#PeterFinch: "September 11, 2001, a day that will definitely go down in history."
#KFOG from 9/11/2001, very rough morning.
Paying for this patreon is beyond worthwhile.
#sanfrancisco #davemorey #peterfinch
#kfog #sanfrancisco #davemorey #peterfinch
Doing this helped Brian Harman win The Open Championship https://www.fogolf.com/558059/doing-this-helped-brian-harman-win-the-open-championship/
#brianharman #driver #Golf #GolfAdvice #golfadviceforbeginners #golfchipping #Golfcourse #golfhighlights #GolfPutter #GolfSwing #golftips #improvegolf #livtour #meandmygolf #peterfinch #PGAOfficialWorldGolfRanking #PGARanking #pgatour #rickshiels #rickshielsgolf #RickShielsPGA #Titleist #youtubegolf
#brianharman #driver #golf #golfadvice #golfadviceforbeginners #golfchipping #golfcourse #golfhighlights #golfputter #golfswing #golftips #improvegolf #livtour #meandmygolf #peterfinch #pgaofficialworldgolfranking #pgaranking #pgatour #rickshiels #rickshielsgolf #rickshielspga #titleist #youtubegolf
69 years ago:
Elephant Walk (US)
Colonial tea planter John Wiley (Peter Finch), visiting England at the end of World War II, wins and weds lovely English rose Ruth (Dame Elizabeth Taylor) and takes her home to Elephant Walk, Ceylon, where the local elephants have a grudge against the plantation. Ruth's delight with the tropical wea...
#ElephantWalk #ElizabethTaylor #PeterFinch #DanaAndrews #Paramount #ClassicFilm
#ElephantWalk #elizabethtaylor #peterfinch #danaandrews #paramount #classicfilm
62 years ago:
The Sins of Rachel Cade (US)
A female doctor in the Congo is torn between two loves.
#TheSinsofRachelCade #GordonDouglas #AngieDickinson #PeterFinch #RogerMoore #ClassicMovies
#thesinsofrachelcade #gordondouglas #angiedickinson #peterfinch #RogerMoore #classicmovies
🎬 "Network (1976) is screening @ #TCM right now.
▶️ In this scene, written by #PaddyChayefsky and starring #NedBeatty and #PeterFinch, Beatty's Media conglom (CCA) president lays out the truth about the fake world order—the illusion of countries and governments in control when the actual power is held by others who *really run things.
Directed by #SidneyLumet
✂️ 0:56
#movies #oscars #70s #film #SaudiArabianCash #TCMParty #FayeDunaway #WilliamHolden #RobertDuval
#RobertDuval #williamholden #fayedunaway #TCMParty #saudiarabiancash #Film #70s #oscars #Movies #SidneyLumet #peterfinch #nedbeatty #paddychayefsky #tcm
67 years ago:
A Town Like Alice (UK)
In 1941, The advancing Japanese army captures a lot of British territory very quickly. The men are sent off to labor camps, but they have no plan on what to do with the women and children of the British.
#ATownLikeAlice #VirginiaMcKenna #PeterFinch #RenéeHouston #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#atownlikealice #virginiamckenna #peterfinch #reneehouston #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
Not quite thoroughly a modern woman, Bath is conflicted by her ever shifting feelings. No one in Madding Crowd is truly evil or has harmful intentions. Who gets her heart at the end? Trusty servant/long time friend whom she can always depend on? A dreamboat who stirs fire in her? A wealthy, kindly benefactor who'd tolerate her equivocation til kingdom come? #JulieChristie is very lovely indeed. #johnschlesinger #alanbates #peterfinch #terencestamp #thomashardy #adaptation #farfrommaddingcrowd
#thomashardy #adaptation #juliechristie #johnschlesinger #alanbates #peterfinch #terencestamp #farfrommaddingcrowd