@NPR I’m a QUADRIPLEGIC #WheelchairUser with #CerebralPalsy & earlier today I was #PermanentlySuspended by #Twitter. I’ve NEVER threatened anyone or broken the law—I’ve just highlighted that #Nevada just gave #Tesla & #ElonMusk $300M+ & other companies boatloads of $$$$$ while doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for me FOR 31 YEARS!!!!
#wheelchairuser #cerebralpalsy #permanentlysuspended #twitter #nevada #tesla #ElonMusk
@OldeHippi I’m a QUADRIPLEGIC #WheelchairUser with #CerebralPalsy & earlier today I was #PermanentlySuspended by #Twitter. I’ve NEVER threatened anyone or broken the law—I’ve just highlighted that #Nevada just gave #Tesla & #ElonMusk $300M+ & other companies boatloads of $$$$$ while doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for me FOR 31 YEARS!!!!
#wheelchairuser #cerebralpalsy #permanentlysuspended #twitter #nevada #tesla #ElonMusk
I posted this on my now #PermanentlySuspended (by #ElmoMush ) #BirdSite account, so I guess I need to repeat it here: #Wikipedia needs to change its “History of Quantum Theory” page ⬇️, and set back the birth of #QuantumTheory to 1803, when #JohnDalton correctly hypothesized that *mass* is quantized!
#permanentlysuspended #elmomush #birdsite #wikipedia #quantumtheory #johndalton
@OldeHippi I'll be moved fully over here once all the major businesses are.
#permanentlysuspended #ElonMusk #twitter
@MaxPow3r11 hilarious that #ElonOverlord thinks is #generous to allow someone he's #PermanentlySuspended to scroll through the feed. Hope you can get your data and #firebomb your account.
#elonoverlord #generous #permanentlysuspended #firebomb