Auscandoc · @auscandoc
1004 followers · 9071 posts · Server

Too many people succumbed to , which had already eroded their trust in government in general and in particular. They confronted governments with convoys and border blockades. The economic and political damage of the drove politicians to relax public health measures, and then, grotesquely, to convert public health itself from “doctor’s orders” to “.”

#disinformation #publichealth #pandemic #personalresponsibility

Last updated 1 year ago

Pindar · @pindar
1 followers · 102 posts · Server

I strongly support the UK's efforts to increase age verification standards and hold executives accountable for protecting children online.

#onlinesafety #ageverification #childprotection #personalresponsibility #ukleadership

Last updated 1 year ago

The Resilience Doc · @theresilienceDoc
1 followers · 14 posts · Server

"Want to improve workplace wellness? Take personal responsibility for your health, because the only way to get a six-pack at work is by bringing your own lunch."

#personalresponsibility #workplacewellness #healthyhumor

Last updated 1 year ago

Hot Dog Water · @GGMcBG
125 followers · 617 posts · Server

has a "stupid motorists law" that makes every shit-dumb redneck with a black Punisher pickup that can "totally cross that!" and the "Outta my way! I'm a retired banker who has nothing to do right now fast!" financially responsible for their rescue when they willfully drive into known floodwaters.

Just sayin'.


#arizona #consequences #personalresponsibility

Last updated 1 year ago

Kayleen Gnwmythr · @KayleenGnwmythr
342 followers · 852 posts · Server

in what is perhaps a statement of the blindingly obvious (although sometimes the blindingly obvious can do with a little evidentiary support) research into the effects of competition has “found it was only the losers of the number-guessing game who became more dishonest, with a larger effect (d = –0.34). The winners of the competition stage, on the other hand, showed no change in their honesty behaviour”.

I've also been so pissed off at some recent events that I've done a little blogging:

#competition #ethics #abuseofpower #personalresponsibility #duplicity

Last updated 1 year ago

Old White Dude · @Breedlov
52 followers · 643 posts · Server

I really like this illustration of the exercise of personal freedom.

#personalfreedom #freedom #personalresponsibility

Last updated 2 years ago

BrendonTowle · @brendontowlecoaching
4 followers · 60 posts · Server

“How long do I have to do these stupid affirmation exercises?”
“How often do I have to meditate?”

Do you find yourself asking yourself (or a guide, or mentor, or friend) these kinds of questions? Do you get frustrated with not getting results as quickly as you want? I can relate. Many of the things I’ve done for my own growth have taken far longer to bear fruit than I thought they should. But, the results will come. Read on:

Do you keep trying various practices for personal growth, but can’t manage to stick to any of them? If you’d like to have some help sticking to it this time, feel free to book a consultation call with me to talk about how!

#repetition #repetitionispower #selftalk #confidence #selfconfidence #intentionalliving #personalpower #personalresponsibility #ownyoursuccess #mindsetshift #progressnotperfection #intentionalgrowth #mindshift #thinkingtraps #mentalfitness #mentalwellness #dothework #professionalcoach #successmindset #mindsetcoaching

Last updated 2 years ago

Eyoki · @wiletha
60 followers · 814 posts · Server
BrendonTowle · @brendontowlecoaching
4 followers · 59 posts · Server

Since most of us judge ourselves by other people’s personas, and since most people put on a confident show most of the time, it’s easy to think that being certain and confident is a requirement. It’s not. Being human comes with having doubts, or being unsure, or wondering what our place really is.

As I embrace my humanity and let go of the need to be perfect, I get to be more comfortable showing up in the world. I also become more effective, because I’m not fighting against my own mind as much. If you have doubts, that’s okay. And, if you’re struggling with your doubts, feel free to reach out for a free consult to see how I can help.

What’s your favorite way to remember that it’s okay to be human? Let me know!

