Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: The Top 9 Catwalk Crashers of All Time, Ranked by Their Runway Walks #Jezebel #humanappearance #sachabaroncohen #mariebenoliel #vitaliisediuk #louisvuitton #tracyreiman #brunogehard #mariecohuet #ninaricci #gigihadid #gisele #model #prada #bruno #dior #peta
#jezebel #humanappearance #sachabaroncohen #mariebenoliel #vitaliisediuk #louisvuitton #tracyreiman #brunogehard #mariecohuet #ninaricci #gigihadid #gisele #model #prada #bruno #dior #peta
Auf einen Blick - die Themen:
» #CSD in #Wuppertal am 9. September 2023,
» Showcase bei den Industrial Designer:innen &
» #PETA protestiert vor dem Wuppertaler #Zoo.
(Titelfoto: CSD in Wuppertal - Foto: Philipp Rozykiewicz)
@alexwild A few congress members, mainly from the political left, have proposed a new Law that makes a lot more difficult any research process that involves animal beings. The #biology and #Conservationism communities are beginning to take a stand against such Law (which has the backup of animalist activism and #PETA).
You can follow the conversation on #Twitter
#twitter #peta #Conservationism #biology
Celle anguste, niente cibo né acqua: il viaggio di sofferenza dei cuccioli di beagle destinati alla sperimentazione in Italia. Il video in esclusiva.
#cadapa #campbeagle #peta #anima #sperimentazioneanimale
Avis aux touristes : des chevaux épuisés mangent des déchets et des dromadaires sont battus en #Égypte. Boycottez les excursions avec des animaux et utilisez l'appel à l'action de #PETA pour écrire au gouvernement égyptien !
Wenn @PETADeutschland eine #Mensa in #Heilbronn als #vegan-freundlich bezeichnet, dann ist wohl etwas dran: Die Organisation nimmt es beim Tierschutz schließlich ganz genau, vielen Kritikern von #Peta gehen deren Aktionen zu weit. #Studierendenwerk #Heidelberg #Bildungscampus
#mensa #heilbronn #vegan #peta #studierendenwerk #heidelberg #Bildungscampus
@elr @carmenbianca #PETA is absolute horseshit even before their #Killshelters had a leading-high kill rate in the #USA, because other #AnimalShelters focussed more on getting animals adopted than flatlining them.
#animalshelters #USA #killshelters #peta
EBL: Ever plow a field, Summer? #YellowstoneTV #veganism #PETA
#yellowstonetv #veganism #peta
Skeptoid #260: Military Dolphins: James Bonds of the Sea by Brian Dunning #dolphins #conservationism #animalrights #peta #SkeptoidPodcast #podcast #bot The facts behind the stories of military dolphins trained to attack divers and plant mines on ships.
#dolphins #conservationism #animalrights #peta #skeptoidpodcast #podcast #bot
PETA Founder on Sending Her Body Parts to Enemies When She Dies and That Pete Davidson Voicemail #2023_06_14 #rolling_stone #miles_klee #subculture #subculture_features #peta #pete_davidson
#2023_06_14 #rolling_stone #miles_klee #subculture #subculture_features #peta #pete_davidson
#Animaux #Nature #France #PETA #Consultation #Chasse #Biodiversite #Sauvegarde
📢 Sauvons ces animaux dits « nuisibles » !
Une consultation publique est ouverte pour créer la liste des "espèces susceptibles d’occasionner des dégâts" (#ESOD).
➡️ Jusqu'au 06/07, faisons entendre notre opposition à cette liste via la consultation :
#animaux #nature #france #peta #consultation #chasse #biodiversite #sauvegarde #esod
My heart will be a world traveler,
Throughout time an animal rights campaigner.
I give part of it to Musk,
And to the kings and presidents,
For a cause, my life will not be in vain.
#peta #elonmusk #animalrights #campaigner #ode #poetry
#peta #elonmusk #animalrights #Campaigner #ode #poetry
👩🦰 May 9, 2023: #PETA has amended specific names and titles given to #God’s creation in the text — and that’s not all. - faithwire
Pete Davidson Goes Off on PETA: “F*ck You, and Suck My D*ck!” #2023_06_06 #consequence #scoop_harrison #news #pop_culture #explicit_content #peta #pete_davidson
#2023_06_06 #consequence #scoop_harrison #news #pop_culture #explicit_content #peta #pete_davidson
Pete Davidson é criticado por ONG por comprar cachorro, explica motivo e se revolta em áudio vazado: ‘Chupem meu p*u’; ouça
#Tmz #Pets #PeteDavidson #Peta #PeopleForEthicalTreatmentOfAnimals #AdoçãoResponsável #AdoçãoDeCachorros #Adoção #ViNoInstagram #Famosos
#tmz #pets #petedavidson #peta #peopleforethicaltreatmentofanimals #adocaoresponsavel #adocaodecachorros #adocao #vinoinstagram #famosos
#PETA founder Ingrid Newkirk shared in her will that she will give a part of her neck to #KingCharles and a piece of her heart to #ElonMusk. #press
#peta #kingcharles #elonmusk #press
#Peta are mentally ill. And I would not only eat a T-Rex, I'd like to shoot it myself too!
@werawelt Danke. Wusste ich nicht. Ich würde deinen Tröt weiterverbreiten, wenn #Peta nicht #Tracker auf der Website hätte (#GoogleTagManager für #GoogleAnalytics).
#googleanalytics #googletagmanager #tracker #peta