幸せはパリで (The April Fools) – main theme (OST:THE APRIL FOOLS ~ Percy Faith, His Orchestra and Chorus) https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1725275/global-beauties/
#BurtFreemanBacharach #CatherineDeneuve #CharlesBoyer #filmmusic #filmscore #JackLemmon #MarvinHamlisch #MyrnaLoy #PeterLawford #TheAprilFools #カトリーヌ・ドヌーヴ #カトリーヌ・ドヌーブ #ジャック・レモン #シャルル・ボワイエ #バート・バカラック #ピーター・ローフォード #マーヴィン・ハムリッシュ #マーナ・ロイ #幸せはパリで #映画
#burtfreemanbacharach #catherinedeneuve #charlesboyer #filmmusic #filmscore #jacklemmon #MarvinHamlisch #myrnaloy #peterlawford #theaprilfools #カトリーヌ・ドヌーヴ #カトリーヌ・ドヌーブ #ジャック・レモン #シャルル・ボワイエ #バート・バカラック #ピーター・ローフォード #マーヴィン・ハムリッシュ #マーナ・ロイ #幸せはパリで #映画
75 years ago:
On an Island with You (US)
A young navy lieutenant is brought in as technical adviser on a song-dance-and-swim film being made by screen star Rosalind Reynolds. Having once done a number with her at a Forces show, the young lad somehow believes she should be his girl. Her boyfriend is just one of those disagreeing.
#OnanIslandwithYou #RichardThorpe #EstherWilliams #PeterLawford #RicardoMontalban #MGM #ClassicMovies
#onanislandwithyou #richardthorpe #estherwilliams #peterlawford #ricardomontalban #mgm #classicmovies
Tonight in 1972 — ELLERY QUEEN: DON’T LOOK BEHIND YOU aired on NBC.
COLUMBO creators #RichardLevinson + #WilliamLink wrote this unsold pilot, starring (a miscast) #PeterLawford + #HarryMorgan.
They tried again in 1975 w/ #JimHutton + #DavidWayne, and it worked much better.
#columbo #elleryqueen #1970s #1970stv #classictv #onthisday #davidwayne #jimhutton #harrymorgan #peterlawford #williamlink #richardlevinson
78 years ago:
Son of Lassie (US)
Laddie (Son of Lassie) and his master are trapped in Norway during WW2 - has he inherited his mothers famous courage?
#SonofLassie #PeterLawford #JuneLockhart #NigelBruce #MGM #ClassicFilm
#sonoflassie #peterlawford #junelockhart #nigelbruce #mgm #classicfilm
🎬 "Dead Ringer" (1964) with #BetteDavis is screening now @ #TCM. She plays long-estranged twin sisters, Margaret and Edith—a woman of wealth and a cocktail bar-owner who lives in a small apartment out back ("a dump!"). It's a delicious crime story set in LA and Beverly Hills. I'll say no more except #KarlMalden and #PeterLawford co-star and I watch it every time it airs. A favorite.
#warnerbros #BlackAndWhite #60s #Movies #hollywood #peterlawford #karlmalden #tcm #BetteDavis
74 years ago:
Little Women (US)
Louisa May Alcott's autobiographical account of her life with her three sisters in Concord Mass in the 1860s. With their father fighting in the civil war, the sisters: Jo, Meg, Amy and Beth are at home with their mother - a very outspoken women for her time. The story is of how the sisters grow up, ...
#LittleWomen #MervynLeRoy #JuneAllyson #PeterLawford #MargaretOBrien #MGM #Movies
#littlewomen #mervynleroy #juneallyson #peterlawford #margaretobrien #mgm #movies
72 years ago:
Royal Wedding (US)
Tom and Ellen are asked to perform as a dance team in England at the time of Princess Elizabeth's wedding. As brother and sister, each develops a British love interest, Ellen with Lord John Brindale and Tom with dancer Anne Ashmond.
#RoyalWedding #StanleyDonen #FredAstaire #PeterLawford #KeenanWynn #MGM #Film
#royalwedding #stanleydonen #fredastaire #peterlawford #keenanwynn #mgm #film