#Russia has quarreled with #Armenia.
"Moscow does not agree with #Pashinyan's words about the failure of the Russian peacekeeping mission and Russia's withdrawal from Nagorno-Karabakh. Russia will remain a part of this region and it cannot withdraw from there. Russia continues to play the role of a security guarantor," #Peskov said. He also added a sarcastic remark that more Armenians live in Russia than in Armenia itself.
Earlier, Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan said it was a strategic
#peskov #Pashinyan #Armenia #Russia
Russian President Vladimir #Putin said his meeting with Turkish leader Recep Tayyip #Erdogan has ended. This is reported by official Russian news agency TASS. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry #Peskov had previously announced that likely no documents would be signed during the conversation, as the state news agency RIA reported. There will be another joint press conference of the two heads of state.
#Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #graindeal #peskov #erdogan #Putin
According to Russian Presidential Office, the first half of the talks between Russian President Vladimir #Putin and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip #Erdogan had been constructive, Dmitry #Peskov said in a video posted by a journalist working for a state media outlet. According to Peskov, after end of conversation, it is not to be expected that documents will be signed. This is reported by state news agency RIA.
#Ukraine #graindeal #peskov #erdogan #Putin
Il governo di Kiev sta facendo "di tutto per trascinare l'#Occidente il più profondamente possibile in un conflitto con Mosca". Lo ha detto il portavoce del Cremlino, Dmitry #Peskov, citato dall'agenzia di stato russa Tass.
@VikingChieftain Well, at least his daughter doesn't seems like she is grieving:
"While Russian occupiers are dying in batches in #Ukraine, Elizaveta Peskova, the daughter of Dmitri #Peskov, is having a great time in #Dubai."
#Peskov says #Russia doesn't need elections anymore because #Putin will win anyway…
#peskov #russia #putin #democracy #dictatorship
"#Russian #President Vladimir #Putin can choose not to hold presidential #elections next year because he'll "obviously" win re-election, #Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry #Peskov said"
#russian #president #putin #elections #kremlin #peskov
‘Nuances Exist’ Among BRICS Members Regarding Bloc’s Expansion, Kremlin Admits - The enlargement of BRICS will be “near the top of the agenda” at the organization’... - https://news.bitcoin.com/nuances-exist-among-brics-members-regarding-blocs-expansion-kremlin-admits/ #applications #johannesburg #discussions #enlargement #applicants #membership #newmembers #expansion #spokesman #kremlin #members #russian #peskov #russia #summit #brics #putin #talks #news
#news #talks #putin #brics #summit #russia #peskov #russian #members #kremlin #spokesman #expansion #newmembers #membership #applicants #enlargement #discussions #johannesburg #applications
#Russia: "Pronti a fornire #grano gratis all'#Africa" - Enti Locali Online
(Adnkronos) – La Russia afferma di “continuare a esser pronta a una sostituzione gratuita del grano ucraino per i Paesi che ne hanno bisogno” dopo lo stop di Mosca all’accordo. E’ il messaggio arrivato dal portavoce del Cremlino, Dmitry #Peskov, secondo quanto riporta l’agenzia russa Tass. #Ucraina
#russia #grano #africa #peskov #ucraina
#Guerra #Ucraina, la #Russia è pronta a inviare grano gratis all'#Africa - Il Tempo
La Russia è pronta a inviare grano gratis ai Paesi africani bisognosi anche senza l’iniziativa del grano del Mar Nero, lo ha dichiarato il portavoce presidenziale russo Dmitry Peskov. "Assolutamente sì. Sapete che, con nostro grande rammarico, i Paesi più poveri dell’Africa hanno ricevuto meno di tutti come risultato dell’accordo sul #grano", ha detto #Peskov.
#guerra #ucraina #russia #africa #grano #peskov
Dmitry #Peskov said the #Kremlin doesn't know where #Prigozhin is?
"We don't follow his movements, we have neither the means nor the wish to do so" - Peskov stated during a briefing.
#Ruskis don't have an eye on a person who launched an armed mutiny against them.
#peskov #kremlin #prigozhin #ruskis
Dmitry #Peskov said that it is planned to create a test center for drones in #Sevastopol, #NizhnyNovgorod, and a similar project in #Mariupol. #press
#peskov #sevastopol #nizhnynovgorod #mariupol #press
Lies from the Kremlin
"The army and the people were with Putin at the time of the attempted armed rebellion" - D. Peskov, Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation
#russia #peskov #putin #narrative #gaslighting #rebellion
Yesterday the RA-96022 - #Pypa's plane - bravely left #Moscow at 14:16, only to fearlessly return this morning at 01:50.
Of course #Peskov said that #putin never left, so surely the pilot was just getting some fresh air.