#limitingbeliefs #stuckinthinking #ownyourattitude #ownyourlife #mindshift #selfawareness #thinkingtraps #personalresponsibility #mentalfitness #emotionalhealth #emotionalfitness #stressmanagement #professionalcoach #successmindset #mindsetcoaching #okaytodoubt #okaytobeunsure

Last updated 2 years ago

BrendonTowle · @brendontowlecoaching
4 followers · 58 posts · Server


“I’m not smart enough to get into that school.”
“I’m not dedicated enough to be an entrepreneur.”
“I’m not good-looking enough to go out with him.”

Does the belief pattern of “I’m not X enough” sound familiar to you too? I spent decades mired in those sorts of beliefs, so I’m pretty familiar with them myself. But, I’m not there anymore, and haven’t been in a very long time. Read on for how I got here from there:

Do you have limiting beliefs that keep you stuck? If you’d also like a way out, feel free to book a consultation call with me to talk about how!

#limitingbeliefs #discardinglimitingbeliefs #selftalk #confidence #selfconfidence #intentionalliving #personalpower #embraceyourself #personalresponsibility #ownyoursuccess #mindsetshift #takeyourcredit #progressnotperfection #intentionalgrowth #mindshift #thinkingtraps #mentalfitness #mentalwellness #dothework #professionalcoach #successmindset #mindsetcoaching

Last updated 2 years ago

BrendonTowle · @brendontowlecoaching
4 followers · 57 posts · Server

“I’m not smart enough to get into that school.”
“I’m not dedicated enough to be an entrepreneur.”
“I’m not good-looking enough to go out with him.”

Does all that sound familiar? I spent decades mired in those sorts of beliefs, so I’m pretty familiar with them myself. But, I’m not there anymore, and haven’t been in a very long time. Read on for how I got here from there:

Do you have limiting beliefs that keep you stuck? If you’d also like a way out, feel free to book a consultation call with me to talk about how!

#limitingbeliefs #discardinglimitingbeliefs #selftalk #confidence #selfconfidence #intentionalliving #personalpower #embraceyourself #personalresponsibility #ownyoursuccess #mindsetshift #takeyourcredit #progressnotperfection #intentionalgrowth #mindshift #thinkingtraps #mentalfitness #mentalwellness #dothework #professionalcoach #successmindset #mindsetcoaching

Last updated 2 years ago

BrendonTowle · @brendontowlecoaching
4 followers · 56 posts · Server

I’ve gotten much better at this, but there was a long period of time when I was too quick to insert myself in situations where I really didn’t belong. My intentions were almost always good, but I’d offer unsolicited advice, or try to problem-solve when compassion or empathy were more appropriate. Or, I’d try to be an active participant in a situation where I was really just a spectator.

Today, I find that I’m much calmer and serene as a result of keeping myself out of situations where I don’t belong. As a consequence, I’m much more able to be effective in the situations where I do belong.

How about you? What are your favorite strategies for remembering what is and isn’t an appropriate place for you to act? Let me know!

#limitingbeliefs #stuckinthinking #ownyourattitude #ownyourlife #mindshift #selfawareness #thinkingtraps #intentionalgrowth #personalresponsibility #mentalfitness #emotionalhealth #emotionalfitness #stressmanagement #professionalcoach #successmindset #mindsetcoaching

Last updated 2 years ago

Angela · @seawall
422 followers · 3567 posts · Server

I've seen the Sunbeam portable recommended by a few of my social media mates, went by the nearby to look for it, and it was fresh out. Asked a worker there if it was in stock anywhere else, she checked and it's sold out across the whole region.

Looks like consumers are catching on that and we should . Now if only more workplaces and governments got with the program. Because it's a issue, not 😒

#hepafilter #briscoes #canterbury #covidisairborne #CleanTheAir #publichealth #personalresponsibility

Last updated 2 years ago

BrendonTowle · @brendontowlecoaching
4 followers · 55 posts · Server
BrendonTowle · @brendontowlecoaching
4 followers · 54 posts · Server

One of my favorite strategies for getting out of limiting beliefs or paranoid, unpleasant thinking is to ask myself “How do I know? What’s my evidence? Where’s my proof? How else could I explain this?” and then take the exercise seriously.

