Daniel 🐙 Deboer · @dandb
129 followers · 2311 posts · Server mas.to

Sometimes I read without checking if they're a part of a larger sequence and then about 3/4 of the way through I'm getting kind of worried that the author isn't going to be able to wind up these 10 different POVs in the 200 pages left...

Then I google the book and find out... oh. There's n more of these.

In unrelated news I finished by on Monday.

#peterfhamilton #salvation #books

Last updated 1 year ago

Shamisen · @Shamisen
5 followers · 30 posts · Server mastodonbooks.net
Shamisen · @Shamisen
5 followers · 25 posts · Server mastodonbooks.net

The first volume in the Chronicles of the Fallers, The Abyss Beyond Dreams by Peter F. Hamilton, is an exceptional novel exploring the mystery at the heart of the Commonwealth Universe. Fitting between the events of the Commonwealth Saga and the Void Trilogy, The Abyss Beyond Dreams is the first in an expansive duology

#audiobook #scifi #peterfhamilton #commonwealth #abyssbeyonddreams #chroniclesofthefallers #currentlyreading #bookstodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Mikey3d · @Mikey3d
161 followers · 1076 posts · Server toot.community

I enjoy however I get so few chances to use cool terminology like “albedo” and “Lagrange point” in everyday conversation.

#spaceopera #peterfhamilton

Last updated 2 years ago

ᜋᜊᜓᜑᜌ᜔᜶ (Mabuhay!) I'm 스노 (雪亮 Yuki), an from the , the “Pearl of the Orient Seas”.

I am an person. It was () and () which gave me the courage to say, “enough is enough” with all the discrimination, prejudice, and stigma about and .

Furthermore, I strongly believe in (under which are , , , and related). You will also occasionally see me sharing and talking about and .

My first identity was in 2008, when it was still called (the former was coined sometime 2010–2012). I used to run a public instance for the Philippines, and had my own solo instance. ( The Philippines is the capital of the world since 2008. [1] [2])


My links:

* Hub: im.youronly.one

* Bio: iam.youronly.one

* Verification: youronly.one/?verify=keyoxide

* Liked something? 🧧 bit.ly/sendgift2me 🎁


I love to read . My first was Book 5 of the original entitled, “The Mystery of Chimney Rock” when I was around four (I still have the book somewhere with a missing cover). By fourteen, I enjoyed reading a non-fiction book entitled simply as “Brain”, and dreamed of becoming a neuroscientist, which sadly remained a dream.

My longest read were 's “Pandora's Star” and “Judas Unchained” (more or less 1,000 pages each). My number one favourite is 's “Dreams of Stardust” (I even bought every copy I saw and gave it away).

When it comes to genre, I read anything. In the classics, I love by Charlotte Brontë. I also read 's “American Gods”. But I do have genres I favour more than others: and . To be more specific, science fiction and fantasy with and elements, if the author can combine it together, even better (like Lynn Kurland's novels: + fantasy + and sometimes with too).

That said, my taste in live-action shows is somewhat similar. And the more complex and/or engaging the story is, the more I love it. Some examples are:

(in no particular order)

* () – im.youronly.one/snoworld/%EA%B

* () – im.youronly.one/snoworld/%EC%8

* () – im.youronly.one/snoworld/alpha

. I am a . Well, not a professional runner. I run for and . I am also planning on doing again (my last was during my High School years). My first love was , or what Americans call . I also love , but what is close and dear to me is , in particular classic Asian archery, and Japanese archery called ( ). A must.

? This one is a long history. Who doesn't love games, right? To sum it up, I started with Nintendo's “Game & Watch”, then “Family Computer”. I also was able to experience playing in Atari and MSX; as well as table-top machines. My favourite games are: “Super Mario Bros.”, “”. As well as, “Curse of the Azure Bonds” () and the Krynn series () by TSR, “Sim Farm”, “Sim City”, “”, “”, “Neverwinter Nights”, “Eye of the Beholder”, “” series, and the Carmen Sandiego franchise, for the PC. (*cough*Digger*cough*)

In modern , I highly recommend , , , and the open-source game, .

