Dutts: "I *concede* I experience human emotions which is convenient because up until now I've been unelectable due to not displaying human emotions."
Kitchen Cabinet strikes another blow against objective political coverage.
#peterdutton #notamonster #kitchencabinet
Rupert's Conscience Votes Yes @rupertsconscie1 gives us a #MattGolding #cartoon: @goldingcartoons #PeterDutton says he would spend $250 Million on women's sport. Pigs will fly. Remember when Lismore & Qld flooded? He was in Gov't then & could have immediately helped people but instead he started a #GoFundMe account. #alttext
#cartoon #alttext #gofundme #peterdutton #mattgolding
#Auspol #TheShovel #PeterDutton #VoiceToParliament #Matildas #FIFAWWC2023 #Satire
Dutton: “…if they can provide evidence that they will win the World Cup, then I’ll buy a Matildas beanie and post a picture on social media pretending that I’ve supported them from day one. I think that’s only fair. But, as it stands, they are flat-out refusing to provide that detail”.
From: @RichForrest2
#auspol #theshovel #peterdutton #voicetoparliament #matildas #fifawwc2023 #satire
There is a stink of Corruption following #PeterDutton
Via: Kangaroo Court of Australia
#PeterDutton will be forced to address #corruption allegations next week when parliament resumes because 2 whistleblowers, which includes an acting #AFP Commissioner, have shined a light on corruption during Peter Dutton’s time as Home Affairs Minister and the suspect $billions paid to dodgy contractors. #auspol #lnpfail
#peterdutton #corruption #afp #auspol #lnpfail
@RichForrest2 the question must be asked, who in Australia was benefitting? Kickbacks?
#PeterDutton needs to answer questions.
#peterdutton #auspol #homeaffairs #DHA
#PeterDutton is in hiding after the #AFP have thrown him under a bus for #corruption allegations #auspol #lnpfail
#peterdutton #afp #corruption #auspol #lnpfail
Send in the NACC’rs
Here’s a re-worked one from a little way back, feel like it’s current
#auspol #nacc #dutton #peterdutton
I have just read what is possibly the most laughable attempt at criticising a sitting politician.
The Honourable Peter Dutton has just referred to The Honourable Bill Shorten as "a political animal" in an attempt to criticise his comments about the Robodebt Royal Commission.
Hello? Sitting politician? Generally accepted that they are *expected* to be political?
In other news, water is wet, sky is blue in daytime when there are no clouds.
#auspol #billshorten #peterdutton #robodebt
#auspol #LNP #LiberalPartyofAustralia #NationalPartyofAustralia
#JohnHoward insulted indigenous Australians at #ReconciliationConvention1997.
He abolished #ATSIC.
He opposed the #StolenGeneration Apology.
His racist #NorthernTerritoryIntervention was a violation of #InternationalLaw.
#PeterDutton continues the tradition by leading opposition to the #VoiceToParliament.
There was NEVER any doubt they would oppose the Voice.
#auspol #lnp #liberalPartyOfAustralia #nationalpartyofaustralia #johnhoward #reconciliationconvention1997 #atsic #stolengeneration #northernterritoryintervention #internationallaw #peterdutton #voicetoparliament
#thehonourable #peterdutton #kangaroocourtofaustralia
RT @_Sara_Jade_@twitter.com
#PeterDutton is a master manipulator and as adept a liar as you can find. Power and control is what The Voice is about for him not what is best for First Nations people. To win at all costs even if it means others will suffer.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/_Sara_Jade_/status/1674026868138459138
#MattGolding #Cartoon
@goldingcartoons I call on #PeterDutton to abandon his push for a #Novote if he isn’t confident the #referendum will fail.
John Pinniger, Fairfield @theage letters #alttext
#alttext #referendum #novote #peterdutton #cartoon #mattgolding
#PeterDutton : Will the voice make representations on changing the date of Australia Day?
Sigh. Yawn.
Dutton again: “But they certainly have an implied right to be heard, and the High Court will find that they – having been given a right to be heard – need to be properly considered.”
Yes. And? A bit like the coal, oil and gas industries?
I think Dutton has history here. Something about worrying about the detail around the apology to the Stolen Generations.
The answer's staring you in the mirror, Dutton. Vote Yes for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament! ✅
#VoiceToParliament #VoteYes #VoteYesAustralia
#ABCNews headline: #PeterDutton calls for Voice referendum to be abandoned if government isn't confident of success
Link to article on #ABCAustralia website: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-06-22/peter-dutton-calls-for-voice-referendum-to-be-abandoned/102513482
#voicetoparliament #voteyes #voteyesaustralia #abcnews #peterdutton #abcaustralia
RT @_Sara_Jade_@twitter.com
#PeterDutton presser " In relation to the movement of offices Senator Thorpe made in the allegation in the Senate, I wasn't aware of the detail of Senator Van moving offices at the time ." BL rubs side of nose, DECEITFUL BL 🙄 No wonder he barely looked at us. How about the rest.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/_Sara_Jade_/status/1669333636892729347
#MattGolding @goldingcartoons #Cartoon: With remarks like ″the #Voice will re-racialise Australia″ can #PeterDutton dig himself a deeper hole to crawl out of? Methinks not. Dan Drummond, Leongath @theage
letters #alttext
#alttext #peterdutton #voice #cartoon #mattgolding