听Arthur Brooks上 Peter Attia的长播客节目讲“幸福”,说到一个他给学生做的思想实验。想象45岁的自己,把在乎的东西按重要程度排出一到六名。他断言,基本上第一到三位都是和关系有关,现在他的学生(大学生)在乎的比如说成就等,到那时排在倒数一二位。我想了想,之前觉得创作对我很重要,但也许到了那个年纪,如果没有家人在身边,可能我就不再是我,但没有写作也许没有什么关系。就像如今也挺久没写东西了,日子照过。#PersonalArchive
a portrait of me in Mexico City
taken by Hanna Quevedo (May 19th, 2016) #personalarchive
THE IMPOSSIBLE UTTERANCE #3-4 A zine for offbeat language work. #3 was produced by combining two HyperCard stacks, one (by Miekal And (@memexikon)) which produces an endless stream of words like "finacy" and "Orryseneyex]", and the other which makes typographically complex illustrations to go along It's not especially readable, though it is almost maddeningly close to language. Jake Berry and Miekal And are among the contributors
to #4.
via https://archive.org/stream/factsheet_five_37 #personalarchive #xexoxial
Stephen Perkins posted this photo he took from his archive.
[from left to right]: mIEKAL aND (@memexikon), Malok, Lloyd Dunn, Lyx Ish (my mother) #personalarchive
"Honkers, Clackers, and Squeakers" introduces the vast world of sound and soundmakers.
found this weird ad my mother posted in this pdf on a .gov website
page 8 of Xosen Xosen Odhisth Otch
by Elizabeth Was, mIEKAL aND, Liaizon Wakest (July 1991)
my friend Corinne sent me this photo (from maybe 2013?) when I lived in an 80 year old named Ace's house for 6 months.
yo its the countdown hours to get your #YahooGroups data before they delete it all. just finally got mine all downloaded.
an appropriate title
"Zon Wakest
has been a member since December 2006 and goes by wakest."
"I am a self obsessed narcissist, a lover of double positives. I have a fancy for kittens and broken electronics. To think about the wonder in the universe, only wishing I had less.
You can also find me at miscellaneum.net"