For extended reality, or XR, games, I play , , , and ; sometimes .

Last, but definitely not the least, I am a as defined in Acts 24. It means that I believe in the and the .


[1]: web.archive.org/web/2008101109
[2]: web.archive.org/web/2008092100


1️⃣ 𐤔𐤋𐤅𐤌 𐤏𐤋𐤉𐤊𐤌

👇🏽 Shalom! 👇🏽

#asean #philippines #innocentwitness #natsari #about #OpenlyAutistic #xennial #infp #ExtraordinaryAttorneyWoo #이상한변호사우영우 #증인 #autism #actuallyautistics #freeculture #creativecommons #openknowledge #floss #privacy #security #fediverse #identiverse #friendica #hubzilla #didyouknow #sns #books #cyoa #peterfhamilton #lynnkurland #janeeyre #neilgaiman #sciencefiction #fantasy #timetravel #parallelworld #scifi #romance #paranormal #grid #그리드 #sisyphusthemyth #시지프스themyth #alphagateway #thegateway #sports #runner #health #fitness #cycling #football #soccer #swimming #archery #kyudo #弓道 #きゅうどう #kyujutsu #games #arcade #bomberman #forgottenrealms #dragonlance #princeofpersia #maniacmansion #ultima #gaming #guildwars2 #startrekonline #neverwinter #rhythm #quaver #ingress #PikminBloom #Orna #Qonqr #pokemongo #torah #messiah #introduction #me

Last updated 2 years ago

ᜋᜊᜓᜑᜌ᜔᜶ (Mabuhay!) I’m 스노 (雪亮 Yuki), an from the , the “Pearl of the Orient Seas”.

I am an person. It was () and () which gave me the courage to say, “enough is enough” with all the discrimination, prejudice, and stigma about and .

Furthermore, I strongly believe in (under which are , , , and related). You will also occasionally see me sharing and talking about and .

My first identity was in 2008, when it was still called (the former was coined sometime 2010–2012). I used to run a public instance for the Philippines, and had my own solo instance. ( The Philippines is the capital of the world since 2008. 1)

My links:

I love to read . My first was Book 5 of the original entitled, “The Mystery of Chimney Rock” when I was around four (I still have the book somewhere with a missing cover). By fourteen, I enjoyed reading a non-fiction book entitled simply as “Brain”, and dreamed of becoming a neuroscientist, which sadly remained a dream.

My longest read were ’s “Pandora’s Star” and “Judas Unchained” (more or less 1,000 pages each). My number one favourite is ’s “Dreams of Stardust” (I even bought every copy I saw and gave it away).

When it comes to genre, I read anything. In the classics, I love by Charlotte Brontë. I also read ’s “American Gods”. But I do have genres I favour more than others: and . To be more specific, science fiction and fantasy with and elements, if the author can combine it together, even better (like Lynn Kurland’s novels: + fantasy + and sometimes with too).

That said, my taste in live-action shows is somewhat similar. And the more complex and/or engaging the story is, the more I love it. Some examples are:

(in no particular order)

. I am a . Well, not a professional runner. I run for and . I am also planning on doing again (my last was during my High School years). My first love was , or what Americans call . I also love , but what is close and dear to me is , in particular classic Asian archery, and Japanese archery called ( ). A must.

? This one is a long history. Who doesn’t love games, right? To sum it up, I started with Nintendo’s “Game & Watch”, then “Family Computer”. I also was able to experience playing in Atari and MSX; as well as table-top machines. My favourite games are: “Super Mario Bros.”, “”. As well as, “Curse of the Azure Bonds” () and the Krynn series () by TSR, “Sim Farm”, “Sim City”, “”, “”, “Neverwinter Nights”, “Eye of the Beholder”, “” series, and the Carmen Sandiego franchise, for the PC. (coughDiggercough)

In modern , I highly recommend , , , and the open-source game, .

