Right now, Ball and the New York Polyphony perform #Desprez #Crecquillon #Perotin #Machaut and #Bach in #Arnstadt https://pst.cr/ByZg8 #wch
#Desprez #crecquillon #perotin #machaut #bach #arnstadt #wch
In 25 minutes, Ball and the New York Polyphony perform #Desprez #Crecquillon #Perotin #Machaut and #Bach in #Arnstadt https://pst.cr/ByZg8 #wch
#Desprez #crecquillon #perotin #machaut #bach #arnstadt #wch
Today, Ball and the New York Polyphony perform #Desprez #Crecquillon #Perotin #Machaut and #Bach in #Arnstadt https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/ball_and_the_new_york_polyphony_perform_desprez_crecquillon_perotin_machaut_and_bach_in__arnstadt/74928/ #wch
#Desprez #crecquillon #perotin #machaut #bach #arnstadt #wch
Cooking up our next album at #MCOHilversum with #FrerikdeJong original music by #stevereich #joeyroukens and arrangements of music by #perotin #machaut #messiaen #gesualdo
#mcohilversum #frerikdejong #stevereich #joeyroukens #perotin #machaut #messiaen #gesualdo