It's hard not to listen to #BoHansson's Music From #LordOfTheRings and not feel its direct inspiration on classic #Greyhawk and #ADND modules.
Play it to any new #LOTR audience post-#PeterJackson and it sounds alien when compared to the airy folk music- understandbly; but the core theme and ambience is so intrinsic to 80s #TTRPG that it is almost in the DNA of the genre. It almost supercedes modern fantasy.
#ttrpg #peterjackson #lotr #adnd #greyhawk #lordoftherings #BoHansson
10. Agárrame esos fantasmas (1996) Los efectos especiales han envejecido peor que fatal. Se ha hecho durilla de ver, por ese motivo. Por lo demás, es Peter Jackson en "mode serie-B a lo Raimi" ON, que era lo que tocaba. En ese sentido, es dinámica y tontísima, se disfruta.
#resenas #cine #peterjackson #thefrighteners
Filmy i seriale:
»Urodziny Richarda Armitage’a«
22 sierpnia 1971 roku przyszedł na świat angielski aktor Richard Crispin Armitage.
#Fahrenheit_zin #Hobbit #GwiezdneWojny #MroczneWidmo #PeterJackson #Niezwykłapodróż #RobinHood #RichardArmitage #Kleopatra #PółnocPołudnie #Frozen #ThorinDębowaTarcza #PustkowieSmauga #BitwaPięciuArmii
#fahrenheit_zin #hobbit #gwiezdnewojny #mrocznewidmo #peterjackson #niezwyklapodroz #robinhood #richardarmitage #kleopatra #polnocpoludnie #frozen #thorindebowatarcza #pustkowiesmauga #bitwapieciuarmii
Just finished watching #TheBeatlesGetBack directed by #PeterJackson and, for me that I never had been a fan of The Beatles, I quite enjoyed it. Really interesting, I'm sure any music lover will enjoy it. take it easy though, it took me 5 days to watch the whole thing. it's REALLY long 😅
#documentary #musicdocumentary #cinemastodon #movies #film
#film #movies #cinemastodon #musicdocumentary #documentary #peterjackson #thebeatlesgetback
¡El director #PeterJackson alaba una película de terror de 2023 como la mejor en años! Aquí os dejamos sus palabras... ¿Coincides con él?
Gizmodo: Even Peter Jackson Got Spooked by That Terrifying Talk to Me Hand #thelordoftheringsthetwotowers #entertainmentculture #thereturnoftheking #thelordoftherings #michaelphilippou #thefrighteners #peterjackson #splatterfilm #mirandaotto #talktome #films #eowyn #oscar #danny
#thelordoftheringsthetwotowers #entertainmentculture #thereturnoftheking #thelordoftherings #michaelphilippou #thefrighteners #peterjackson #splatterfilm #mirandaotto #talktome #films #eowyn #oscar #danny
Oh, bless the heart of whomever put this up on YouTube. #peterjackson’s #cultclassic #meetthefeebles two notes: 1) drugs help, 2) not for children. Not at all.
#peterjackson #cultclassic #meetthefeebles
I have a few things in common with Tolkien. We share a birthday and we both write epic fantasy stories. Now, I just need Peter Jackson to direct the movies! #peterjackson #lotr
#epicfantasy #bookrecs #tolkien #heirtothecrown #fantasybooks #writingcommunity #bookstagram #booktok
#peterjackson #lotr #epicfantasy #bookrecs #tolkien #heirtothecrown #fantasybooks #writingcommunity #bookstagram #booktok
#WarnerBros Trying to Bring Back #ChristopherNolan and #PeterJackson
#warnerbros #christophernolan #peterjackson
New Fab Four record to follow
#Beatles #AI #PeterJackson #GetBack #Classicrock
#classicrock #GetBack #peterjackson #ai #beatles
Arte sin CGI. 🥰 #tolkien #lotr #esdla #movies #peterjackson
#tolkien #lotr #esdla #movies #peterjackson
Only thing about the old kinescopes of "Mister Peepers" on Tubi , some of the audio is low and muffled. Not Tubi's fault, but the condition of the source material. Maybe director #PeterJackson needs to get involved with the audio restoration! 😉
I always forget about this until someone brings it up again.
How a Movie Starring Kate Winslet, Melanie Lynskey Revealed that Crime Novelist Anne Perry Once Killed Someone
#AnnePerry #HeavenlyCreatures #PeterJackson #KateWinslet #MelanieLynskey #MysteryNovels
#anneperry #heavenlycreatures #peterjackson #katewinslet #melanielynskey #mysterynovels
Watching Peter Jackson's presentation of the Beatles' recording sessions for the album that would become Let It Be -- some of which was recorded during the famous rooftop concert at Apple Studio -- is a revelation for someone who loved the band but not necessarily that album. It also serves as a bit of a corrective for those who believed that Yoko broke up the band. Despite Phil Spector's production (which drove Paul out of the group), I've got a new appreciation for the album after seeing its genesis in these funny relaxed (occasionally tense) and totally absorbing fly-on-the-wall moments.
#thebeatles #peterjackson #film #cinemastadon
Une des meilleures utilisation de ce template que j'ai vue depuis longtemps.
(avec ici l'explication de l'anecdote réelle :
#meme #starwars #lordofthering #christopherlee #peterjackson
#WarnerBrosDiscovery head #DavidZaslav has announced a new multi-year deal with #MiddleEarthEnterprises to produce more #LordOfTheRings movie for #WarnerBros / #NewLineCinema. No word on if #PeterJackson and his team will be involved, however Jackson did release a statement saying they have been kept in the loop and look forward to hearing what the studio has in mind moving forward. #movies
#warnerbrosdiscovery #davidzaslav #middleearthenterprises #lordoftherings #warnerbros #newlinecinema #peterjackson #movies
¡Qué bonito sería saber música para hacer cosas como estas! 🥰🥰🥰 Video en la cuenta de world.of.tolkien.
#tolkien #lotr #esdla #peterjackson
#tolkien #lotr #esdla #peterjackson
Weathertop by Gus Hunter
#tolkien #lotr #lordoftherings #jrrtolkien #middleearth #thehobbit #hobbit #thelordoftherings #gandalf #silmarillion #aragorn #legolas #fantasy #frodo #elves #sauron #tolkienart #tolkienfan #art #elf #thesilmarillion #thranduil #bilbobaggins #mirkwood #gondor #lotrmemes #gimli #frodobaggins #mordor #peterjackson
#tolkien #lotr #lordoftherings #jrrtolkien #middleearth #thehobbit #hobbit #thelordoftherings #gandalf #silmarillion #aragorn #legolas #fantasy #frodo #elves #sauron #tolkienart #tolkienfan #art #elf #thesilmarillion #thranduil #bilbobaggins #mirkwood #gondor #lotrmemes #gimli #FrodoBaggins #mordor #peterjackson
THE FRIGHTENERS – Filmemacher #PeterJackson erzählt mit bösem Humor eine Horror-Komödie, die viele gelungene Momente bereithält und auch dank @realmikefox und @jeffreycombs überzeugt. Die Mythologie hat aber Schwächen. Unsere Kritik: @turbinemedien
Gals n guys, there's another brilliant video out from #PeterJackson, go watch!
#peterjackson #cultureindecline