Gizmodo: Apple Has Finally Found a Right to Repair Bill That It Likes #motorvehicleownersrighttorepairact #publicinterestresearchgroup #productlifecyclemanagement #susantalamanteseggman #digitalfairrepairact #technologyinternet #personalcomputing #righttorepair #nathanproctor #stevewozniak #kathyhochul #maintenance #stevejobs #appleinc #iphone7 #gizmodo #uspirg #apple #mac
#motorvehicleownersrighttorepairact #publicinterestresearchgroup #productlifecyclemanagement #susantalamanteseggman #digitalfairrepairact #technologyinternet #personalcomputing #righttorepair #nathanproctor #stevewozniak #kathyhochul #maintenance #stevejobs #appleinc #iphone7 #gizmodo #uspirg #apple #mac
@retronianne The Gateway drug to hobbies said to be unnatural. #GatewayComputers #PersonalComputing #Computers #Gateway #Moo
#moo #gateway #computers #personalcomputing #gatewaycomputers
Gizmodo: 15 Pieces of Apple History That Hit the Auction Block for Big Bucks #appleipodminiportableaudiodevice #digitalaudioplayers #ronaldwaynespeaking #technologyinternet #appleincorporated #personalcomputing #stevejobsfrom #appleiifamily #stevewozniak #marthagraham #ronaldwayne #mariacallas #wigginton #stevejobs #tedturner #joanbaez #sothebys #christie #appleinc #applei #iphone #itunes #julien #ipod #mac
#appleipodminiportableaudiodevice #digitalaudioplayers #ronaldwaynespeaking #technologyinternet #appleincorporated #personalcomputing #stevejobsfrom #appleiifamily #stevewozniak #marthagraham #ronaldwayne #mariacallas #wigginton #stevejobs #tedturner #joanbaez #sothebys #christie #appleinc #applei #iphone #itunes #julien #ipod #mac
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Women Applying to Work for Bill Gates Were Reportedly Asked Invasive Sexual Questions #Jezebel #americanpeopleofgermandescent #personalcomputing #carolmiaskoff #socialissues #nerdculture #bighistory #billgates #question #labor
#jezebel #americanpeopleofgermandescent #personalcomputing #carolmiaskoff #socialissues #nerdculture #bighistory #billgates #question #labor
Finally figured out the centre of my research interests: #HumaneComputing embraces/encompasses #SmallTech, #PersonalComputing and diametrically anti stovepipe applications and their #walledGarden kin.
#walledgarden #personalcomputing #smalltech #humanecomputing
Kotaku: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor’s Performance Seems To Be Struggling On PC #gaming #tech #kotaku #technology2cinternet #firstpersonshooters #starwarsvideogames #personalcomputing #digitaltechnology #videogamesequels #windowsgames #videogames #computing #pcgame
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #technology2cinternet #firstpersonshooters #starwarsvideogames #personalcomputing #digitaltechnology #videogamesequels #windowsgames #videogames #computing #pcgame
Kotaku: The Steam Deck Is About To Have Some Major Competition #gaming #tech #kotaku #technology2cinternet #handheldgameconsole #personalcomputing #digitaltechnology #computing #nvidiaion #software #pcgame #steam #asus #amd
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #technology2cinternet #handheldgameconsole #personalcomputing #digitaltechnology #computing #nvidiaion #software #pcgame #steam #asus #amd
Before there were #SV #tech #AI #ML demos, there was their 'mother'.
