Matthew Vernon · @demoographics
108 followers · 628 posts · Server
Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
1877 followers · 4624 posts · Server

John Plender (FT) on the problem of CEO & top executives share-based 'incentive schemes:

Research (he discusses) has shown 'the bonus culture largely explains the decline in investment in the US & UK along with low productivity growth.
In a sane world CEO pay would be primarily in cash with equity used only for truly exceptional performance.... The astonishing failure of corporate governance & investor stewardship over executive pay will not be remedied any time soon'!


Last updated 2 years ago

Aaron · @hosford42
376 followers · 2657 posts · Server

What if a business "going public" () meant being converted into a cooperative? The gets their cash payout for building something of value to the community by actually *selling* it to the community? Power to the people!

I want to see laws passed that help promote and incentivize this option.


The made by a cooperative goes back into the , and their decisions are made by the community, because they are .

That means they'll listen if you say matters. They'll care if you want to look out for the in your community. They won't try to rake you over the coals with . They won't try to trick you with . They won't try to manipulate you into or . Because "they" are YOU.

#ipo #founder #cooperatives #inequality #economicinstability #perverseincentives #conflictsofinterest #profit #community #leadership #communityowned #climate #disadvantaged #pricegouging #falseadvertizing #overspending #impulsebuys

Last updated 2 years ago

Kolman · @pikolman
37 followers · 284 posts · Server
whoosh · @whoosh
12 followers · 87 posts · Server

The impossibility of in a pluralistic ....
aside from the experience of therein, and within and
Binary, Zero-sum propositions are on a wrong course, asking the wrong questions, and contrary to

#democracy #twopartysystem #perverseincentives #capitalism #patriarchy #oh #creativesolutions

Last updated 2 years ago

Yogi Jaeger · @yoginho
292 followers · 1244 posts · Server

What an amazing location! Thanks so much for having me.
RT @ebmatthews
Day 1 of an early career workshop: “Surviving and Thriving in Academia”, led by @yoginho. Today the problems (e.g , ) were framed, and tomorrow we come with solutions. I would highly recommend this to departments @EawagResearch, and abroad.

#cultofproductivity #perverseincentives

Last updated 2 years ago