Almost every time I try that, I find that I don’t actually know. My head is just making things up, and not to my benefit. If I can seriously go through this exercise, it almost always seriously shifts my attitude.

How about you? What are your favorite strategies for getting out of limiting beliefs? Let me know!

#limitingbeliefs #stuckinthinking #ownyourattitude #mindshift #selfawareness #alwaysthinking #thinkingtraps #personalresponsibility #mentalfitness #emotionalhealth #emotionalfitness #stressmanagement #professionalcoach #successmindset #mindsetcoaching

Last updated 2 years ago

Glitter Tofu · @glittertofu
42 followers · 315 posts · Server

Only real vegans know how to properly field dress a package of tofu

#vegan #tofu #lifeskills #personalresponsibility

Last updated 2 years ago

BrendonTowle · @brendontowlecoaching
4 followers · 52 posts · Server

“Oh, it was nothing.”
“I had a lot of help; Mary should really get the credit.”
“I just got lucky.”

Do these sound familiar? Many of us find it difficult to acknowledge when we’ve been successful, or accomplished something. Read on for some discussion of why it’s important to do it anyway:

What tricks do you have for acknowledging the things that you do right? How do you avoid minimizing your good qualities? Share in the comments!

#selftalk #confidence #selfconfidence #personalpower #embraceyourself #personalresponsibility #success #ownyoursuccess #takeyourcredit #progressnotperfection #intentionalgrowth #mindshift #thinkingtraps #mentalfitness #mentalwellness #dothework #professionalcoach #successmindset #mindsetcoaching

Last updated 2 years ago

BrendonTowle · @brendontowlecoaching
4 followers · 50 posts · Server

I was not raised in an emotionally fluent environment, and so spent a lot of time doing a whole variety of things to pretend that my feelings didn’t exist. One of my favorites was “This feeling doesn’t make sense, therefore I don’t feel it.”

It’s important for me to remember that even when my feelings don’t make sense, or aren’t what I want to feel, or aren’t what I think they should be, I still have them. I don’t have to act in any particular way just because I have a feeling, but I still do better if I can acknowledge what my feelings actually are.

How about you? What are your favorite strategies for acknowledging your feelings? Let me know in the comments!

#feelings #thinkingtraps #personalresponsibility #mentalfitness #emotionalhealth #emotionalfitness #selfawareness #stressmanagement #professionalcoach #successmindset #mindsetcoaching

Last updated 2 years ago

BrendonTowle · @brendontowlecoaching
4 followers · 50 posts · Server

This week I’m talking about our motives for doing the work. Although there’s definitely merit to the idea of doing the right thing for the right reasons, in my experience, doing the right thing for whatever reason is just as good. Read more here:

Do you have experience with talking yourself out of something because your motives weren’t good enough? Or, do you have experience with talking yourself into something regardless of your motives? Share in the comments!

#selftalk #personalresponsibility #success #progressnotperfection #intentionalgrowth #Humanity #mindshift #thinkingtraps #mentalfitness #mentalwellness #dothework #professionalcoach #successmindset #mindsetcoaching

Last updated 2 years ago

BrendonTowle · @brendontowlecoaching
4 followers · 50 posts · Server

It’s easy for me to fall into the trap of thinking that things will never change, or that I will never change. When I think about anything else, I know that’s crazy—things change all the time—but my mind seems to want to think that I’m an exception to the rule.

I’m not. I’m changing all the time, and I can choose to direct those changes in ways that are useful and productive (and fun!). And, this means that I’m not bound by my past limitations. If I’ve never previously been able to do something, I can still learn how to do it. If I’ve always made the same mistake, I can learn how to make new ones (or do something that isn’t a mistake).

How about you? What are your favorite strategies to remember that you’re still growing? Let me know in the comments!

#mindset #responsibility #personalresponsibility #ownyourlife #thinkingtraps #progressnotperfection #mentalfitness #mindshift #persistence #grit #intentionalgrowth #selfimprovement #professionalcoach #successmindset #mindsetcoaching

Last updated 2 years ago