General #privacy tip: Don't share unnecessary #PersonallyIdentifyingInformation
ASL (Age/Sex/Location) is not something anyone really needs a real answer to in the majority of cases, or any answer.
In most cases, blocking the party asking for such information is the right thing to do.
#privacy #personallyidentifyinginformation #pii
US Treasury Report Warns of Defi’s Threat to National Security, Authors Conclude Fiat Is Used in Illicit Finance More Than Crypto - The U.S. Treasury has released a 42-page report assessing the risks of decentraliz... - #personallyidentifyinginformation #nation-stateadversaries #alphanumericcharacters #proliferationfinancing #conclusion
#conclusion #proliferationfinancing #alphanumericcharacters #nation #personallyidentifyinginformation
Ars Technica: Lawsuit: Cop pulled over driver for TikTok livestream—and shared driver’s ID #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #personallyidentifyinginformation #dallaspolice #Policy #tiktok #texas
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #personallyidentifyinginformation #dallaspolice #policy #tiktok #texas
@inquiline @Carwil @aristeon Having never really used Twitter (registration on Tor without #PersonallyIdentifyingInformation was crippled and so was it more generally in my country), I don't really get much of the desire for that feature as it seems to me that #hyperlinks have provided sufficient referencing capacity since #Usenet and #MailingLists.
That also ties into the notification aspect, as you can't really be sure you'll be used as reference solely within #Mastodon or the #Fediverse.
#personallyidentifyinginformation #usenet #mailinglists #fediverse #hyperlinks #mastodon