For extended reality, or XR, games, I play , , , and ; sometimes .

Last, but definitely not the least, I am a as defined in Acts 24. It means that I believe in the and the .

1️⃣ 𐤔𐤋𐤅𐤌 𐤏𐤋𐤉𐤊𐤌

👇🏽 Shalom! 👇🏽

#neverwinter #rhythm #quaver #PikminBloom #asean #philippines #OpenlyAutistic #xennial #infp #ExtraordinaryAttorneyWoo #innocentwitness #runner #증인 #autism #creativecommons #openknowledge #hubzilla #didyouknow #sns #books #cyoa #peterfhamilton #lynnkurland #janeeyre #neilgaiman #시지프스themyth #alphagateway #thegateway #startrekonline #pokemongo #natsari #이상한변호사우영우 #health #fitness #cycling #football #soccer #kyudo #kyujutsu #games #arcade #bomberman #forgottenrealms #dragonlance #Qonqr #torah #introduction #about #me #actuallyautistics #freeculture #floss #privacy #security #fediverse #identiverse #friendica #sciencefiction #fantasy #timetravel #parallelworld #scifi #romance #paranormal #grid #그리드 #sisyphusthemyth #gaming #guildwars2 #Orna #messiah #sports #swimming #archery #弓道 #きゅうどう #princeofpersia #maniacmansion #ultima #ingress

Last updated 2 years ago

Tucker Teague · @tuckerteague
846 followers · 423 posts · Server mastodon.social

My first has concluded, with series winning!

See: mastodon.social/@tuckerteague/

Thanks to all who voted!
I've now made it a Space Opera Challenge.






If there are better choices than one of these, add it to the comments.

Please boost!

#scifi #spaceopera #poll #theexpanse #vorkosigansaga #loismcmasterbujold #commonwealthsaga #peterfhamilton #theculture #iainmbanks #revelationspace #alastairreynolds #vote #sciencefiction

Last updated 2 years ago

Graceless Hippo · @GracelessHippo
483 followers · 1156 posts · Server mastodon.ie

Just finished Judas Unchained by Peter F. Hamilton. I love the first book in that series, Pandora's Star. It's a fully fledged universe with complex physics, politics and the science is huge. I loved it so much because it takes you so far. There are a lot of characters to follow and it takes a while to get going but when it does it's *chefs kiss*. If you're into I can heartily recommend

#spaceopera #sciencefiction #scifi #book #peterfhamilton

Last updated 2 years ago

ᜋᜊᜓᜑᜌ᜔᜶ (Mabuhay!) I’m 스노 (雪亮 Yuki), an from the .

I am an person. Thanks to () and (), which gave me the courage to say, “enough is enough” with all the discrimination, prejudice, and stigma about and .

Furthermore, I strongly believe in (under which are: and related). You will also occasionally see me sharing and talking about and .

My links:

I love to read books. My first was Book 5 of the original entitled, “The Mystery of Chimney Rock” when I was around four (I still have the book somewhere with a missing cover). By fourteen, I enjoyed reading a non-fiction book entitled simply as “Brain”, and dreamed of becoming a neuroscientist, which sadly remained a dream.

My longest read were ’s “Pandora’s Star” and “Judas Unchained” (more or less 1,000 pages each). My number one favourite is ’s “Dreams of Stardust” (I even bought every copy I saw and gave it away).

When it comes to genre, I read anything. In the classics, I love by Charlotte Brontë. I also read ’s “American Gods”. But I do have genres I favour more than others: and . To be more specific, science fiction and fantasy with and elements, if the author can combine it together, even better (like Lynn Kurland’s novels: + fantasy + and sometimes with too).

