Elizabeth Lee :autism: · @ElizabethLeeCo
639 followers · 1340 posts · Server mindly.social

Yes, your ex/relative might be a selfish jerk but, no, they probably don't have Narcissistic Personality Disorder...

How many types of narcissist are there? A psychology expert sets the record straight

#psychology #personalitydisorders #narcissism #npd #bpd

Last updated 1 year ago

PsychTink · @PsychTink
75 followers · 526 posts · Server radicalsocial.work
The Mental Elf · @Mental_Elf
27 followers · 75 posts · Server masto.ai

Does a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder help or harm? nationalelfservice.net/?p=1718

As we prepare for the annual BIGSPD conference starting in Glasgow tomorrow, a psychiatrist (David Foreman) and an occupational therapist (Keir Harding) explore a review of stigma occurring as a result of a borderline personality disorder diagnosis, coming to their own conclusions on the key messages.

#bigspd23 #stigma #bpd #personalitydisorders #trauma #harm

Last updated 1 year ago

Anathema Device · @anathema_device
302 followers · 3279 posts · Server bne.social

This is so sad and compelling.

CW: , ,

"My mother, the troll: ‘I think she lost sight of the McCanns’ humanity’"

When Ben Leyland’s mum said she was in trouble, he had no idea she was about to be exposed for sending hundreds of abusive tweets about Madeleine McCann’s parents – or of the tragic end to her story


#suicide #drugaddiction #personalitydisorders

Last updated 2 years ago

Sherile Turner · @sherileturner
7 followers · 15 posts · Server me.dm

Happy folks ☺️I have just published a post on the shocking truth that many of us suspected …. Vulnerable narcissists are more abuse than their overt counterparts! The research in this is pretty extensive and it makes a fascinating read. You can find my post here sherileturner.medium.com/the-s happy

#saturday #reading #weekend #fun #narcissism #relationships #psychology #personalitydisorders

Last updated 2 years ago

Joan of Cat (she/her) 😼 · @ceruleanarc
604 followers · 245 posts · Server eldritch.cafe

A lot of are misdiagnosed with personality disorders because they show the symptoms of one or more personality disorders.

I know. That sounds weird. If you have the symptoms of a , surely you have the disorder, right?

That's true for a , but it's not true for a

A personality disorder is by definition. This means that it permeates throughout the person's life and colors every that they have. Every single one.

That means that for a to be accurately diagnosed with a personality disorder, all of that system must have the personality disorder. Not one . Not two. All of them.

By way of example, consider a plural system with a /#persecutor, a headmate who exists to protect the system, but that often also harms the system in the way that it chooses to protect the system. This protector/persecutor could be an of that system's external abuser, thereby continuing that individual's abuse on the system long after that individual is gone from the system's life.

That protector/persecutor might easily receive a of , , or Personality Disorder. But often the protector/persecutor is also unique among its headmates. The , , or diagnosis may be completely wrong for the other members of the system, and certainly for the host (if there is one), who may be the victim of the protector/persecutor's more often than not.

This means that the diagnosis of a personality disorder is wholly inaccurate. The personality disorder has not pervaded the system, and it therefore cannot be called a personality disorder. And if even one is capable of insight into the protector/persecutor, then that system's is likely to be significantly better than that of a person who has been accurately diagnosed with a personality disorder.

In short, for a system to be correctly diagnosed as having a personality disorder, all of that systems headmates must share the symptoms of the disorder. If they do not, they do not have a personality disorder.

I hope this has been helpful!

#plurals #disorder #singlet #plural #pervasive #experience #system #headmate #protector #maladaptive #introject #diagnosis #borderline #narcissistic #antisocial #bpd #npd #apd #abuse #abusive #prognosis #mentalhealth #dissociativedisorders #did #osdd #personalitydisorders

Last updated 2 years ago

Joan of Cat (she/her) 😼 · @ceruleanarc
604 followers · 244 posts · Server eldritch.cafe

Because so many mental health professionals are either biased against folks or know less than nothing about it, many plural folks are rightfully suspicious of them. This means it can be tough to communicate actual knowledge about that has been obtained through scientific research.

