słowo "chleb" w książce "Zdobycie Chleba" autorstwa Piotra Kropotkina padło 56 razy.
#ciekawostka #anarchizm #kropotkin #piotrkropotkin #peterkropotkin
#ciekawostka #anarchizm #kropotkin #piotrkropotkin #peterkropotkin
“the poverty of the peasant is a source of wealth to the landed proprietor.” — Peter Kropotkin, Conquest of Bread: Chapter 4: Expropriation, Part I
#PeterKropotkin #anarchism #foodsovereignty #landback
#peterkropotkin #anarchism #foodsovereignty #landback
Join us this Monday at 8:30 AM (Pacific) for the inaugural episode of 'A Radical Audiobook Series.' Our journey begins with 'Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution' by Peter Kropotkin. Looking forward to sharing insights and reflections with you. #ARadicalAudiobookSeries #PeterKropotkin #MutualAid
#aradicalaudiobookseries #peterkropotkin #MutualAid
"We can already catch glimpses of a world in which the bonds which bind the individual are no longer laws, but social habits—the result of the need felt by each one of us to seek the support, the co-operation, the sympathy of his neighbours."
#PeterKropotkin #ConquestofBread #Anarchism #AnarchistCommunism
#peterkropotkin #conquestofbread #anarchism #anarchistcommunism
#peterkropotkin #theconquestofbread #free #freebook #books #theanarchistlibrary #kropotkin #book #classwar
#peterkropotkin #theconquestofbread #free #freebook #books #theanarchistlibrary #kropotkin #book #classwar
"We hold further that #Communism is not only desirable, but that existing societies, founded on #Individualism, are inevitably impelled in the direction of Communism... for without a certain leaven of Communism the present societies could not exist... We find a tendency, eminently Communistic, springing up on all sides, and in various guises, in the very heart of theoretically Individualist societies."
#ConquestofBread #PeterKropotkin #Anarchism #AnarchistCommunism #AnarchoCommunism
#communism #individualism #conquestofbread #peterkropotkin #anarchism #anarchistcommunism #anarchocommunism
"Thousands of writers, of poets, of scholars, have laboured to increase knowledge, to dissipate error, and to create that atmosphere of scientific thought, without which the marvels of our century could never have appeared. And these thousands of philosophers, of poets, of scholars, of inventors, have themselves been supported by the labour of past centuries... upheld and nourished through life... by legions of workers and craftsmen of all sorts."
#ConquestofBread #PeterKropotkin #Anarchism
#conquestofbread #peterkropotkin #anarchism
In the introduction of #MutualAid A Factor of Evolution, #PeterKropotkin begins by mentioning his travels through Asia to observe various species. He describes seeing animals (individuals and whole species) struggling to survive harsh conditions, especially winter and low food supply. But he says that he does not see the constant war of individuals against all other individuals that many Darwinists, and especially social Darwinists, fixate upon.
#MutualAid #peterkropotkin #booksofmastodon #anarchism
"In seiner umfassenden Bestätigung - auch in unserer Zeit - erblicken wir die beste Bürgschaft für eine noch stolzere Entwicklung des [...]"
letzter Satz aus "Gegenseitige Hilfe in der Tier- und Menschenwelt" von #PeterKropotkin auf #isbnmaschine
In Erinnerung an Pjotr Kropotkin
Heute vor 101 Jahren, am 8. Februar 1921, verstarb Pjotr Kropotkin, Biologe, Geograf, Revolutionär und Vordenker des anarchistischen Kommunismus, in der russischen Stadt Dimitrow.
#kropotkin #peterkropotkin #pjotrkropotkin #anarchist #100jahre #anarchokommunismus #AnarchoCommunism #Anarchismus #todestag #dieplattform
#kropotkin #peterkropotkin #pjotrkropotkin #anarchist #100jahre #anarchokommunismus #anarchocommunism #anarchismus #todestag #dieplattform
Capitalism creates poverty
#peterkropotkin #anticapitalism
#peterkropotkin #anticapitalism
"America is just the country that shows how all the written guarantees in the world for freedom are no protection against tyranny and oppression of the worst kind."
