@threetails @douglasvb @GreenFire @fuchsiii @notjustbikes
Which conveniently brings me to the point that if we can't have everyone living in walkable neigbourhoods with excellent public transport and biking infrastructure, we should at least do the #AntiSUV and make #PersonalLightVehicles:
#personallightvehicles #antisuv
@Hawkwinter which is why I think the Anti-#SUV would be needed.
If we can't go #OneLessCar then maybe going #smaller with #PersonalLightVehicles would be better than a #SuperUselessVehicle...
After all, for most people a #car is just a tool to get themselves and/or maybe a person and/or maybe some freight from one point to another because #PublicTransport doesn't exist or is more expensive and/or inconvenient than driving...
#publictransport #car #superuselessvehicle #personallightvehicles #smaller #onelesscar #SUV
@MrLee @TheWarOnCars @BrentToderian @notjustbikes * nodds in agreement*
Espechally if we replace #SuperUselessVehicles with electric #SuperUselessVehicle|s that are equally inefficient.
If we can't get #PublicTransport - which is the correct solution - can we at least get #PersonalLightVehicles instead?
#personallightvehicles #publictransport #superuselessvehicle #SuperUselessVehicles
@forthy42 @SheDrivesMobility Idealerweise gäbs überall bezahlbaren, benutzbaren und barrierefreien #ÖPNV - notfalls als Anrufsammeltaxi.
Das ist jedoch unrealistisch...
Und ja, wir brauchen kleinere und sinnvollere Lösungen die einem wettergeschützt mobil halten...
Es braucht jedenfalls mehr und günstigere #PersonalLightVehicles anstelle von #SuperUselessVehicles!
#WasFehlt: das #TataNano-Equivalent eines #Kabinenroller!
#Kabinenroller #TATANano #wasfehlt #SuperUselessVehicles #personallightvehicles #opnv
@mekkermuis @CamsJam @fuck_cars_bot personally I think we need to end to #SuperUselessVehicles craze and instead embrace #PersonalLightVehicles !
#personallightvehicles #SuperUselessVehicles
@pezmico Also in terms of total CO² emissions and envoirmental impact both the current electrical mix [in Germany] and the production of #Lithium-#Cobalt #Batteries are potentially even far worse unless they last >250.000km.
Also there are no cheap electric cars for the same reason.
Ideally noone would need a car, but also there's a lack of small #PersonalLightVehicles inloeu of #SuperUselessVehicles.
#SuperUselessVehicles #personallightvehicles #batteries #cobalt #lithium
@multiburst #KeiCar sind ne De-Facto Norm für #PersonalLightVehicles und an sich auch ne gute Idee...
Wenn schon kein flächendeckender #ÖPNV & #ÖPFV möglich ist, dann doch bitte effiziente Designs statt #Padpanzer aka. #MotorisierteGewalt per Design!
#motorisiertegewalt #padpanzer #opfv #opnv #personallightvehicles #keicar
@insideclimatenews Also people still buy obnoxious #SuperUselessVehicles and not #PersonalLightVehicles...
#personallightvehicles #SuperUselessVehicles
@kim_harding Problem:
Cargo Bike can't be legally drivin on motor vehicle roads nor does it come with protection against the elements nor is it as accessible in terms of driving.
That being said, we need more #PersonalLightVehicles instead of #SuperUselessVehicles!
#SuperUselessVehicles #personallightvehicles
@patrislav @thijs_lucas Ja, denn was wirksam ist wäre #RechtAufGlasfaser (#FTTB + #FTTH - keine #FTTC-Veratsche wie #VDSL - #Vectoring oder #DOCSIS-#Koaxkabel) & #RechtAufHomeoffice, #RechtAufÖPNV & #RechtAufÖPFV (mit Buslinie in jedes Kaff) sowie #PersonalLightVehicles statt #SuperUselessVehicles, brauchbare #Sammellieferdienste für z.B. Lebensmittel...
#sammellieferdienste #SuperUselessVehicles #personallightvehicles #rechtaufopfv #rechtaufopnv #RechtaufHomeoffice #koaxkabel #docsis #Vectoring #VDSL #fttc #ftth #fttb #RechtAufGlasfaser
@heiseautos Dass der #ADAC ein Problem mit #UnbequemeWahrheit hat ist nichts neues.
So werden #PersonalLightVehicles alla #Microlino doch nur deshalb herabgewürdigt, weil "formaljuristisch kein Auto" und auf einen Markt verwiesen der nicht existieren sollte: "Zweit- oder Drittwagen für die Stadt"!!!
Ich meine: WTF?
da dürfte @Autokorrektur wohl nur zustimmen wenn Leute sagen dass der ADAC die "deutsche #NRA" ist...
#nra #Microlino #personallightvehicles #unbequemeWahrheit #ADAC
@notjustbikes I like those cute & smol vehicles....
Personally, I think we should not only make #PublicTransport and #biking better but also make #vehicles more efficient in terms of #space, #resources and overall design.
What we need are #PersonalLightVehicles and not #SuperUselessVehicles when Public Transport and/or biking is not an option.
#SuperUselessVehicles #personallightvehicles #resources #Space #vehicles #biking #publictransport
Instead of rewarding #BatteryElectric #PenisCompensators with "fake" hybrid power that barely can do 50km on the battery on a good day, we should be more mindful and demand #PersonalLightVehicles instead:
#personallightvehicles #peniscompensators #batteryelectric