Quite right. In is being used in a fashion. Shops forced into buying that people simply walk around to speak. Unpopular highrise for use as (read: ), complete with between rooms (). Apps () that few wanted etc. We've done fine without this. We don't need it.

But COVID is a ripe for "".

@witchescauldron @humanetech @nestort

#australia #COVID19 #disastercapitalism #perspexDividers #bailouts #hotelQuarantine #abitraryDetention #airLocks #goldPlating #covidsafe #growthIndustry #safety

Last updated 4 years ago


They came out with that everyone simply talks around.

They force fed us at every opportunity - which is obviously designed to collect people's personal data, and probably take much more besides.

They mandated silly arrows all over floor in shops.

They employed people as that seem to spend more time sharing yarns and spreading pathogens amoungst themselves than anything else.


#perspexDividers #zoom #malware #COVIDMarshalls

Last updated 4 years ago