Libertarians always want paradise while building Bear Town (or Poop Cruise)
I wonder, why is the #Tolkien Estate okay with the companies like #Palantir and #Anduril using their names, after many years of suing others for the same thing (e.g. TSR for having hobbits in Dungeons & Dragons)? I wouldn't want to associate Tolkien's legacy with such... controversial entities. This really speaks volumes about their priorities.
#LordOfTheRings #Hobbit #Literature #Fiction #Law #Politics #PeterThiel #PalmerLuckey
#tolkien #palantir #anduril #lordoftherings #hobbit #literature #fiction #law #politics #peterthiel #palmerluckey
Konnt ihr euch eine Welt vorstellen, in der jede medizinische Untersuchung, jede Urinprobe und jedes Rezept, das ihr jemals erhalten habt, nicht mehr privat sind? Diese sensiblen Daten könnten in die Hände großer Konzerne fallen, die nur darauf warten, diese Informationen gewinnbringend zu nutzen.
Werdet aktiv wenn ihr nicht wollt dass u.a. Konzerne wie Google, Meta und Palantir (von #peterthiel dem Rechtsextremen der Trump Fan ist) eure privatesten Informationen kaufen
I LOVE that #PeterThiel is on this list. I couldn’t pick his face out of a crowd of three, butt show me his ass and I’d know him in a lineup of a thousand by all the anal lampreys he has skittering about the sphincternet singing his praises. Fuck that guy.
#PeterThiel protégé #VivekRamaswami is leading in the race to be the Biggest Asshole in America. Apparently, that’s a thing in the #MAGA cult. 🤷🏻♂️ 👉
#WWG1WGA is true, so unless you want to be forced into joining the #MAGAcult , vote to 💩 👉 🚽 in the REPUBLICAN primary!
#peterthiel #vivekramaswami #MAGA #WWG1WGA #magacult #primaryfromthecenter #saveamerica
I think it’s worth pointing out that Vivek Ramaswamy, who used to work on COVID-19 science for George Soros, got $20M from Peter Thiel & JD Vance and suddenly became a MAGA climate denier. 🤔 #vivekramaswamy #peterthiel #JDVance
Peter Thiel, the dark lord of the PayPal mafia is the closest literal approximation of the Antichrist.
#vivekramaswamy #peterthiel #JDVance
Also #Seasteading as currently implemented is either a shitty version of #Waterworld-esque #Solitary minus a #Trimaran or some #AnCap grift to dodge #Taxes.
That's why people like #PeterThiel love the idea, because it's a "#GatedCommunity" aka. #Ghetto for #rich #white #wankers!
These #Billonaires see it as their god-given right to #plunder and #pilfer the #world and not be bound by #Governments or any #SocialContract|s whatsoever.
#socialcontract #governments #world #pilfer #plunder #billonaires #wankers #white #rich #ghetto #gatedcommunity #peterthiel #taxes #ancap #trimaran #solitary #waterworld #seasteading
@bot_wg The shitty part is that this is not as absurd as it sounds...
In fact, this is basically #Seasteading as people like #PeterThiel want but minus the #AnCap-Statelessness...
#ancap #peterthiel #seasteading
@privacyint so #techbro #peterthiel is going after people with #disabilities in the #uk using his anti #privacy #surveillance company #palantir
God I hate #billionaires
#techbro #peterthiel #disabilities #uk #privacy #surveillance #palantir #billionaires
"As the boundaries of mainstream conservatism have become more dominated by extreme ideas, mainstream media institutions, in pursuit of 'balance,' have felt compelled to shift rightward as well. This drive to avoid appearing biased in favor of liberal viewpoints has inadvertently opened the door to more radical ideologies, normalizing them within mainstream culture."
~ Parker Molloy
#RichardHoste #RichardHanania #SiliconValley #TechBros #PeterThiel #WhiteSupremacy
#richardhoste #richardhanania #siliconvalley #techbros #peterthiel #whitesupremacy
As Christopher Mathias, author of the HuffPo report about Hanania, says,
"Richard Hanania’s story may hint at a concerning shift in mainstream American conservatism. A little over a decade ago, he felt compelled to hide his racist views behind a pseudonym. In 2023, Hanania is a right-wing star, championed by some of the country’s wealthiest men, even as he’s sounding more and more like his former white supremacist nom de plume: Richard Hoste."
#richardhanania #peterthiel #whitesupremacy
He called himself Richard Hoste while writing filthy racist articles for white supremacist publications. His real name when he's not hiding behind a pseudonym is Richard Hanania, and Silicon Valley tech bro millionaires have funneled millions to him. He's joined at the hip with Peter Thiel, and HuffPo has unmasked him.