Rewatching Doug Englebart's "The Mother of All Demos"
The history of #PARC and #SRI is the history of computing and their commitment to make computing accessible to a larger population <3
#SRIInc #MotherOfAllDemos #CS #PersonalComputing #PC #SiliconValley
#SV #tech #ai #ml #parc #sri #sriinc #motherofalldemos #cs #personalcomputing #pc #siliconvalley
Kotaku: This PC Gamer Built Their Rig After Dumpster Diving For Months #gaming #tech #kotaku #technology2cinternet #personalcomputing #digitaltechnology #computerhardware #personalcomputer #wastecollection #humanactivities #dumpsterdiving #clairejackson #connections #diyculture #computing #nintendo #hobbies #poverty #points #roblox #pcgame #crytek #yugi #dell #amd
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #technology2cinternet #personalcomputing #digitaltechnology #computerhardware #personalcomputer #wastecollection #humanactivities #dumpsterdiving #clairejackson #connections #diyculture #computing #nintendo #hobbies #poverty #points #roblox #pcgame #crytek #yugi #dell #amd
I have 7 personal data migration projects ongoing -- the biggest by far is Aperture to but some Cloud migrations are big.
These migrations can take a long time to do well. They are inevitable -- sooner or later apps and services go away and the vast majority of consumers don't care about data migration solutions until it's too late.
Anyone else feel like data migration projects will be a significant part of their life going forward?
#datalock #personalcomputing #timesuck
Some pretty important, fundamental #computerHistory here
#Xerox #Alto #Ethernet #PARC #Adobe #Apple #computer #history #archives
#computerResearch #PersonalComputing
#graphicalInterface #mouse #stylus #portable #desktop
#computerhistory #xerox #alto #ethernet #parc #adobe #apple #computer #history #archives #computerresearch #personalcomputing #graphicalinterface #mouse #stylus #portable #desktop
"Despite its age, using it feels so familiar and natural that it’s sometimes difficult to appreciate just how extraordinary, how different it was when it first appeared.
I’m talking about the Xerox Alto, which debuted in the early spring of 1973 [...] The reason it is so uncannily familiar today is simple: We are now living in a world of computing that the Alto created."
#ComputerHistory #Computers #Alto #XerocPARC #PersonalComputing
#computerhistory #computers #alto #xerocparc #personalcomputing
The LINC is considered the world’s first personal computer. It was programmable, but with extreme limitations. It had 2,048 12-bit word storage in two sections. The first half for programs and the second for data storage.
Its software was designed by programmer and logic designer Mary Allen Wilkes.
More on the LINC:
More on Mary:
#Computers #Computing #Retro #WomenInSTEM #WomenInTech #PersonalComputing #Software
#software #personalcomputing #womenintech #womeninstem #retro #computing #computers
How to Encrypt any File, Folder, or Drive on Your System | WIRED
#encryption #PersonalComputing #security
#Security #personalcomputing #Encryption
#Newbie. Very new to #mastodon. From the #philippines #filipino.
#Physician, doctor of #medicine, #internalmedicine and #toxicology specialisy but with #diverse interests in #personalcomputing #gadgets #android #iOS #health #publichealth #applewatch #running #swimming #tennis #badminton.
Loves #japan #japanesefood #thailand #thaifood
Looking forward to connecting through this “new” #socialmedia
#newbie #mastodon #Philippines #filipino #Physician #medicine #internalmedicine #toxicology #diverse #personalcomputing #gadgets #android #iOS #health #publichealth #applewatch #running #swimming #tennis #badminton #japan #japanesefood #thailand #thaifood #socialmedia
I'm back to thinking about my frankly unhealthy relationship with computers, and trying to figure out a new alternative.
I have and love my omnibook 300. It's a great computer, instant on, great battery life, DOS and Win31. Fast enough to do everything I regularly need a computer for. It was my daily driver, outside of of work, when I was in VA.
I don't use it GA as much, because the screen is not lit, and I do a lot of work in the evenings, in a cabin, in the deep woods, where there is little natural light and the practical lights in the house are insufficient for me to use it here.
Uhh #personalcomputing so I can find this later.
OK, I'll play this round since I didn't when I joined. #introduction:
#introduction #integrity #linux #personalcomputing #authenticity #pda #palmos #raspberrypi #characterdefects #cyberspace #ghettoengineering #musicalinstruments #mentalhealth #japaneserobots #childprocesses #bbs #buddhism #youthculture #woodcarving #ladygaga #recycling #eternalnow