When B12 is low & oral/sublingual supplements are recommended, it's crucial to follow up with retesting. If a person isn't absorbing B12, they might need injections. #vitaminB12anemia #perniciousanemia
#vitaminb12anemia #perniciousanemia
Any other #PerniciousAnemia sufferers around?
I used to get my #B12 jabs every few months just by making an appointment with the nurse. My new surgery has told me I need to go get it from a pharmacy first with a prescription.
I’ve never had to pay for it before. Is this is just how it is now?
@heydon shit, that sucks!
Among my fellow #perniciousAnemia / #B12 #spoonies, there are warnings that Covid depletes B12.
Orthostatic tachycardia, loss of taste/smell, cardiovascular problems, and brain fog are symptoms of both.
If you haven’t supplemented in B12 in the last 4 months and feel like shot coming out of it, ask to test your levels. If you have supplemented the test will be inaccurate for up to 4 months.
#perniciousanemia #b12 #spoonies
@hjames thanks. The uphill battle of educating doctors about my family’s #perniciousAnemia has been a lot.
Sandwich generation #spoonie problems: Overcoming your own shitty doctors to get proper treatment only to have to fight the battle all over and over again for a parent and a child.
#spoonie #NEISvoid #b12deficiency #perniciousanemia
Sandwich generation #spoonie problems: Overcoming your own shitty doctors to get proper treatment only to have to fight the battle all over and over again for a parent and a child.
#spoonie #NEISvoid #b12deficiency #perniciousanemia
Sandwich generation #spoonie problems: Overcoming your own shitty doctors to get proper treatment only to have to fight the battle all over and over again for a parent and a child.
#spoonie #NEISvoid #b12deficiency #perniciousanemia
Sandwich generation #spoonie problems: Overcoming your own shitty doctors to get proper treatment only to have to fight the battle all over and over again for a parent and a child.
#spoonie #NEISvoid #b12deficiency #perniciousanemia
Sandwich generation #spoonie problems: Overcoming your own shitty doctors to get proper treatment only to have to fight the battle all over and over again for a parent and a child.
#spoonie #NEISvoid #b12deficiency #perniciousanemia
I forgot to add, that you may find me also speaking up/ranting about #b12Deficiency #perniciousAnemia ( #perniciousAnaemia ) #POTS #hEDS #MCAS #trigeminalNeuralgia along with the failings of health care. Also #actuallyOCD
#b12deficiency #perniciousanemia #perniciousanaemia #pots #heds #mcas #trigeminalneuralgia #actuallyocd