Nighthawk · @Nighthawk
21 followers · 76 posts · Server
Nighthawk · @Nighthawk
21 followers · 74 posts · Server

poses five questions to : what , the president of believes; what Vladimir believes; whether nuclear weapons are a deterrent in the 21st century; the chances of another renewal; and Kotkin’s rational basis for loving the .

#hooverinstitution #peterrobinson #unitedstates #UncommonKnowlege #StephenKotkin #xijinping #china #putin #american

Last updated 3 years ago

"How can it be..the Democratic party turned its back on the working class? "

"The Liberal Establishment ceased to represent the interests of that class. It represents the interests of people who say they are representing..that class.

People who want to appear virtuous w/o the cost of it. People in Media, the Admin & so on, who love the image as defenders of the people but recognize ..when in the proximity of the people, they feel nothing but repugnance."
- .

#peterrobinson #sirrogerscruton

Last updated 5 years ago

Peter Robinson of / Hoover Institute, quotes Scott Adam's book during 2017 interview:

"This was about the time that my opinion about experts and authority figures in general began a steady descent that continues to this day."

Then makes an observation to , also describing fans of the

"I think I see another reason you like . You're . You don't like being told what to do, & you don't want to look up to anybody."

#uncommonknowledge #peterrobinson #scottadams #noagendashow #donaldtrump #subversive

Last updated 5 years ago