That said, my taste in live-action shows is somewhat similar. And the more complex and/or engaging the story is, the more I love it. Some examples are:

  1. () – im.youronly.one/snoworld/%EA%B

  2. () – im.youronly.one/snoworld/%EC%8

  3. () – im.youronly.one/snoworld/alpha

Sports. I am a . Well, not a professional runner. I run for and . I am also planning on doing again (my last was during my High School years). My first love was , or what Americans call . I also love , but what is close and dear to me is , in particular classic Asian archery, and Japanese archery called ( ). A must.

Games? This one is a long history. Who doesn’t love games, right? To sum it up, I started with Nintendo’s “Game & Watch”, then “Family Computer”. I also was able to experience playing in Atari and MSX; as well as table-top machines. My favourite games are: “Super Mario Bros.”, “”. As well as, “Curse of the Azure Bonds” () and the Krynn series () by TSR, “Sim Farm”, “Sim City”, “”, “”, “Neverwinter Nights”, “Eye of the Beholder”, “” series, and the Carmen Sandiego franchise, for the PC. (coughDiggercough)

In modern gaming, I highly recommend , , , and the open-source game, .

For extended reality, or XR, games, I play , , , and ; sometimes .

Last, but definitely not the least, I am a as defined in Acts 24. It means that I believe in the and the .

1️⃣ 𐤔𐤋𐤅𐤌 𐤏𐤋𐤉𐤊𐤌

👇🏽 Shalom! 👇🏽

#증인 #parallelworld #scifi #alphagateway #thegateway #runner #swimming #kyudo #弓道 #きゅうどう #kyujutsu #guildwars2 #startrekonline #pokemongo #natsari #autism #actuallyautistics #openknowledge #janeeyre #neilgaiman #이상한변호사우영우 #freeculture #creativecommons #floss #privacy #cyoa #peterfhamilton #fantasy #timetravel #romance #paranormal #grid #그리드 #sisyphusthemyth #시지프스themyth #health #fitness #cycling #football #soccer #rhythm #quaver #ingress #pikminblook #qonry #torah #xennial #infp #asean #philippines #OpenlyAutistic #ExtraordinaryAttorneyWoo #innocentwitness #security #lynnkurland #sciencefiction #archery #arcade #bomberman #forgottenrealms #dragonlance #princeofpersia #maniacmansion #ultima #neverwinter #Orna #messiah #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

ᜋᜊᜓᜑᜌ᜔᜶ (Mabuhay!) I’m 스노 (雪亮 Yuki), an from the .

I am an person. Thanks to () and (), which gave me the courage to say, “enough is enough” with all the discrimination, prejudice, and stigma about and .

Furthermore, I strongly believe in (under which are: and related). You will also occasionally see me sharing and talking about and .

My links:

I love to read books. My first was Book 5 of the original entitled, “The Mystery of Chimney Rock” when I was around four (I still have the book somewhere with a missing cover). By fourteen, I enjoyed reading a non-fiction book entitled simply as “Brain”, and dreamed of becoming a neuroscientist, which sadly remained a dream.

My longest read were ’s “Pandora’s Star” and “Judas Unchained” (more or less 1,000 pages each). My number one favourite is ’s “Dreams of Stardust” (I even bought every copy I saw and gave it away).

When it comes to genre, I read anything. In the classics, I love by Charlotte Brontë. I also read ’s “American Gods”. But I do have genres I favour more than others: and . To be more specific, science fiction and fantasy with and elements, if the author can combine it together, even better (like Lynn Kurland’s novels: + fantasy + and sometimes with too).

That said, my taste in live-action shows is somewhat similar. And the more complex and/or engaging the story is, the more I love it. Some examples are:

  1. () – im.youronly.one/snoworld/그리드-g
  2. im.youronly.one/snoworld/시지프스-
  3. / im.youronly.one/snoworld//alph

Sports. I am a . Well, not a professional runner. I run for and . I am also planning on doing again (my last was during my High School years). My first love was , or what Americans call . I also love , but what is close and dear to me is , in particular classic Asian archery, and Japanese archery called ( ). A must.

