#Receptiogate continuing in full force. There is an excellent summary on the bird site by Dr Curtis (see my earlier Toot) plus latest blogpost from the fantastic (and remarkably calm) #PeterKidd https://mssprovenance.blogspot.com/2022/12/the-receptio-rossi-affair-vi-backstory.html
#Receptiogate continuing in full force. See summary thread above and the latest blogpost from the fantastic (and remarkably calm) #PeterKidd https://mssprovenance.blogspot.com/2022/12/the-receptio-rossi-affair-vi-backstory.html
Just before Christmas medievalist #PeterKidd discovered that another scholar probably plagiarized part of his blog. It took the Medievalist community on Twitter less than 24 hours to uncover what may well be a major academic hoax, including a fake institute with fake employees and some very real research grants. #ReceptioGate unfolding in real time: https://mssprovenance.blogspot.com/2022/12/the-receptio-rossi-affair-part-i-staff.html
#peterkidd #receptiogate #histodons #forgerystudies #carlarossi