#Science says Congress should nix #DaylightSavingTime and go to #PermanentStandardTime, which is better in tune with our natural body clocks, thus improving #sleep and #health. But Congress just reintroduced a bill to nix #StandardTime and go to permanent DST.
Regardless, on Sunday 3/12 most of the US springs forward, which data shows harms personal #health and public safety. I catch you up on the issue and explain how to sleep better this weekend, and beyond.
#science #daylightsavingtime #permanentstandardtime #sleep #health #standardtime
Northern hemisphere daylight savings time date is approaching - could it be the last? Permanent standard time, which is better for human health, is gaining traction in USA...
RT @ErikHerzog
Thanks @mr_jay_pea! The growing number of states considering #pST (yellow dots on these maps) or rejecting #pDST (blue x) impresses…trending towards #permanentStandardTime #locktheclock. @SRBR_Outreach https://twitter.com/mr_jay_pea/status/162893…
#LockTheClock #permanentstandardtime #pdst #pst
#PermanentStandardTime is endorsed by the American Medical Association, American Academy of Sleep Medicine, American College of Chest Physicians, Society of Anesthesia & Sleep Medicine, American Academy of Cardiovascular Sleep Medicine, and many more. https://journals.lww.com/neurotodayonline/Fulltext/2023/01050/Stop_Springing_Forward__Sleep_Experts_Urge_Move_to.4.aspx
Great thanks to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine Foundation, which provided generous funding for our new Science of Clock Change video series. #SleepHealth #PermanentStandardTime
#sleephealth #permanentstandardtime
Permanent DST would delay WV sunrise to nearly 9am in January, past 8am nearly 4 months. It cost lives in 1974. Schoolchildren, farmers, commuters need morning light for health/safety. Restore #PermanentStandardTime instead. https://www.facebook.com/CongressmanAlexMooney/videos/1149128272381278/
“Daylight Saving Time’s longer, less conspicuous impact on human physiology doesn’t go away so quickly.” Tell legislators to #EndDST with #PermanentStandardTime! https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/sleep-talking/202211/should-we-let-go-daylight-saving-time
#enddst #permanentstandardtime