Inga Leonora · @IngaLeonora
29 followers · 117 posts · Server

Stray observations: As I come to the back end of seasons 2, I just want to acknowledge how very camp, and just unequivocally queer, the Original Series is, far more than I recall, or indeed, that it ever intended to be. There are aspects that age like fine wine coexisting with things that aged like warm milk.

One such delectable aspect is the general aesthetic of the series, and especially of the personnel quarters on the Enterprise, which is life. So red, so blue, so primary, yet with that retro muteness. Digital pastel, Martian red. Peppered seamlessly with the cabinet of curiosities style cultural artefact eclecticism and LED sparkles. Gives me life.

#startrek #theoriginalseries #tos #interiordesign #personalquarters #enterpise

Last updated 2 years ago