#EcoHealthAlliance president #PeterDaszak and associates have written an op-ed attacking new #NIH policies to improve accountability and integrity of #NIH oversight of overseas research (policies prompted by #EcoHealth's violations of terms of #NIH grants).
Daszak and associates first write that "Objectivity, honesty, openness, accountability..are core values of research integrity" and then proceed to attack steps to promote objectivity, honesty, openness, accountability,
#EcoHealthAlliance #peterdaszak #nih #EcoHealth
This NYT OpEd about “Disease X” was written by Dr. #PeterDaszak in February 2020.
Daszak’s nonprofit received funding from #NIH to study Gain of Function research on coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Let that sink in.
Die Wissenschaftskonspiration – Wie angebliche Wissenschaftler die Öffentlichkeit getäuscht und belogen haben https://sciencefiles.org/2023/03/17/die-wissenschaftskonspiration-wie-angebliche-wissenschaftler-die-oeffentlichkeit-getaeuscht-und-belogen-haben/ #WuhanInstituteofVirology #FeindederWissenschaft #KristianAndersen #Corona-Virus #AnthonyFauci #JeremyFarrar #PeterDaszak #Korruption #SARS-COV-2 #COVID-19 #LabLeak #Lancet #WHO
#who #lancet #lableak #covid #sars #korruption #peterdaszak #jeremyfarrar #anthonyfauci #corona #kristianandersen #feindederwissenschaft #wuhaninstituteofvirology
Die US-Regierung ignoriert Fragen von Journalisten zu US-Biowaffen und Covid-19 https://www.anti-spiegel.ru/2023/die-us-regierung-ignoriert-fragen-von-journalisten-zu-us-biowaffen-und-covid-19/ #Hintergrundanalysen #AlleBeiträge #PeterDaszak #Biowaffen #Covid-19 #Corona #USAID #USA
#usa #usaid #corona #covid #biowaffen #peterdaszak #allebeitrage #hintergrundanalysen
Die Ablenkungsmanöver der USA https://www.anti-spiegel.ru/2023/die-ablenkungsmanoever-der-usa/ #DenSpiegelvorgehalten #Hintergrundanalysen #mRNA-Impfstoff #AlleBeiträge #PeterDaszak #Covid-19 #Corona #Medien #China #Fauci #USA
#usa #fauci #china #medien #corona #covid #peterdaszak #allebeitrage #mrna #hintergrundanalysen #denspiegelvorgehalten
This must be a joke. Please tell me this is a joke. @nih just gave @EcoHealthNYC and Peter Daszak a NEW grant for bat coronavirus research?
Including supplying “viral sequences and isolates for use in vaccine development”?
Nope. Not a joke.
The joke, apparently, is on us.
See for yourself https://reporter.nih.gov/search/0jAp779zVkaN-DEsKnKa5A/project-details/10522470
#EcoHealth #NIAID #peterdaszak
None of the fact checks or news stories disclose that Anderson appeared on multiple grants aiming to manipulate coronaviruses, including a NIH award to Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance, and a grant the U.S. military rejected, for gain of function studies
#nih #EcoHealth #gof #GainOfFunction #peterdaszak
Seriously, am I the only one who has used the hashtag #PeterDaszak on Mastodon?
This one should trend like mad seen the highly questionable role this guy has been playing with the #WHO's delegation to #Wuhan that has been looking into #China's early response to #Covid19.
#peterdaszak #who #wuhan #china #COVID19
Wow, wow, wow: The #WHO has announced to scrap the utterly worthless interim #Wuhan report regarding the origins of #Covid19.
There is a simple rule for independent #investigations: Do not allow #conflictsofinterest, do not allow anyone to investigate himself.
The elephant in the room is WHO's expert #PeterDaszak who has close relations to the Wuhan Institute of Virology and who was investigating his research fellows and friends.
So it's back to square one. #China
#china #who #wuhan #COVID19 #investigations #conflictsofinterest #peterdaszak