For centuries, #Metis were targets of #systematic #discrimination and #oppression together with #FirstNations and #Inuit people in #Canada .
A #drama #depicting the #spiritual #journey of an #Indigenous #woman to #reconnect with her #cultural #origin is on stage in #Vancouver . #Playwright and #actress Jani Lauzon #wrote and #performed #ProphecyFog in #hopes that her #art could raise the public's #awareness of the systematic #persecutions of #IndigenousPeople .
#metis #systematic #discrimination #oppression #firstnations #inuit #canada #drama #depicting #spiritual #journey #indigenous #woman #reconnect #cultural #origin #vancouver #playwright #actress #wrote #performed #prophecyfog #hopes #art #awareness #persecutions #indigenouspeople
The Lord told us that we will suffer persecution for His name. We are living in times where the church needs to arise. Many believers are still living a normal life. Many others are beings tested for their faith to prove who really belong to the Lord. Suffering for the Lord is different for everyone. Are you prepared for life's tests and sufferings? The Lord is seeking for those who will endure to the end and are faithful to follow Him.
#christian #Amazon #kindle #sufferingforChrist #suffering #persecution #persecutions #sufferings #tests #trials #temptations #warfare #challenges #bondage #struggles #Jesus #kindlebooks #kindleunlimited #barnesandnoble #teaching #bibleteaching #ebook #booklover #worldwidebooklover #kindlebooklovers #bookpromotion #bookreader #bookreadingclub #bookclub #bookclubreads #kindsforbook #books #booklover #bookmarketing
#bookmarketing #books #kindsforbook #bookclubreads #BookClub #bookreadingclub #bookreader #bookpromotion #kindlebooklovers #worldwidebooklover #booklover #ebook #bibleteaching #teaching #BarnesandNoble #kindleunlimited #kindlebooks #jesus #struggles #bondage #challenges #warfare #temptations #trials #tests #sufferings #persecutions #persecution #suffering #sufferingforChrist #kindle #Amazon #christian
L'être humain est un loup pour ses semblables.
Cent millions de personnes ont été forcées de quitter leur foyer en 2022, fuyant les #conflits, la #violence, les violations des droits de l’homme et les #persécutions.
#DroitsHumains #ONU #HCR
#conflits #violence #persecutions #droitshumains #onu #hcr
The Lord told us that we will suffer persecution for His name. We are living in times where the church needs to arise. Many believers are still living a normal life. Many others are beings tested for their faith to prove who really belong to the Lord. Suffering for the Lord is different for everyone. Are you prepared for life's tests and sufferings? The Lord is seeking for those who will endure to the end and are faithful to follow Him.
#christian #Amazon #kindle #sufferingforChrist #suffering #persecution #persecutions #sufferings #tests #trials #temptations #warfare #challenges #bondage #struggles #Jesus #kindlebooks #kindleunlimited #barnesandnoble #teaching #bibleteaching #ebook
#ebook #bibleteaching #teaching #BarnesandNoble #kindleunlimited #kindlebooks #jesus #struggles #bondage #challenges #warfare #temptations #trials #tests #sufferings #persecutions #persecution #suffering #sufferingforChrist #kindle #Amazon #christian
The Lord told us that we will suffer persecution for His name. We are living in times where the church needs to arise. Many believers are still living a normal life. Many others are beings tested for their faith to prove who really belong to the Lord. Suffering for the Lord is different for everyone. Are you prepared for life's tests and sufferings? The Lord is seeking for those who will endure to the end and are faithful to follow Him.
#christian #Amazon #kindle #sufferingforChrist #suffering #persecution #persecutions #sufferings #tests #trials #temptations #warfare #challenges #bondage #struggles #Jesus #kindlebooks #kindleunlimited #barnesandnoble #teaching #bibleteaching #ebook
#ebook #bibleteaching #teaching #BarnesandNoble #kindleunlimited #kindlebooks #jesus #struggles #bondage #challenges #warfare #temptations #trials #tests #sufferings #persecutions #persecution #suffering #sufferingforChrist #kindle #Amazon #christian