Ten years ago today, I rolled into New York City after a two and a half day drive from Houston, TX, with my dad in the passenger seat, three super pissed off cats, and a bunch of plants. #personalhistory
Twenty-five years ago today, I got on a plane bound for Germany. I spent a month in language school in Marburg, and then went on to Berlin, where I worked for the PDS (now Die Linke). What an amazing time that was.
Yeah, Landsat's great, love that GPS, but for data collation purposes what I really need is the Rand McNally road atlas with a few pages falling out that lived on the dashboard of the converted school bus my onetime burlesque troupe used to tour in.
#roadtrip #burlesque #personalhistory #amwriting
I didn't make it up! I think I first learned it in the 1990s from my therapist, who specialized in trauma recovery.
I wrote about the epidemic as an endurance trauma, and its connection to other experiences of this in my life, on my blog, two weeks after the first COVID death in NYC.
#COVID #COVID19 #trauma #endurancetrauma #personalhistory
A beautiful and evocative poem by the extraordinary Scottish poet laureate, @JackieKayPoet. She spoke of how she wrote the poem for her son as a small child on a recent episode of #thegreatfoodguys with Chef Nick Nairn and Dougie Vipond.
https://www.scottishpoetrylibrary.org.uk/poem/grandpas-soup/ #foodwriting #nostaglia #family #grandparents #foodhistory #personalhistory
#thegreatfoodguys #foodwriting #nostaglia #family #grandparents #FoodHistory #personalhistory
@glizzyborden@mstdn.party When you write your book I'd like to read it. #personalhistory #personalherstory If you are interested in how the High Fructose Corn Syrup turns off the brains ability to tell that you are full watch https://youtu.be/dBnniua6-oM
#personalhistory #personalherstory
41 years and a week ago I started work at Digital Equipment Corp. Little did I know I was going to work with some of the smartest, funniest, most talented, generous and kind people I've ever met. It hasn't all been roses. (Don't dwell on the middle Compaq/HP years.) But even then there were wonderful people and plenty of opportunities to learn and work on innovative projects.