Something borrowed and something gifted
Razor: #GEM Contour
Blade: #Personna GEM PTFE
Brush: #Zenith B21
Lather: #StirlingSoapCo Glastonbury
Aftershave: #StirlingSoapCo Vetiver
The very genereous @Semaj3000 lent me his GEM Contour (a.k.a "Swan Song") and gifted me this tub of Glastobury. I enjoy the dank scent, and love the sheep base.
The razor needs some getting used to. It's the mildest GEM and I sometimes struggled finding the right angle.
#gem #personna #zenith #stirlingsoapco #wetshaving #gemrazor #sotd #shaveoftheday
Jun 13, 2023 #sotd
• Brush: #shoreshaves "Honey Jar" 26mm Plisson Knot
• Razor: #blacklandrazors TiBird
• Blade: #Personna Lab Blue
• Lather: #areffasoaps PoK
• Post Shave: Areffa PoK AS
#sotd #shoreshaves #blacklandrazors #personna #areffasoaps #shaveoftheday #shave #shaving #wetshaving
Travel prep shave
Razor: #GEM #Micromatic Clog-Pruf Peerless
Blade: #Personna GEM PTFE
Brush: #Boti Motherlode
Lather & post: #HouseOfMammoth Shire
My last shave from home for a few days before hopping on a plane to bad weather, worse food, and Mary fucking Poppins
Explained to boss that it's impossible I travel without blades and they have to pay for checked luggage😅
Shire was delish as always, and the Peerless is fun.
Happy Reddit Blackout Day!
#gem #micromatic #personna #boti #houseofmammoth #wetshaving #gemrazor #sotd #shaveoftheday
Peerless Firefighter ♥️
Razor: #GEM #Micromatic Peerless
Blade: #Personna GEM PTFE
Brush: #ExecutiveShavingCompany Medium Jock
Lather: #NobleOtter Firefighter
Aftershave: #BarristerAndMann Seville
I like the Peerless, it's a great GEM razor. But, really which GEM isn't?
Firefighter is delicious, and Seville works very well with it.
#gem #micromatic #personna #executiveshavingcompany #nobleotter #barristerandmann #wetshaving #gemrazor #sotd #shaveoftheday
Jun 11, 2023 #sotd
• Brush: #Zenith 505BC SE
• Razor: #EldrormRIndustries MM24
• Blade: #Personna GEM PTFE
• Lather: #BarristerAndMann Brew Ha-Ha (Excelsior)
• Post Shave: Storybook Coffee Spoons AS
• Post Shave: B+M Brew Ha-Ha Balm
• Fragrance: #HouseOfMammoth Embrace EdP
Some mornings a coffee-themed shave is in order.
#sotd #zenith #eldrormrindustries #personna #barristerandmann #houseofmammoth #shaveoftheday #shave #shaving #wetshaving
Jun 6, 2023 #sotd
• Brush: #ChiselAndHound "Chocolate Drop" 26mm v19 Fanchurian
• Razor: #EldrormRIndustries MM24
• Blade: #Personna GEM PTFE
• Lather: #NobleOtter TNeV
• Post Shave: NO TNeV AS
• Fragrance: NO Monarch EdP
#sotd #chiselandhound #eldrormrindustries #personna #nobleotter #teatuesday #shaveoftheday #shave #shaving
Jun 1, 2023 #sotd
• Brush: #ChiselAndHound "Chocolate Drop" 26mm v19 Fanchurian
• Razor: #blacklandrazors TiBird
• Blade: #Personna Lab Blue
• Lather: #crowneandcrane Peppered Plum
• Post Shave: #oakenlab SM AS
#shaveoftheday #shave #shaving #wetshaving #wetshavers #wetshave #wetshaveoftheday #artisansoap #classicshave #safetyrazor #shavingsoap #shavingbrush #aftershave #traditionalwetshaving #traditionalshaving #shavebrush
#sotd #chiselandhound #blacklandrazors #personna #crowneandcrane #oakenlab #shaveoftheday #shave #shaving #wetshaving #wetshavers #wetshave #wetshaveoftheday #artisansoap #classicshave #safetyrazor #shavingsoap #shavingbrush #aftershave #traditionalwetshaving #traditionalshaving #shavebrush
Black Watch #Schick Schave
Razor: #EversharpSchick G1 Twin-Jector
Blade: #Personna Injector Blade
Brush: #Zenith B21
Lather, post, & frag: #SpearheadShavingCompany Seaforth! Black Watch
Black Watch doesn't get old and neither does the Schick. The intuitive geometry always gives me mild, but efficient s(c)haves.
#schick #eversharpschick #personna #zenith #spearheadshavingcompany #wetshaving #schickrazor #sotd #shaveoftheday
#MammothMonday Micro Matic Flying Flashback
Razor: #GEM #Micromatic #FlyingWing
Blade: #Personna GEM PTFE
Brush: #Zenith B21
Lather: #HouseOfMammoth Mood Indigo
Aftershave: #DeclarationGrooming Massacre of the Innocents splash
Haven't used a Flying Wing for Mammoth Monday in a minute. Still a razor I enjoy.
Mindigo was a good choice for tonight. So good.
