John Plender (FT) on the problem of CEO & top executives share-based 'incentive schemes:
Research (he discusses) has shown 'the bonus culture largely explains the decline in investment in the US & UK along with low productivity growth.
In a sane world CEO pay would be primarily in cash with equity used only for truly exceptional performance.... The astonishing failure of corporate governance & investor stewardship over executive pay will not be remedied any time soon'!
What if a business "going public" (#IPO) meant being converted into a cooperative? The #founder gets their cash payout for building something of value to the community by actually *selling* it to the community? Power to the people!
I want to see laws passed that help promote and incentivize this option.
#Cooperatives reduce:
* #Inequality
* #EconomicInstability
* #PerverseIncentives
* #ConflictsOfInterest
The #profit made by a cooperative goes back into the #community, and their #leadership decisions are made by the community, because they are #CommunityOwned.
That means they'll listen if you say #climate matters. They'll care if you want to look out for the #disadvantaged in your community. They won't try to rake you over the coals with #PriceGouging. They won't try to trick you with #FalseAdvertizing. They won't try to manipulate you into #overspending or #ImpulseBuys. Because "they" are YOU.
#ipo #founder #cooperatives #inequality #economicinstability #perverseincentives #conflictsofinterest #profit #community #leadership #communityowned #climate #disadvantaged #pricegouging #falseadvertizing #overspending #impulsebuys
Fascinating #sensemaking discussion about the #existentialRisk of #Moloch's #perverseIncentives, #climatecrisis, zero-sum games, #AI, and #complexity
#sensemaking #existentialrisk #moloch #perverseincentives #climatecrisis #ai #complexity
The impossibility of #Democracy in a pluralistic #TwoPartySystem ....
aside from the experience of #PerverseIncentives therein, and within #Capitalism and #Patriarchy
Binary, Zero-sum propositions are on a wrong course, asking the wrong questions, and contrary to #CreativeSolutions
#democracy #twopartysystem #perverseincentives #capitalism #patriarchy #oh #creativesolutions
What an amazing location! Thanks so much for having me.
RT @ebmatthews
Day 1 of an early career workshop: “Surviving and Thriving in Academia”, led by @yoginho. Today the problems (e.g #cultofproductivity, #perverseincentives) were framed, and tomorrow we come with solutions. I would highly recommend this to departments @EawagResearch, and abroad.
#cultofproductivity #perverseincentives