alive. I'm still in need of fundraising the rest in order to get things like a
Washing machine, drawers, shelves, a drill and level so I can put more shelves up on the walls, air purifiers, and HEPA filters for the air vents since I'll be in an apartment.
And funds for the move itself.
I absolutely cannot catch covid again, I am already disabled and another round will kill me. I cannot work to save up for these basic necessities, hand washing my clothes while this I'll will not be possible either. I will stop posting this once I have this funded. I'm so sorry for keep posting this.
A place will be available this year anywhere between two to three to 6 months from now, I am still in emergency housing in the meantime.

Your donations are much appreciated, your continued boosting is also appreciated

#diasbled #movingfund #MutualAid #help #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp #LongCovid #disability #permanentlysick #permanentdisability #emergencyhousing #socialhousing #NZTwitter #NZTwits #AotearoaNZ #Aoteaora #fundraising

Last updated 2 years ago

We want to help keep people in this country safe from the disability that covid and other viruses cause.
If you are already disabled then doubly so. Reinfection can and does cause irreparable damage to all organs and causes blood clots.
The government is not giving out correct messaging or protection. So we must look after each other as a result.

Protect yours and others bodies by masking. they are the only bodies you will ever have.

#MutualAid #mutualaidnz #maskmutualaidnz #airpurificationnz #cleanairnz #pandemicsafeconditions #disabiliy #NZTwits #NZTwitter #nztwitts #nztweeter #NZToots #nzpol #longcovidnz #LongCovid #persistentcovid #permanentdisability #infectiousdisease #infectiousdiseasenz #protectagainstcovid #maskingisgood #noshameinmasking

Last updated 2 years ago