Aktueller Hinweis an alle Reisenden des RE1: Wie die DB AG meldet, fallen bis auf weiteres zahlreiche Fahrten aus oder verkehren nur eingeschränkt. Schaut bitte informiert euch, ob euer Zug morgen fährt! Grund sind "kurzfristig notwendige Revisionsarbeiten an mehreren Fahrzeugen", betroffen sind offensichtlich erneut die neuen Skoda-Züge: regional.bahn.de/.../fahrplan/ /az

#bahn #storung #nurnberg #Allersberg #kinding #ingolstadt #rohrbach #Pfaffenhofen #petershausen #munchen

Last updated 2 years ago

· @barefootstache
135 followers · 652 posts · Server en.osm.town

(Day 105/200)

Had the fortune to be able to do another today. This time it was from () to ().

Compared to the previous hike on day 103 (en.osm.town/@barefootstache/10) the first half was missing almost all hunting stands and the second half basically didn't have any.

In the first two images you can see the difficulty of calculating where a hunting stand should be positioned (up to 600m away).


: 75

#MappingChallenge #hike #petershausen #q533046 #altomunster #q443815 #osmand #OpenStreetMap

Last updated 2 years ago

· @barefootstache
135 followers · 652 posts · Server en.osm.town

(Day 105/200)

Had the fortune to be able to do another today. This time it was from () to ().

Compared to the previous hike on day 103 (en.osm.town/@barefootstache/10) the first half was missing almost all hunting stands and the second half basically didn't have any.

In the first two images you can see the difficulty of calculated where a hunting stand should be positioned (up to 600m away).


: 75

#MappingChallenge #hike #petershausen #q533046 #altomunster #q443815 #osmand #OpenStreetMap

Last updated 2 years ago

· @barefootstache
134 followers · 651 posts · Server en.osm.town

(Day 103/200)

Did a (ca. 29km) from () to () over (). It was surprising how heavily the noise from the highway was being funneled to the higher locations in Kranzberg.


osmand: 50

#MappingChallenge #hike #freising #q6998 #petershausen #q533046 #kranzberg #q506248 #OpenStreetMap #fitotrack

Last updated 2 years ago