RikerDonegal · @RikerDonegal
8 followers · 469 posts · Server mastodon.ie

s1e11 & s1e12 (1974) - 6/10

1️⃣ and : 15 years earlier they were laying down the law, on and , but in this 2-hour story they are causing all sorts of problems for and .

2️⃣ It’s a standard tale. Protagonist arrives in closed community, starts asking questions, gets in trouble for it. This script doesn’t add much you haven’t seen before. There’s a bland love story in the mix.

#harryo #craigstevens #broderickcrawford #petergunn #highwaypatrol #davidjanssen #joannapettet #stephenkandel

Last updated 1 year ago

Brian Jopek · @BrianJopek
1293 followers · 5744 posts · Server home.social
Hilary Barta · @surlyhack
74 followers · 57 posts · Server universeodon.com

Dialog this scene.

#captionthis #petergunn

Last updated 2 years ago

CaptArschkarte · @CaptArschkarte
12 followers · 39 posts · Server ravenation.club

Sometimes you just have to play the theme all day


Last updated 2 years ago

Slow Motion Walter · @thermous
58 followers · 2747 posts · Server linernotes.club

One of the unlikely albums that was in heavy rotation during my last year of college was the used CD I found of Henry Mancini's "Music from Peter Gunn," a truly fantastic artifact of its time. It's got a looser feel than a lot of Mancini's later arrangements, a really compelling blend of jazz and big band.

My enduring memory of this album during that time was a summer night that I was working as a gopher for a local production company, helping tear down after a trade show at the city convention center... it was after midnight by the time we finished, and I was driving through the completely deserted city downtown as 'Dreamsville' played, all the streets empty and storefronts darkened. There could not have been a more perfect soundtrack for the moment. open.spotify.com/track/3GKtPUs

#petergunn #henrymancini #tootradio #nowplaying

Last updated 5 years ago