I just had an idea for a alternate universe bit, where they use the to visit a universe where is a and is a .

They get in an argument over the names of this antiquated tool's parts (which part should have been named the mortar and which the pestle), which then turns into an actual fight over their respective names and bodies in this universe.

Meanwhile, a gigantic alien pharmacist uses the two of them to grind up some anti-flatulence tablets, then uses (who lives in this universe as a credit card) to cut the resulting powder into two long lines, snorts them, and lets out a long, ecstatic sigh of relief.

At this last part, Rick and Morty stop fighting and stare up at the alien pharmacist in utter confusion/horror for several seconds, eyes wide and mouths agape. Finally, Morty says "I won't tell anyone if you won't," Rick replies, "Deal," and then zaps them into the next universe with the portal gun.

#rickandmorty #portalgun #morty #mortar #rick #peslte #apothecary #orsonscottcard

Last updated 2 years ago