Anyone got any tips on where to publish my permanomics article? Medium and substack are problematic from an access point of view. I don't really have an appropriate website at this point.
It's probably going to be a long form essay with a number of charts and images.
Ideas welcome.
#writing #permanomics #permaculture #publishing
I'm doing a talk today about permaculture and economics. It's going to be fun!
#apc2023 #permaculture #permanentculture #permanomics #economics #regenerativeeconomics #systemchangenotclimatechange
Fantastic interview with (my rad bloke) Karl Fitzgerald talking economic reform and Community Land Trusts through the lens of permaculture.
Morag's podcast is a goodie. I recommend a listen.
#permaculture #permanomics #communitylandtrusts #ecologicaleconomics
So proud of my amazing husband and best friend Karl Fitzgerald for launching his new housing affordability organisation tonight.
Grounded is a Community Land Trust advocacy org that is going to change the face of community led housing in this country.
Such a great crew on board already and now they're ready for more!
Check out and sign up today 🏘️
#grounded #communitylandtrust #housingaffordability #economics #auspol #policy #housing #shareconomy #permanomics
Damn just looked up the #SocialPermaculture hashtag and total tumbleweeds. Need to fix that!
Where are all the SP, #permanomics #DecolonisingPermaculture #permaqueer #AdaptivePermaculture (what else am I missing?) peeps at?
#socialpermaculture #permanomics #decolonisingpermaculture #permaqueer #adaptivepermaculture