Hartness and Gunther Hardwicke from Batman: The Animated Series getting together would be ridonculously extraordinary! #Batman #BatmanTheAnimatedSeries #BTAS #Hartness #KenHoward #GuntherHardwicke #PeterScolari
#batman #BatmanTheAnimatedSeries #btas #hartness #kenhoward #guntherhardwicke #peterscolari
Today on my blog, I pay tribute to the lord of alliterations, Michael Harris from Newhart. #sitcoms #newhart #alliteration #peterscolari #michaelharris https://www.jenheller.com/post/michael-harris-s-top-20-alliterations
#sitcoms #newhart #alliteration #peterscolari #michaelharris
I later realized I had also omitted:
* #BarbaraStreisand in #Yentl
* #PeterScolari and #TomHanks in their breakout roles on #BosomBuddies
* The incomparable #JulieAndrews as a woman, pretending to be a man, pretending to be a woman, in Victor/Victoria
* #JackLemmon and #TonyCurtis in #SomeLikeItHot
* #JamieFarr as Klinger on #MASH
...And those are just off the top of my head.
#Drag is much more a part of our culture than the people on the #AltRight would have you believe.
#barbarastreisand #yentl #peterscolari #tomhanks #bosombuddies #julieandrews #jacklemmon #tonycurtis #somelikeithot #jamiefarr #mash #drag #altright