@boilingsteam@mastodon.cl @realcaseyrollins
Fedizens, beware of CloudFlare instances like this one asking eerily #personalQuestions.
Or *any* instances, really.
In the early days of #Falsebook there was no shortage of #questionaires like. People thought it fun to spill all to get a cute #avatar. Its called #profiling and was popularised at the start of the #neoliberal, postmodern, #corporatist experiment in the #1970s — they mailed them, then.
Know history, don't let them repeat it.
#personalquestions #falsebook #questionaires #avatar #profiling #neoliberal #corporatist #1970s
I work with #kids and am used to blunt, strange and #PersonalQuestions. As kids get old it’s easier to be upfront with them about things that might be outside the sphere of what they “know to be true.”
I am a #SingleMum. I have never been married and was not in a relationship with my child’s father. This can push a few boundaries with the kids, especially if they have quite #ConservativeParents.
I’m also an #atheist. I don’t promote that at work but if I get asked directed if I believe in #god, I don’t lie. Today I had the following conversation with one of my cherubs, who’s 6:
Kid: Do you think about #Jesus?
Me: Sometimes.
Kid: I think about Jesus a lot.
Me: Oh. Ok.
I wanted to tell her I did, too when I was that age, but it wasn’t in the way she does. I was #questioning if god was real and if Jesus even existed.
I hope her belief brings her peace or she grows out of it. Anything else is a waste.
Man, I’d love to go a week at work without an #existential question!
#kids #personalquestions #singlemum #conservativeparents #atheist #god #jesus #questioning #existential