At one point in the paper they put 'educated' in inverted commas, stating how the #education systems are failing against mythical #economicNarratives like 'growth can continue forever if it's in #serviceIndustries', or '#technology can save us'.
They're right, #perpetualGrowth itself is delusional, and its great to see them specifically target the 3.5% number #Keynesianism clings to. It doesn't delve into the #moneyPump specifically, which is unfortunate.
Do read the (15min read) paper.
#education #economicNarratives #serviceindustries #technology #perpetualGrowth #keynesianism #moneyPump
The only thing that incentivises #perpetualGrowth is debt-based #FiatCurrencies and #stockMarketing.
Look into fractional reserve banking to see real #exponentialGrowth.
Gold and #bitcoin are deflationary and wouldn't allow the kinds of debt growth and global destruction we've seen over 50 years.
Also bitcoin mining is designed to respond dynamically to the amount of energy available. If less energy is out there then the difficulty of mining will decrease.
#stockMarketing #exponentialGrowth #perpetualGrowth #fiatCurrencies #bitcoin
Similar boat, we had people vilify us for wanting to have a sensible amount of #immigration into #Australia. Rather than the extreme 300-450 thousand per annum.
Here people don't come after you and attack you, they just completely ignore you. Its the polite way.
Here if you are not down with the #ponziScheme - not attending the seminars that #indoctrinate you with delusions of 7% #perpetualGrowth in #housePrices from #crazyRichAsians, not into #highrise #slums - you must have lepracy. ✌
#immigration #australia #ponzischeme #indoctrinate #perpetualGrowth #houseprices #crazyrichasians #highrise #slums