Games? This one is a long history. Who doesn’t love games, right? To sum it up, I started with Nintendo’s “Game & Watch”, then “Family Computer”. I also was able to experience playing in Atari and MSX; as well as table-top machines. My favourite games are: “Super Mario Bros.”, “”. As well as, “Curse of the Azure Bonds” () and the Krynn series () by TSR, “Sim Farm”, “Sim City”, “”, “”, “Neverwinter Nights”, “Eye of the Beholder”, “” series, and the Carmen Sandiego franchise, for the PC. (coughDiggercough)

In modern gaming, I highly recommend , , , and the open-source game, .

For extended reality, or XR, games, I play , , , and ; sometimes .

Last, but definitely not the least, I am a as defined in Acts 24. It means that I believe in the and the .

1️⃣ 𐤔𐤋𐤅𐤌 𐤏𐤋𐤉𐤊𐤌

👇🏽 Shalom! 👇🏽

#pikminblook #pokemongo #natsari #messiah #きゅうどう #kyujutsu #forgottenrealms #princeofpersia #neverwinter #ingress #Orna #qonry #torah #freeculture #floss #security #cyoa #peterfhamilton #lynnkurland #janeeyre #neilgaiman #timetravel #scifi #health #cycling #football #swimming #arcade #bomberman #dragonlance #maniacmansion #ultima #rhythm #quaver #asean #philippines #OpenlyAutistic #xennial #infp #ExtraordinaryAttorneyWoo #이상한변호사우영우 #innocentwitness #증인 #autism #actuallyautistics #creativecommons #openknowledge #privacy #sciencefiction #fantasy #parallelworld #romance #paranormal #grid #그리드 #sisyphusthemyth #alphagateway #thegateway #runner #fitness #soccer #archery #kyudo #弓道 #guildwars2 #startrekonline #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

Calm, Considering · @calmconsidering
11 followers · 69 posts · Server mastodon.world


Along with others, the books by . Nothing compares to them, though I do like some of scifi. Didn't like .

If anyone can recommend anything comparable to then I will be forever grateful

#culture #iainmbanks #adriantchaikovsky #peterfhamilton

Last updated 2 years ago

B Smith · @smithb
60 followers · 55 posts · Server aus.social
PragmaticOne · @PragmaticOne
32 followers · 181 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk
Dr Jake, PhD · @Cakesjason
16 followers · 20 posts · Server mastodon.world

@nclavain anyone who is a fan of is ok in my book


Last updated 2 years ago

Clavain 🚜🇺🇦 · @nclavain
88 followers · 437 posts · Server mastodon.social

Who are 5-7 of your favorite authors? Add them as hashtags so we can find each other, boost this, share your own, etc.

Some of mine in no particular order:

I think that's seven, right? Hard to keep it to only seven...

#bookstodon #iainmbanks #alastairreynolds #annleckie #johnscalzi #patrickrothfuss #arkadymartine #peterfhamilton #kenmacleod #charliestross #marthawells #drewwagar

Last updated 2 years ago

Justin Wilkins · @justinwilkins
169 followers · 449 posts · Server fosstodon.org
Lesley Hughes · @LesHughes
44 followers · 104 posts · Server mastodon.online

@LegoAnkhMorpork . I also read a lot dectective fiction with female protagonists but that’s another list.

#peterfhamilton #alastairreynolds #chinamieville #iainmbanks #neilgaiman

Last updated 2 years ago

Charles The Geek · @GeekInStitches
5 followers · 12 posts · Server universeodon.com
Neil · @neil
1807 followers · 1765 posts · Server glasgow.social

this evening - Topic is Devils and Demons - I've found a way to reference again :D
We're meeting in for a change (last venue was too noisy)

#theraven #peterfhamilton #bookgroup

Last updated 6 years ago