#RichardHoste #RichardHanania #SiliconValley #TechBros #PeterThiel #WhiteSupremacy
#richardhoste #richardhanania #siliconvalley #techbros #peterthiel #whitesupremacy
An manchen Tagen, weiß man doch echt nimmer weiter. Es gibt Leute, die massiv negativen Einfluß auf die Welt nehmen. Wir kennen deren Namen. Nur gestoppt werden sie nicht. (Dies bezieht sich auf #PeterThiel aber er ist nicht der einzige Problemfall)
#PeterThiel and #ElonMusk poodle Richard Hanania turns out to be a stone cold #racist. Who’d a thunk it. #whitesupremacy
#peterthiel #elonmusk #racist #whitesupremacy
#5yrsago #JamesComey: A freak of nature with the power to cloud liberals’ minds
#1yrago #PeterThiel's evil, but he's not an "evil genius": How to criticize self-mythologizing villains
#1yrago Your computer is tormented by a wicked god: Bootkits are why we can't have nice things
#1yrago Dashcam repo: Cruising the streets with a license plate camera to win debt-collector bounties
#5yrsago #jamescomey #1yrago #peterthiel
Peter Thiel ist weder der reichste noch der bekannteste Silicon-Valley-Milliardär, aber sicherlich der gefährlichste. Dieses knapp 15-minütige Filmchen des @ZDF stellt ihn vor:
Chef der #Paypal-Mafia, erster #Facebook-Investor, #Palantir-Mitbegründer, #Trump-Spender … viele wissen das.
Da es kein eingekauftes Filmchen ist, hätte ich erwartet, dass ein Bezug zur EU oder D hergestellt wird. Wer weiß schon, dass Palantir dank Hessen-Innenminister Peter Beuth durch #HessenData Zugriff auf interne Polizeidatenbanken hat?
Das steht in der Wikipedia, weil es dafür 2019 einen der deutschen #BigBrotherAwards gab – es hätte sich also leicht recherchieren lassen:
Erst im Februar 2023 stellte das #BVerfG fest, dass dieser Einsatz der Palantir-Software #Gotham in #Hessen verfassungswidrig ist:,urteil-bundesverfassungsgericht-hessendata-100.html
#PeterThiel #Thiel #bba19 #Massenüberwachung #TechBillionaires
#TechBillionaires #massenuberwachung #bba19 #thiel #peterthiel #hessen #gotham #bverfg #bigbrotherawards #hessendata #trump #palantir #facebook #paypal
Gizmodo: Twitter's Bird Logo Dies By Musk's Hands, Now It's Time Drive X Into the Ground #acquisitionoftwitterbyelonmusk #lindayaccarino #xholdingscorp #peterthiel #elonmusk #twitter #kimball #paypal #xcorp #musk #xcom #styx #xai
#acquisitionoftwitterbyelonmusk #lindayaccarino #xholdingscorp #peterthiel #elonmusk #twitter #kimball #paypal #xcorp #musk #xcom #styx #xai
#ElonMusk wollte damals um die Jahrtausendwende Paypal (das er nicht gegründet hat, sondern bloß reininvestiert hat), zu umbauen und wurde von #PeterThiel entfernt. #SpaceX, #tesla Model X, als er Twitter gekauft hat, wollte er auch x - the everything app draus machen. Was auch immer das bedeuten soll.
Jetzt also wirklich. Könnte auch nur eine seiner Schnapsideen sein, aber anders als vor ein paar Jahren zieht Elon die heutzutage auch durch.
#elonmusk #peterthiel #spacex #tesla
Think of #PeterThiel's maxim, "competition is for losers."
That's why giant companies *love* to merge with each other, and buy out nascent competitors. By rolling up the power to decide how you and I and everyone else live our lives, these executives ensure that they can help us little people live the best lives possible.
Kotaku: You're Solid Gold, I'll See You In Hell #gaming #tech #kotaku #houseslippers #brianashcraft #briancrecente #humaninterest #stephentotilo #mikemcwhertor #kirkhamilton #rileymacleod #evannarcisse #markserrels #joeljohnson #peterthiel #hulkhogan #sexorcism #therapy #cecilia #harper #nathan #jason #chris #ethan #gita #ps2
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #houseslippers #brianashcraft #briancrecente #humaninterest #stephentotilo #mikemcwhertor #kirkhamilton #rileymacleod #evannarcisse #markserrels #joeljohnson #peterthiel #hulkhogan #sexorcism #therapy #cecilia #harper #nathan #jason #chris #ethan #gita #ps2