#iOS17 looks very interesting.
#PersonalVoice lets you add your own voice to your #Apple device.
Whats really weird is my phone is at 100% and is sitting on my wireless Qi charger and it will say that it cant process the #PersonalVoice because its not charging.
I've also tried it with just plugging in the iPhone into the charger and if its at 100% it stops charging and those this error notification.
I guess i need to do a very intensive process on my phone for a few hours and then get it down to like 10% charge and plug it in and it will process as it goes up to 100%. #ios17beta
The bug I have found with #PersonalVoice generating the voice after doing the 15 min training is
- iPhone needs to be plugged in of you get the notifification
- iPhone must be < 100% for it to generate or you get the notification
- Other app notifications that make the screen turn on trigger the notification
“Preparation of your Personal Voice is paused. Try plugging in your iPhone and turning off the screen to resume.”
#personalvoice #ios17beta #ios17
I went to bed with my phone plugged in and the #PersonalVoice screen stating it was generating... 74% and woke up this morning with the phone stating it was at 78%. Something isn’t right here. My phone is at 100% and I've tried plysically plugging it in as well as wireless charging, nothing. I tried a reboot lets see what happens next. #ios17beta #ios17
#personalvoice #ios17beta #ios17
I read so many posts online about this is horrible and all sorts of things can go wrong with this. If you are a podcasts like me and have about 10 years of audio of you made avaiable on the internet anyone could makes a soundboard of me saying all sorts of stuff.
But what this tech does is makes it so that someone that has just been told “you are going to lose your ability to speak” can still have their voice and use it. I think this is why #PersonalVoice is going to be a big for #ios17
One good thing I'm seeing with #PersonalVoice is you only have to do this once and it will be saved to iCloud and shared to other devices as well as like I mentioned before can be used with other apps other than the 1st party apps that Apple has (Facetime, Phone, just being evoked from the main springboard) #ios17beta #iOS17
#personalvoice #ios17beta #ios17
The place where I'm at with this is waiting for #iOS17 #PersonalVoice to finish generating my voice so I can use it with #LiveSpeech for the time being I selected one of the built in voices and tried using that a few different ways. You can make a Facetime call to someone and then enable the Live Speech feature and instead of talking you can type what you want to say and it will say it out loud for the other participants to hear. Voice phone calls as well which could be live changing for folks.
#ios17 #personalvoice #livespeech
After that you can begin the process of reading the words on the screen using the iPhone mic and have the phone about 6 inches from your face in a quiet room. The process of recording takes about 15 min and if you need to stop in the middle of that process you can pickup where you left off.
Once it's recorded #iOS17 #PersonalVoice will process the audio then generate the voice that it will use when you go and use it.
Started playing with the #iOS17 feature called #PersonalVoice along with the #LiveSpeech feature that when combined can allow someone that may lose their voice and have set this up in time to be able to use text to speech to communcate with their own voice. The process requires you to record about 15 mins of audio using random phrases to generate the voice, websites state it takes about an hour to generate said voice I'm doing this on an iPhone 13 Pro and its been a few hours of processing.
#ios17 #personalvoice #livespeech
AwesomeCast 641: Abandoned Dinosaur Park
#AbandonedDinosaurPark #ParallelReality #PlayStationVR2 #SleepRecorderApp #BrickBurger #PersonalVoice #GoogleAccountDeletion
#abandoneddinosaurpark #parallelreality #playstationvr2 #sleeprecorderapp #brickburger #personalvoice #googleaccountdeletion
Apple hat neue Funktionen in iOs 17 angekündigt, die insbesondere die Barrierefreiheit unterstützen, eine davon hat mich besonders beeindruckt: Personal Voice.
Apple implementiert eine AI-unterstützte Funktion, mit der Nutzer, die Gefahr laufen, ihre Stimme zu verlieren, diese als AI-Stimme konservieren können. Mit Personal Voice lassen sich dann geschriebene Texte verschicken, die mit der eigenen AI-Stimme vorgelesen werden. Die Funktion soll noch dieses Jahr kommen.
#personalvoice #ios17