Sadly, a lot of these are case studies, so we also can't be entirely sure that we can trust that the data we obtain from these studies are generalizable. So when someone speaks about the of , they must do it with the knowledge that what they have could only apply to a proportion of plurals, and a small proportion at that.

With that in mind, as a professional with expertise in and disorders generally and as a plural, I'd like to serve as a bridge between the latest research and the plural .

First, I want to talk about personality disorders and how even in the presence of a given PD's symptoms, a plural can be misdiagnosed as having a personality disorder when they do not.

#plural #plurals #research #studies #psychology #plurality #dissociation #dissociative #community #mentalhealth #casestudies #dissociativedisorders #did #osdd #personalitydisorders

Last updated 2 years ago

Phys.org · @physorg_bot
423 followers · 10021 posts · Server social.platypush.tech

Another Psychology Today article from one of our email listserv members!

TITLE: New PT Piece - The Mystery of Narcissism :)

Hi all,
This is a new PT piece that may help a client or two.
It is part of a series that I've been thinking about. If it’s unwanted
email clutter, please forgive me. J
 Mark Banschick, MD – Stamford, CT


The Mystery of Narcissism

Mark Banschick M.D.
<psychologytoday.com/us/contrib> on
January 23, 2023
The origin of narcissistic personality disorder (or associated traits)
is a great mystery to solve.

@psychotherapists @socialwork

#psychology #psychotherapy #psychiatry #personalitydisorders #socialwork #psychologytoday #narcissist #narcissism #mentalhealth

Last updated 2 years ago

New Psychology Today article from one of Clinician Exchange's email list

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: NT - New PT Piece - The Failed Narcissist

Hi all,
This is a new PT piece that may help a client or two.
If it’s unwanted email clutter, please forgive me. J
 Mark Banschick, MD – Stamford, CT

The Failed Narcissist

Mark Banschick M.D.
<psychologytoday.com/us/contrib> on
January 18, 2023

The failed narcissist is in trouble. They are hurting—and can hurt others.
Yet there is opportunity here as well.

@psychotherapists @socialwork

#psychology #psychotherapy #psychiatry #personalitydisorders #socialwork #psychologytoday #narcissist #narcissism #mentalhealth

Last updated 2 years ago

Emojiquiz · @Emojiquiz
277 followers · 772 posts · Server mastodon.social

25 DSM-5 Emoji Quiz

Boost: Yes, please!

#EmojiQuiz #pubquiz #quiz #dsm5 #dsmv #psychiatry #psychology #mentalhealth #neurodiversity #adhd #autism #neurotypical #psychologie #psychiater #psychiatrist #persoonlijkheidsstoornis #personalitydisorders #therapist #therapeut #psychotherapeut #psycholoog #therapy #therapie #anxiety #angststoornis

Last updated 2 years ago

Emojiquiz · @Emojiquiz
486 followers · 2143 posts · Server mastodon.social

25 DSM-5 Emoji Quiz

Boost: Yes, please!

#EmojiQuiz #pubquiz #quiz #dsm5 #dsmv #psychiatry #psychology #mentalhealth #neurodiversity #adhd #autism #neurotypical #psychologie #psychiater #psychiatrist #persoonlijkheidsstoornis #personalitydisorders #therapist #therapeut #psychotherapeut #psycholoog #therapy #therapie #anxiety #angststoornis

Last updated 2 years ago

Marky · @mental
78 followers · 90 posts · Server aus.social

I had 2 really small but jarring things happen to me today but I just couldn't let go of my reaction to them. One was a rude security guard and the other was being uninvited from a work social event due to some false gossip about me. I really wish I could just 'get over it' and 'move on' but I tend to reflect then ruminate then get angry with myself and others. I'm not sure whether to see this in an ADHD frame or if I have some 'Cluster B' issues but it's mainly about self-blame and difficulty with negative thoughts.

Has anyone felt like this or have ideas on how to stop the rumination?