#kropotkin #peterkropotkin #pyotrkropotkin #anarchistcommunism #anarchocommunism #anarchism #communism #leftistmemes #communismmemes #anarchistmemes #socialism #socialistmemes #libertariansocialism #anticapitalism #anticapitalist
#kropotkin #peterkropotkin #pyotrkropotkin #anarchistcommunism #anarchocommunism #anarchism #communism #leftistmemes #communismmemes #anarchistmemes #socialism #socialistmemes #libertariansocialism #anticapitalism #anticapitalist
Kropotkin predicted the future
#peterkropotkin #FuckLenin #FuckAuthoritarianism
#peterkropotkin #fucklenin #fuckauthoritarianism
Hello w̶o̶r̶l̶d̶ Set-of-interconnected-self-actualising-machines!
I intend this to be somewhat of an introduction, although I do realise that it would constitute a rather bizarre greeting in real life. This won't be a personal account, by that I mean I don't intend to post personal content (i.e. about my real world identity). This isn't really for anonymity, despite admittedly being quite a shy person, I think it's more to do with not wanting to attempt a serious explanation of my context, something which I doubt is achievable through this medium. For me underrepresentation is better than misrepresentation, although I understand if people find my presentation here dishonest or unaccountable.
I'll use this account partly for listening, a sampling spoon through which to experience the soup of conversation and thought. I'll also do some tooting, I like this word, I might have said contributing, tossing new, or maybe reused, ingredients into the soup, but that gives the impression, I think, of some final objective, an endpoint. Most likely, listening will be the larger of these two parts, and at least for the short term, both parts, the whole, will occupy very little of my time. Expect sporadicity and inconsistency!
I also wanted to say something about what I am interested in, this is difficult since if I just say a lot of words then what is there to relate my meaning, my intentions, to the meaning which you understand? "Language disguises thought" - Wittgenstein. Well after much deliberation and many sleepless nights I decided to... just say a lot of words, although do bear in mind that the following list is just that, merely a collection of words that I, at the time of writing, happened to perceive as having meanings that corresponded, perhaps imperfectly, to topics that I am interested in. Interested does not necessarily mean fully-endorse/believe/would-describe-myself-as/is-knowledgeable-about.
#philosophy #absurdism #existentialism #anarchism #communism #anticapitalism #mutualaid #prefiguration #ontology #phenomenology #poststructuralism #structuralism #mathematics #chaos #topology #imagination #art #education #linguistics #literature #music #machines #networks #cybernetics #systems #sustainability #ecology #technology #sciencefiction #utopia #DavidGraeber #DavidWengrow #MurrayBookchin #NoamChomsky #PeterKropotkin #AdamCurtis #KenLoach #AlbertCamus #GillesDeleuze #JacquesDerrida #JeanPaulSartre #MarkFisher #SimoneDeBeauvoir #FranzKafka #GeorgeOrwell #PercyByssheShelley #MaryShelley #UrsulaKLeGuin
#philosophy #absurdism #existentialism #anarchism #communism #anticapitalism #MutualAid #prefiguration #ontology #phenomenology #poststructuralism #structuralism #mathematics #Chaos #topology #imagination #Art #education #linguistics #Literature #Music #machines #networks #cybernetics #systems #sustainability #ecology #technology #sciencefiction #utopia #davidgraeber #davidwengrow #murraybookchin #noamchomsky #peterkropotkin #adamcurtis #kenloach #albertcamus #gillesdeleuze #JacquesDerrida #jeanpaulsartre #MarkFisher #simonedebeauvoir #FranzKafka #georgeorwell #PercyByssheShelley #maryshelley #ursulakleguin