Useless quote for 16 August:
"To my mind, comedy is merely tragedy which has gone wrong, and of course tragedy is merely comedy which has gone wrong."
~ Peter Ustinov, 1992
I think that it's an honorable thing to change your mind occasionally. I don't think it's a sign of weakness or lack of integrity. I believe men are united by their doubts and separated by their convictions. Therefore, it's a very good thing to have doubts. Doubts are the greatest spur to activity that I know of.
-- Peter Ustinov
⬆ #Quotes #PeterUstinov #Doubt
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #LakePowell #SlickRock #Canyon #Utah
#quotes #peterustinov #doubt #photography #panorama #lakepowell #slickrock #canyon #utah
I think that it's an honorable thing to change your mind occasionally. I don't think it's a sign of weakness or lack of integrity. I believe men are united by their doubts and separated by their convictions. Therefore, it's a very good thing to have doubts. Doubts are the greatest spur to activity that I know of.
-- Peter Ustinov
#quotes #peterustinov #doubt #photography #panorama #sunset #florida
"Herr Karadzic, wie er uns bittet, zu glauben, was er gesagt hätte, wenn er gekonnt hätte - und wo wir gerade dabei sind: Haben Sie noch weitere Fragen, die ich dementieren kann?"
letzter Satz aus "Mit besten Grüssen" von #PeterUstinov auf #isbnmaschine
"Plageots gereizte Frage: "Worüber lachen Sie, De Valde?" machte die Sache nur schlimmer."
mittlerer Satz aus "Gott und die staatlichen Eisenbahnen" von #PeterUstinov auf #isbnmaschine
Spartacus (1960)
⭐ Kirk Douglas, Laurence Olivier, Jean Simmons, Charles Laughton, Peter Ustinov, John Gavin
🎥 Anthony Mann
🌍 Municipality of Guadalajara, Taracena, Spain 🇪🇸
#Spartacus #StanleyKubrick #KirkDouglas #AnthonyMann #LaurenceOlivier #JeanSimmons #CharlesLaughton #PeterUstinov #JohnGavin #MunicipalityofGuadalajara #Taracena #Spain
#spartacus #stanleykubrick #kirkdouglas #anthonymann #laurenceolivier #jeansimmons #charleslaughton #peterustinov #johngavin #municipalityofguadalajara #taracena #spain
41 years ago:
Evil Under the Sun (UK)
An opulent beach resort provides a scenic background to this amusing whodunit as Poirot attempts to uncover the nefarious evildoer behind the strangling of a notorious stage star.
#EvilUndertheSun #GuyHamilton #PeterUstinov #JaneBirkin #NicholasClay #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#evilunderthesun #guyhamilton #peterustinov #janebirkin #nicholasclay #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
55 years ago:
Blackbeard's Ghost (US)
The eponymous wraith returns to Earth to aid his descendant, elderly Emily Stowecroft. The villains want to kick Emily and her friends out of their group home so that they can build a crooked casino. Good guy Steve Walker gets caught in the middle of the squabble after evoking Blackbeard's ghost.
#BlackbeardsGhost #RobertStevenson #PeterUstinov #DeanJones #SuzannePleshette #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Film
#blackbeardsghost #robertstevenson #peterustinov #deanjones #suzannepleshette #classicfilm #classicmovies #film
Now it’s the Christmas Holidays!
#DeathOnTheNile #PeterUstinov #AngelaLansbury #ChristmasTV #CrimeDrama #AgathaChristie #ClassicCrime #CrimeFiction #FavouriteMovies #FilmOfTheBook #bookstodon @bookstodon
#bookstodon #filmofthebook #favouritemovies #crimefiction #classiccrime #agathachristie #crimedrama #christmastv #angelalansbury #peterustinov #DeathOnTheNile
The slave Spartacus leads a violent revolt against the decadent Roman Republic.
Spartacus. Stanley Kubrick. 1960.
#SaturdayofAdventure #action #Spartacus #StanleyKubrick #KirkDouglas #classicmovie #TonyCurtis #drama #LaurenceOlivier #motionpicture #PeterUstinov #photography #CharlesLaughton #movie #Roma #slavery #biographical #history #epicmovie #adventures #adaptation #HowardFast
#saturdayofadventure #action #spartacus #stanleykubrick #kirkdouglas #classicmovie #tonycurtis #drama #laurenceolivier #motionpicture #peterustinov #photography #charleslaughton #movie #roma #slavery #biographical #history #epicmovie #adventures #adaptation #howardfast
"George ließ Bill stehen, der ihm durch das Fenster des Restaurants nachschaute, und nach einem kurzen Besuch in der Bank kaufte er einen Blumenstrauß und [...]"
letzter Satz aus "Gott und die staatlichen Eisenbahnen" von #PeterUstinov auf #isbnmaschine
New today at my #eBay store, #1stEdition copies of #PeterUstinov's first two novels, 1960's #TheLoser and 1971's #Krumnagel. Just $30 for both! Wow, what a deal!
#ebay #1stedition #peterustinov #theloser #krumnagel
It is our responsibilities, not ourselves, that we should take seriously