Wer bist du als Unternehmer*in?
Warum kommen deine Kund*innen ausgerechnet zu dir?
Was hat das mit dir als Person zu tun?
Es gibt viele Geschichten, die du dazu erzählen kannst.
Eine davon finden wir im Workshop am 7. September, 11-13 Uhr, in Brühl im Rahmen der digitalen Woche Rhein-Erft. #DWRE
Es gibt zahlreiche Veranstaltungen innerhalb dieser Woche, teils auch online.
#dwre #personalbrand #storytelling
@kelseyhightower: You're right. 👏💯
#reputation #personalbrand #LeadershipMatters
#LeadershipMatters #personalbrand #reputation
Thanks so much to @Adobe for featuring my story and #personalbrand tips in the Adobe Blog (part 1 of 3!)
Personal brand is not just an image. It’s an impact. The impact is the value and difference you make in the world, not the fame and recognition you get. By building a personal brand based on impact, you can create meaningful connections, opportunities, and change.
#PersonalBrand #Impact #Meaning
#personalbrand #impact #meaning
#PMvEng asks Q6: #JacobyRule - How much of your #personalbrand comes into play in your project process? Does it lead to unconscious bias or have u been viewed w/bias because of your public persona? What do u do to improve yourself as an individual?
Note: The #JacobyRule is named after me because I used to cheer when extra questions were posted!!
#pmveng #jacobyrule #personalbrand #avintheam #avtweeps
Crear contenido no siempre es fácil, pero el proceso es fascinante. ¡Aquí les comparto una imagen detrás de cámaras antes de comenzar un directo!
#creacióndecontenido #transmisiones #gamerlife #streaming #younowstreamer #younowstreams #younow #personalbrand #streamerlife #streamer #stream
#creaciondecontenido #transmisiones #gamerlife #streaming #younowstreamer #younowstreams #younow #personalbrand #streamerlife #streamer #stream
¡El turismo es una industria en constante evolución! Aquí les comparto un artículo sobre las tendencias que marcarán el rumbo este año.
#turismo #tendencias #mkt #mktdigital #socialmediamarketing #marketing #communitymanager #socialmediamanager #socialmedia #marketingdigital #personalbrand #tips
#turismo #tendencias #mkt #mktdigital #socialmediamarketing #marketing #communitymanager #socialmediamanager #socialmedia #marketingdigital #personalbrand #tips
This is a conservative estimate but I'd imagine around 85% of Gen Z and millennials surveyed would post sponsored content for money, and around 50% would become an influencer given the opportunity.
Here's nine ways to help build your person brand. Link in bio.
#branding #brandingtips #brandingidentity #brandingstrategy #brandinginspiration #content #contentcreator #contentstrategy #contentcreation #contentmarketing #blog #blogpost #personalbrand #personalbranding #personalbrandingtips
#branding #brandingtips #brandingidentity #brandingstrategy #brandinginspiration #content #contentcreator #contentstrategy #contentcreation #contentmarketing #blog #blogpost #personalbrand #personalbranding #personalbrandingtips
Every so often I remember to signal boost the wonderful DeAngstifier by @thatandromeda - if you hate writing bios for conferences, podcasts, whatever! it's a great place to start: https://thatandromeda.github.io/DeAngstifier/
#publicspeaking #conferences #writing #personalbrand
Quando arriveranno i servizi di hosting per istanze #mastodon individuali? Non credo dovremo aspettare molto!
Avere un'istanza individuale ti priverebbe del feed Locale ma farebbe bene alla tua #personalbrand dandoti un #mastodonID personalizzabile.
Se fosse disponibile ti compreresti una istanza personale?
#mastodon #personalbrand #mastodonid #marketing #mastodonmarketing
The "secret sauce" to #LinkedIn for whoever needs/wants to work on building an audience and authority.
#PersonalBrand #Branding #SocialMedia #marketing #ContentCreators #HowTo
#linkedin #personalbrand #branding #socialmedia #marketing #contentcreators #howto
Spiace. Profili anche molto belli in cui non si vedono mai endorsement di post di altri. D'altra parte questo imperativo di costruzione del #personalbrand è diventato il modus operandi diffuso di questo sistema economico Capital 2.0. Dobbiamo monetizzare tutto quello che facciamo, personale o intimo che sia. Perché non ci sono più occhi per piangere pare e il più dedicato, sacrificato, concentrato e divertente vende. Ma mi frega nulla eh, se mi piace e mi nutre seguo e pace.
LinkedIn bringt irgendwie das schlimmste an Management-Bullshit zu Tage - oder sind CEOs und Influencer alle nur Psychopathen? „Gringe“
#linkedin #wahnsinn #personalbrand #scam #2boredguys
#linkedin #wahnsinn #personalbrand #scam #2boredguys
Latest episode of The Thrifty Marketer Talks is live!!!
Learn all about Personal Branding from Marina Byezhanova, Co-founder - Brand of a Leader
#personalbrand #thethriftymarketertalks
Real question for the #writingcommunity and #indieauthors - with this upheaval across the social media landscape (rise and resurgence of bird app alternatives/microblogs as well as migration to other platforms like TikTok), what are your priorities for promoting your (self or small press) books? #selfpublished #indieauthorbooks #personalbrand
#personalbrand #indieauthorbooks #selfpublished #indieauthors #writingcommunity
6 reasons why you should start blogging as a UX/UI designer:
👩🎓 Show your skills and expertise
📚 Help other people to learn from the content you’re sharing
📝 Grow your own knowledge by writing
😎 Create your personal brand
What else do you see as a reason for blogging?
#blogging #productdesign #uxblog #personalbrand #knowledgesharing
#blogging #productdesign #uxblog #personalbrand #KnowledgeSharing
@goldiechan Personal branding for introverts? 👀 When does the book come out?
#personalbrand #book #introverts
#introduction I should warn y'all now, I like talking and nerding out about SEO, but I am just as likely to talk about whatever tech gadget I'm exploring + coffee + or books I like.
I don't #personalbrand social media well
RT @simonhodgkins@twitter.com
5 Reasons Personal Branding Is Important for Business — Think Global Awards https://thinkglobalawards.com/tga-blog/5-reasons-personal-branding-is-important-for-business #PersonalBrand #Brand #ThinkGlobal
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/simonhodgkins/status/1590268101970563072
#thinkglobal #brand #personalbrand