This is my space. Lots of (lucky) humans have benefited from these services but #SiliconValley #BigTech #WallStreet approach to online #MentalHealth Services & Apps have been an ethical con-job and #PersonalPrivacy nightmare.
#illuminaughtii #Facebook #Meta #Healthcare #Therapy #Privacy #DigitalMentalHealth #MedMastodon #SurveillanceCapitalism #Health #OSI #PTSD #PTSI #Anxiety #Surveillance
Good round up of links here…
#siliconvalley #bigtech #wallstreet #mentalhealth #personalprivacy #illuminaughtii #facebook #meta #healthcare #therapy #privacy #digitalmentalhealth #MedMastodon #surveillancecapitalism #health #osi #ptsd #ptsi #anxiety #surveillance
I regards to the #NYT article against #Signal and #PersonalPrivacy, by now we should all know and understand on which side the #NewYorkTimes is, and has always been.
#tyranny #Fascism #oligarchy #authoritarianism #oppression #newyorktimes #personalprivacy #Signal #nyt
I have been a big bird fan - but I am also checking out the alternatives. For some reason I thought there were a lot of people in science and medicine on this server. Thanks to whoever runs it.👍
My interests are:
#medicine, #science, #covid19, #virology, #immunology, #freethought, #truthvslies, #OpinionsAreNotFacts, #antipropaganda, #personalprivacy, #governmenttransparency, #justice, #peace, #criticalthinking
#criticalthinking #Peace #Justice #governmenttransparency #personalprivacy #AntiPropaganda #opinionsarenotfacts #truthvslies #freethought #immunology #virology #COVID19 #Science #medicine
@explorergrace Thanks Grace. I thought I found a place with more medicine and science than here, but it called itself
What is it? (Sorry I realise you guys are up to your a in alligators cause its gotten so busy) But I’m trying to find where there’s a concentration of people in my major fields of interest - #science, #medicine, #covid, #democracy, #personalprivacy, #governmenttransparency, #justice, #freethought, #Research, and fact-based science.
#democracy #personalprivacy #GovernmentTransparency #justice #FreeThought #research #science #medicine #covid
These are a few of my favourite things …
#Politics (which can be funny but most often isn’t)
#Censorship (very anti-)
#FreeSpeech (with limited limitations)
#Globalism (not a fan)
#Neoliberalism (not a fan)
#HeWhoLaughsLasts #politics #medicine #science #research #innovation #ai #COVID19 #immunology #newzealand #canada #worldnews #orwell #fahrenheit451 #censorship #freespeech #FreeThought #personalprivacy #GovernmentTransparency #GovernmentAccountability #justice #peace #globalism #neoliberalism #writing #art #astronomy
why Google responded to some requests, while other companies did not?
“authorities could be empowered to search and arrest suspects without a warrant, if they do not comply with requests. Hong Kong staff of service providers based overseas may also be at risk.”
#userdata #Governement #securitylaw #personalPrivacy #google
#google #personalprivacy #securitylaw #Governement #userdata