It is my job to consider everything that could go wrong, and I am very good at my job. #pessimism
Listening to an amazing interview with Rebecca Solnit about #hope despite the #wildfires and #ClimateCrisis on this week's episode of What on Earth #podcast. Love that she reached out to #LauraLynch herself to inject this conversation topic into the #climate space, because it is SO needed.
Esp like the talk about hope vs #doomerism vs #optimism #pessimism and #cynicism. As theorist Mary Manjikian reminds us, #dread is a luxury emotion...
#hope #wildfires #climatecrisis #podcast #lauralynch #climate #doomerism #optimism #pessimism #cynicism #dread
Don't take chances with a bad mood. #webcomics #comicstrips #grumpy #introverts #pessimism #talkingintrees #rabbits #squirrel
#webcomics #comicstrips #grumpy #introverts #pessimism #talkingintrees #rabbits #squirrel
@Njord I don't think we'll be able to be truly carbon neutral or even carbon negative in 10, 20 or even 50 years.
I think the hammer will probably end up swinging more towards nationalism, fascism and authoritarianism in the next 10 years and that will have long-lasting effects.
Thus, much worse.
You ever just need someone to just complain with? #webcomic #comicstrip #friendship #futility #pessimism #squirrel #fox
#webcomic #comicstrip #friendship #futility #pessimism #squirrel #fox
Life Sucks, Then You Die | ARTHUR SCHOPENHAUER - Einzelganger
From the description:
"The amount of suffering in the world is vast, so observed Schopenhauer. Life is a constant striving, a relentless pursuit of desires and needs that keep appearing. So it’s no surprise that people label this philosopher ‘pessimistic’ and ‘dark.’ But his observations aren’t unfounded."
#einzelganger #schopenhauer #philosophy #pessimism
"Hope begins with the ability to imagine alternatives. And there is always an alternative."
#Hope #Imagination #HumanRights #Politics #Literature #Polycrisis #ClimateEmergency #Inequality #InfrastructureNeglect #Authoritarianism #ZoonoticPlague #COVID #Thermodynamics #Optimism #Pessimism #Fatalism #Inevitabilism #Realism #HumanAgency #Inevitable #Alternative #Luddite #Technology #Millionaire #Billionaire #ScienceFiction #Predict #Contest #Challenge
#hope #imagination #humanrights #politics #literature #polycrisis #climateemergency #inequality #infrastructureneglect #authoritarianism #zoonoticplague #covid #thermodynamics #optimism #pessimism #fatalism #inevitabilism #realism #humanagency #inevitable #alternative #luddite #technology #millionaire #billionaire #sciencefiction #predict #contest #challenge
It's enough with the help sometimes. #comics #animalmeme #morning #pessimism #rabbit #squirrel
#comics #animalmeme #morning #pessimism #rabbit #squirrel
#Optimism and #pessimism are just #fatalism in fancy suits.
#optimism #pessimism #fatalism #contestation #sciencefiction #Polycrisis #wideninggyre
@sara_peltola @outi @vittorio_fossofino @KarjalaisenHoo Toivon kanssa pitkään painineena ja sitä kotisivujeni asiaan?-sivun lopussa ruumiinavailleena muistan nykyään mielelläni Ville Lähteen erinomaista suomennosta Mara van der Lugtin esseestä Katse kohti pimeää,, jossa hahmotellaan toiveikasta pessimismiä lähtien optimismin ja tavallisen toivon vastuuttomuudesta nykyajassa. Itse ehkä rehabilitoisisin epätoivonkin.
The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.
-- William Arthur Ward
#quotes #williamarthurward #optimism #pessimism #reality #photography #panorama #sand #tracks #iowa
«Stop Telling Kids They’ll Die From Climate Change.
Many young people feel like their future is in peril. To make progress on climate change, we must move past doomsday scenarios. […] We need a new message for climate change. One that drives action through optimism that things can be better.» ― Hannah Ritchie in #wired from 2021-11-01
#ClimateChange, #optimism, #pessimism, #doomsday, #nodoomsday, #MentalHealth
#wired #climatechange #optimism #pessimism #doomsday #nodoomsday #mentalhealth
The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.
-- William Arthur Ward
⬆ #Quotes #WilliamArthurWard #Optimism #Pessimism #Reality
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #LakePowell #SlickRock #Canyon #Utah
#quotes #williamarthurward #optimism #pessimism #reality #photography #panorama #lakepowell #slickrock #canyon #utah
Investors Seek Refuge in Cash as Recession Fears Mount, BOFA Survey Reveals - Investors, plagued by mounting pessimism, have sought refuge in cash, according to... - #bankofamericasurvey #flighttosafety #bankofamerica #opportunities #cashreserves #creditcrunch #fundmanagers #bofasurvey #economics #investors #pessimism #recession #sentiment #global #stocks #survey #bonds #bofa
#bofa #bonds #survey #stocks #global #sentiment #recession #pessimism #investors #economics #bofasurvey #fundmanagers #creditcrunch #cashreserves #opportunities #bankofamerica #flighttosafety #bankofamericasurvey
Can we assume that now, replete with the PM's glowing endorsement, #GuardianAustralia is about to change tack & henceforth begin approving new #FossilFool projects, funding the #FossilFool industry, making cruelly parsimonious miniscule adjustments to the entrenched #PovertyPayments of #NewStart, begin kicking peeps off #NDIS, flouting #FoI spirit & letter just like the previous arseholes, promulgating pure bullshit housing policies, yada yada ... all the while bleating constantly but dishonestly that they're "leaving no readers behind"? 🤷♀️ 😜
#cynicism #sarcasm #satire #auspol #pessimism #WeAreSelfishCruelBastards #WeAreTotallyFscked
#guardianaustralia #fossilfool #povertypayments #NewStart #NDIS #foi #cynicism #sarcasm #satire #auspol #pessimism #weareselfishcruelbastards #wearetotallyfscked
#Pessimism is wrong on just about everything. Neutral data says you should be #hopeful for the #future. Read #StevenPinker #Enlightenment now. The perfect medicine for #depression and #weltschmerz.
#pessimism #hopeful #future #stevenpinker #enlightenment #depression #weltschmerz
Tuosta laitoin pienen päivityksen kotisivujeni asiaan?-sivun loppuun, koska osui "liian hyvin". Tietysti valamiehistö on edelleen ulkona sen suhteen, kuinka väistämättömän pessimismin kanssa voi elää viisaasti, enkä peru toivon ruumiinavailuani. Säikäyttää kyllä välillä, kun silmiin hyppää jostain mainos, että "Toivo elää!".
#lupposofi #pessimism #hope #toivo