Nachschub im Bücherregal: #TheExpanse #babylonsashes #persepolisrising und #tiamatswrath von #JamesSACorey obwohl ich gerade erst mit dem dritten Band begonnen habe. 😅
#theexpanse #babylonsashes #persepolisrising #tiamatswrath #jamessacorey #orbitbooks #booklover #buchliebe #sciencefiction #scifi
Can we all just acknowledge The Expanse as the greatest novel series of all time. #goat #theexpanse #persepolisrising #tiamatswrath
#tiamatswrath #persepolisrising #theexpanse #goat
Yes - Big fan of the show and the books.. Saw the first season on SyFy then bought all the books available at the time. Maybe #PersepolisRIsing..
I sort of stopped watching the show until I read all the available books. I was always a couple of volumes ahead of the show. Wow. The casting was just so perfect - I heard and saw all those actors as I read the books...
Just the best thing on small screen since - for me - maybe BattleStar 2003-5..
I’m currently listening to #PersepolisRising - book 7 of #TheExpanse series. Jefferson Mays’ narration has really grown on me, mainly due to his stellar portrayal of Chrisjen Avasarala. Different that the amazing Shohreh Aghdashloo, but he nails her brilliance & f-bombs flawlessly. If you’re a fan of the show, read or listen to the books.