Gamelab 2023: Consells i novetats per part de cares conegudes
Una crònica del congrés de videojocs organitzat a Barcelona entre el 28 i 30 de juny.
#Catalunya #Crnica #Barcelona #DigitalLegends #DinoPatti #esdeveniments #Gamelab #indstria #IvnFernndez #MediaTIC #PeterMolyneux
#catalunya #crnica #barcelona #digitallegends #dinopatti #esdeveniments #gamelab #indstria #ivnfernndez #mediatic #petermolyneux
Cognition Dissemination: Ignore NFTs in Gaming at Your Own Peril
Too many of you will anyway, though.
#Editorials #Videogames #NFTs #PeterMolyneux #Ubisoft #videogames #WillWright
#editorials #nfts #videogames #petermolyneux #ubisoft #willwright
Cognition Dissemination: Ignore NFTs in Gaming at Your Own Peril
Too many of you will anyway, though.
#Editorials #Videogames #NFTs #PeterMolyneux #Ubisoft #videogames #WillWright
#editorials #nfts #videogames #petermolyneux #ubisoft #willwright