»Rok temu zmarł Peter Straub«
Amerykański pisarz horrorów i powieści fantastycznych oraz poeta Peter Straub zmarł 4 września 2022 roku w wieku 79 lat.
#Fahrenheit_zin #TheTalizman #StephenKing #CzarnyDom #Julia #BlackHouse #PeterStraub #Mystery #Marriages #UnderVenus #Upiornaopowieść #GhostStory #Krainacieni #Shadowland #FloatingDragon #Tajemnica #PanX #MrX #Talizman
#fahrenheit_zin #thetalizman #stephenking #czarnydom #julia #blackhouse #peterstraub #mystery #marriages #undervenus #upiornaopowiesc #ghoststory #krainacieni #shadowland #floatingdragon #tajemnica #panx #mrx #talizman
#CurrentlyReading: #FloatingDragon, by #PeterStraub. I haven’t read much and nothing much has happened, so far, but it’s interesting enough, I suppose!
Also, I really feel like my #LucioFulci’s #Zombie bookmark from #CavityColors pairs very well with the cover of the book!
#Horror #HorrorBooks #HorrorNovels #Reading #HorrorLit #ScaryShit
#scaryShit #horrorlit #Reading #horrornovels #HorrorBooks #horror #cavitycolors #zombie #luciofulci #peterstraub #floatingdragon #currentlyreading
I’ve never read any #PeterStraub before, but I know the name and assume he’s pretty well liked in the genre. The cover grabbed my attention and the description convinced me to pick it up. Anyone read #FloatingDragon yet?
#scaryShit #horrorlit #HorrorBooks #horror #floatingdragon #peterstraub
Aside from THE TALISMAN, I haven't read anything written by the late Peter Straub. I've ordered the Blue Rose trilogy. Are there any other books by Straub I should read to fill in this embarrassing reading hole?
This is what I imagine The Alhambra Inn & Gardens in #theTalisman to look like https://mastodon.me.uk/@bartonbishoff/109774420355553995 #stephenKing #peterStraub
#thetalisman #stephenking #peterstraub
Just finished rereading Ghost Story, and it was every bit as wonderful & horrific as I remembered it.
I was very close to abandoning Ghost Story by Peter Straub... but I'm glad I didn't! The first half was captivating and eerie, and although the second half was less engaging, the plot is intricate and well crafted. It is a perfect for winter read for those who enjoy a slow burn!
#bookreview #bookrecs #horrorbooks #winterhorror #ghoststory #peterstraub
#bookreview #bookrecs #horrorbooks #winterhorror #ghoststory #peterstraub
#7books to know me / #7libros para conocerme (No order / sin orden):
Tuareg by #AlbertoVazquezFigueroa
La canción del cisne by #RobertMcCammon
ABC Murders by #agathachristie
La larga marcha by #StephenKing
Fantasmas by #PeterStraub
Tiempo de cambios by #RobertSilverberg
Libros de sangre by #clivebarker
#7books #7libros #albertovazquezfigueroa #robertmccammon #agathachristie #stephenking #peterstraub #robertsilverberg #clivebarker
“...nobody can protect anybody else from vileness. Or from pain. All you can do is not let it break you in half and keep on going until you get to the other side.” Peter Straub
#quotes #horrorbooks #horrorquotes #peterstraub #ghoststory
#quotes #horrorbooks #horrorquotes #peterstraub #ghoststory
From my little library:
A 1988 ltd ed. Prime Evil. Features some fab artwork by #ThomasCanty and is signed by the contributors (including #StephenKing, #CliveBarker, #ThomasLigotti, #PeterStraub, #CharlesLGrant +++)
#thomascanty #stephenking #clivebarker #thomasligotti #peterstraub #charleslgrant #horrorbooks
From my little library:
A ltd. edition of The Talisman by #StephenKing & #PeterStraub
-signed by both authors as well as #BernieWrightson
#stephenking #peterstraub #berniewrightson
Hashtags for today. Some favourite #books and #authors
#thehobbit and many more I look forward to discovering.
#books #authors #bookstadon #stephenking #terrypratchett #neilgaiman #jamesherbert #angelacarter #richardlaymon #clivebarker #lewiscarroll #piersanthony #dansimmons #ianrankin #IainBanks #irvinewelsh #agathachristie #mrjames #shaunhutson #hgwells #leechild #arthurconandoyle #ShirleyJackson #douglasadams #raymondchandler #richardayoade #tomsharpe #ramseycampbell #peterstraub #meddlingkids #thehobbit
RT @54blog@twitter.com
"Menschen, die einander schreckliche Dinge antun und Menschen, denen Schreckliches angetan wird, und die das Schreckliche prägt und bestimmt und verfolgt bis an ihr Lebensende."
Ein Nachruf-Essay auf den Autor Peter Straub von Gerrit Wustmann.
RT @54blog@twitter.com
"Menschen, die einander schreckliche Dinge antun und Menschen, denen Schreckliches angetan wird, und die das Schreckliche prägt und bestimmt und verfolgt bis an ihr Lebensende."
Ein Nachruf-Essay auf den Autor Peter Straub von Gerrit Wustmann.