#adhd #clusterb #personalitydisorders #mentalhealth

Last updated 2 years ago

Mr. Scott Aron John Reynolds · @Scott1984FP
568 followers · 29121 posts · Server mastodon.social

@cuddlyfoxgirl @Elizafox ,Are Psychopaths, Sociopaths, Narcissistic Personality Disorder Sufferers, 0.1% - 0.3% Of Eachothers Countries Population Exist, & Most Human Beings Aren't Even Self Aware Of Themselves, Let Alone Others, & There's Not Enough & Awareness In World & Understandings Of Ourselves , , Differences From Personalities Vs , Missunderstandings, / , Awareness & More Too :) 😀

#life #mentalhealth #emtions #personalitydisorders #mindfulness #MindfulThinking

Last updated 2 years ago

Mr. Scott Aron John Reynolds · @Scott1984FP
568 followers · 29119 posts · Server mastodon.social

@cuddlyfoxgirl @Elizafox ,I As An Sufferer ,Of Which There Are 25 Ish From Memory, & Yes Some Of Most Harming Greedy, Selfish, Mixed 0.1%'ers/Elites & Politicians, Etc,

Are Psychopaths, Sociopaths, Narcissistic Personality Disorder Sufferers, 0.1% - 0.3% Of Eachothers Countries Population Exist, & Most Human Beings Aren't Even Self Aware Of Themselves, Let Alone Others, & There's Not Enough & Awareness In World & Understandings

#personalitydisorders #life #mentalhealth

Last updated 2 years ago

Mr. Scott Aron John Reynolds · @Scott1984FP
568 followers · 29117 posts · Server mastodon.social

@cuddlyfoxgirl @Elizafox ,Nor Do I Blame World Due To The Hundreds Of: Illnesses, Conditions, Disabilities, Or Due On: & , / ,Sufferers, Or On Race , Religions, Sexes, Ages, Etc,

I As An Sufferer ,Of Which There Are 25 Ish From Memory, & Yes Some Of Most Harming Greedy, Selfish, Mixed 0.1%'ers/Elites & Politicians, Etc,

Are Psychopaths, Sociopaths, Narcissistic Personality Diso

#mentalhealth #disabilities #invisibledisabilities #chronicpain #pain #personalitydisorders

Last updated 2 years ago

Mr. Scott Aron John Reynolds · @Scott1984FP
568 followers · 29115 posts · Server mastodon.social

@cuddlyfoxgirl @Elizafox ,

His ,His Still Sufferer, Wether Arsehole Or Not :/ 🤔

Nor Said Arseholes Don't & Can't Exist Either, Nor Said , / , & / / 's Either :/ 🤔 :( 😞

Nor Do I Blame World Due To The Hundreds Of: Illnesses, Conditions, Disabilities, Or Due On: & , / ,Sufferers, Or On Race , Religions, S

#elonmusk #npd #mentalhealth #triats #disorders #personalitydisorders #personalitydisorder #pd #disabilities #invisibledisabilities #chronicpain #pain

Last updated 2 years ago

Mr. Scott Aron John Reynolds · @Scott1984FP
398 followers · 25361 posts · Server mastodon.social

RT @Scott1984FP@twitter.com


What A Sad Place Countries/Societies, Didn't Start This Sooner,

As Several Different , Actually Personalities, With Mixed Upbringings, Backgrounds, Ideologies, Extremism, Voices, & MORE, Too Sadly :(

Also Doesn't Cover Extremism In Religions, Etc, 😞 twitter.com/G4ry_TXY/status/15

🐦🔗: twitter.com/Scott1984FP/status


Last updated 2 years ago

Mr. Scott Aron John Reynolds · @Scott1984FP
398 followers · 25358 posts · Server mastodon.social


What A Sad Place Countries/Societies, Didn't Start This Sooner,

As Several Different , Actually Personalities, With Mixed Upbringings, Backgrounds, Ideologies, Extremism, Voices, & MORE, Too Sadly :(

Also Doesn't Cover Extremism In Religions, Etc, 😞

RT @G4ry_TXY@twitter.com

@MayorofLondon@twitter.com @BBCLondonNews@twitter.com What a sad place we must live in if people need education so they don’t hurt anyone

🐦🔗: twitter.com/G4ry_TXY/status/15


Last updated 2 years ago