#mammothmonday #gem #micromatic #flyingwing #personna #zenith #houseofmammoth #declarationgrooming #wetshaving #gemrazor #safetyrazor #sotd #shaveoftheday
Sunday Tea
Razor: #EverReady Featherweight
Blade: #Personna GEM PTFE
Brush: #ChiselAndHound Azurite
Lather: #Turtleship Te Java
Aftershave: #DeclarationGrooming Chaotic Neutral
Te Java is as good as I remember. Chaotic Neutral is a bit too sweet for this pairing, but not horribly so.
#everready #personna #chiselandhound #turtleship #declarationgrooming #wetshaving #safetyrazor #sotd #shaveoftheday
End of Travel Shave
Razor: #Schick Repeating Razor Type B
Blade: #Personna
Brush: AKA Fashion Olive Wood with 26 mm Maggard knot
Lather: #MäurerUndWirtz Tabac Original Cream
Aftershave: #Ralon Original
Last shave of the 🇭🇷 trip, with local Ralon and #TheOneTrueStank®
#schick #personna #maurerundwirtz #ralon #theonetruestank #wetshaving #safetyrazor #sotd #shaveoftheday #tabactuesday
🇭🇷 Hotel travel shave
Razor: #Schick Repeating Razor Type B
Blade: #Personna Injector
Brush: #AKAFashion
Lather & post: #BarristerAndMann Lavanille
Nice hotel shave today, still with my travel setup.
#wetshaving #RepeatingRazor #SafetyRazor #SOTD #ShaveOfTheDay
#schick #personna #akafashion #barristerandmann #wetshaving #repeatingrazor #safetyrazor #sotd #shaveoftheday
🇭🇷 Easter travel shave
Razor: #Schick Repeating Razor Type B
Blade: #Personna Injector
Brush: #AKAFashion
Lather & post: #BarristerAndMann Lavanille
Quick one yesterday (forgot to post, oops), still happy with the travel setup.
#wetshaving #RepeatingRazor #SafetyRazor #SOTD #ShaveOfTheDay
#schick #personna #akafashion #barristerandmann #wetshaving #repeatingrazor #safetyrazor #sotd #shaveoftheday
🇭🇷 Travel shave broj dva
Razor: #Schick Repeating Razor Type B
Blade: #Personna Injector
Brush: #AKAFashion
Lather & post: #BarristerAndMann Lavanille
I chose my travel setup well. Lavanille is rich, intoxicating, confusing in a good way, and - most of all - delicious.
#wetshaving #RepeatingRazor #SafetyRazor #SOTD #ShaveOfTheDay
#schick #personna #akafashion #barristerandmann #wetshaving #repeatingrazor #safetyrazor #sotd #shaveoftheday
Travel Shave N° 1: Fate (=Schicksal)
Razor: #Schick Repeating Razor Type B
Blade: #Personna
Brush: #AKAFashion
Lather & post: #BarristerAndMann Lavanille
Fragrance: #Creed Wind Flowers
Visiting in-laws in Croatia with this great travel setup. The frag is my wife's but I like it more than she does.
#wetshaving #RepeatingRazor #SafetyRazor #SOTD #ShaveOfTheDay
#schick #personna #akafashion #barristerandmann #creed #wetshaving #repeatingrazor #safetyrazor #sotd #shaveoftheday
Rocket To The Moos!
Razor: #Gillette Rocket HD 500 (NOS)
Blade: #Personna Platinum
Brush: #DogwoodHandcrafts Papa Eld with Declaration Grooming B3 knot
Lather, post, & frag: Sir #IrischMoos
If all TTOs were built like the HD Rocket, I'd like them a lot more. This thing feels ***solid***.
#wetshaving #SafetyRazor #FougèreFriday #SOTD #ShaveOfTheDay
#gillette #personna #dogwoodhandcrafts #irischmoos #wetshaving #safetyrazor #fougerefriday #sotd #shaveoftheday
Titanic MMA
Razor: #Mühle R41 GT
Blade #Personna Platinum
Brush: #Zenith r/Wetshaving exclusive #MoarBoar
Lather: #StirlingSoapCo Ozark Mountain
Post: #StirlingSoapCo Mountain Man
Mixed Mountain Art today. Realising that Mountain Man is sneaking up as one of my favourite Stirling scents for me. Just so enjoyable!
Grabbed the titanium R 41 after it came up on the chat and I kept thinking about it. Really enjoyable razor, this.
#wetshaving #SafetyRazor #SOTD #ShaveOfTheDay #MOARchMadness
#muhle #personna #zenith #moarboar #stirlingsoapco #wetshaving #safetyrazor #sotd #shaveoftheday #moarchmadness
The Fourteenth International Boomer Appreciation Djudge Shave With Mammut Beanie
Razor: #GEM MicroMatic Flying Wing
Blade: #Personna GEM PTFE
Brush: #Zenith #MoarBoar
Lather: #HouseOfMammoth Shire
Post: #HouseOfMammoth Almond Leather
Great shave with great company. Djudicial Klatsch in our new episode of @AudioBookClubShave with @mammothben from HoM himself. First #MicroMaticMammothMondayFlightFormation in a while #MMMMFF.
#gem #personna #zenith #moarboar #houseofmammoth #micromaticmammothmondayflightformation #mmmmff #wetshaving #sotd #shaveoftheday #podcast